Submissions from 2005
Pushing the Integrated Employment Agenda: Case Study Research in New Hampshire, Jean Winsor, Deborah Metzel, Allison Cohen Hall, John Butterworth, and Dana Scott Gilmore
Research to Practice: Diabetes and Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Services and Outcomes, Jonathan Woodring and Susan Foley
Data Note: Employment Outcomes for People with Diabetes in the Vocational Rehabilitation System, Jonathan Woodring, Susan Foley, and Lauren Miller
Submissions from 2004
Institute Brief: Taking the Mystery Out of Customer Service, Heike Boeltzig, Lora Brugnaro, Cecilia Gandolfo, Amy Gelb, Karen Zimbrich, Lara Enein-Donovan, Cindy Tsui, and Joy Gould
Institute Brief: When Existing Jobs Don't Fit: A Guide to Job Creation, Colleen Condon, Lara Enein-Donovan, Marianne Gilmore, and Melanie Jordan
Tools for Inclusion: Getting the Most from the Public Vocational Rehabilitation System, Colleen Condon, Cecilia Gandolfo, Lora Brugnaro, Cindy Thomas, and Pauline Donnelly
Tools for Inclusion: Moving On to High School: A Tip Sheet for Parents of Children on Individualized Education Plans, Linda Freeman
MassWorks: Massachusetts Launches the Disability Program Navigator Initiative, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Economic Engagement: An Avenue to Employment for Individuals with Disabilities, William Kiernan, John Halliday, and Heike Boeltzig
Research to Practice: The National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers, FY2002-2003, Report 1: Overview of Services and Provider Characteristics, Deborah Metzel, Heike Boeltzig, John Butterworth, and Dana Scott Gilmore
Research to Practice: State Agency Systems Collaboration at the Local Level: Gluing the Puzzle Together, The Staff Perspective, Gabriella Santoro Rado, Doris Hamner, and Susan Foley
Research to Practice: The National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers, FY2002-2003, Report 2: Non-Work Services, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski, Heike Boeltzig, Deborah Metzel, John Butterworth, and Dana Scott Gilmore
Institute Brief: Making Experiential Education Accessible for Students with Disabilities, Cynthia Zafft, Sara Sezun, and Melanie Jordan
Submissions from 2003
Research to Practice: Innovations in Employment Supports: Washington State's Division of Developmental Disabilities, John Butterworth and Allison Cohen Hall
Institute Brief: More Than Just a Job: Person-Centered Career Planning, Colleen Condon, Kristen Fichera, and Danielle Dreilinger
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Focus on Accessibility, Sheila Fesko, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Allison Cohen Hall
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Focus on Co-location, Sheila Fesko, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Allison Cohen Hall
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Focus on Involving Customers with Disabilities, Sheila Fesko, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Allison Cohen Hall
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Focus on Leadership, Sheila Fesko, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Allison Cohen Hall
Research to Practice: High-Performing States in Integrated Employment, Allison Cohen Hall, John Butterworth, Dana Scott Gilmore, and Deborah Metzel
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Focus on Merging Cultures, Allison Cohen Hall, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Sheila Fesko
Tools for Inclusion: Making It Easier to Go to Work: What the Changes at Social Security Mean to You, David Hoff, Elena Varney, and Lisa O'Connor
Policy Brief: The Applicability of the ADA to Personal Assistance Services in the Workplace, Robert Silverstein
Research to Practice: Local Vocational Rehabilitation Interagency Agreements for Employment: Partners, Collaborative Activities, and Impact, Cynthia A. Smith, Deborah S. Metzel, and Bob Schalock
Research to Practice: Medicaid Involvement in Employment-Related Programs- Findings from the National Survey of State Systems and Employment for People with Disabilities, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski, Dana Scott Gilmore, and Susan Foley
Tools for Inclusion: Four Strategies to Find a Good Job: Advice from Job Seekers with Disabilities, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Doris Hamner, and Jennifer Bose
Submissions from 2002
Tools for Inclusion: A Common Path: Navigating Your Way to Successful Negotiations in the Workplace, Kelly Crow and Susan Foley
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Spotlight on Minnesota, Sheila Fesko, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Allison Cohen Hall
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Spotlight on Kentucky, Allison Cohen Hall, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Sheila Fesko
Institute Brief: Achieving Quality Services: A Checklist for Evaluating Your Agency, Doris Hamner, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and David Hoff
Tools for Inclusion: Starting with Me: A Guide to Person-Centered Planning for Job Seekers, Melanie Jordan and Lara Enein-Donovan
From Paper to Action: State-Level Interagency Agreements for Supported Employment of People with Disabilities, Deborah Metzel, Susan M. Foley, and John Butterworth
Policy Brief: Final Regulations Implementing the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (The Ticket to Work Program), Robert Silverstein
Research to Practice: Collaboration Between Medicaid and Other State Agencies- Findings from the National Survey of State Systems and Employment for People with Disabilities, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski, Dana Scott Gilmore, and Susan Foley
Case Studies on the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Spotlight on Maine, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Sheila Fesko, and Allison Cohen Hall
Tools for Inclusion: Evaluating Your Agency and Its Services: A Checklist for Job Seekers with Disabilities, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Melanie Jordan, and David Hoff
Tools for Inclusion: Making Dreams a Reality: Using Personal Networks to Achieve Goals as You Prepare to Leave High School, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Mairead Moloney, Danielle Dreilinger, and Jennifer Schuster
Submissions from 2001
Institute Brief: Developing Interagency Agreements: Four Questions to Consider, John Butterworth, Susan Foley, and Deborah Metzel
Research to Practice: National Day and Employment Service Trends in MR/DD Agencies, Danielle Dreilinger, Dana Scott Gilmore, and John Butterworth
Tools for Inclusion: From Stress to Success: Making Social Security Work for Your Young Adult, Danielle Dreilinger and Jaimie Ciulla Timmons
Research to Practice: Postsecondary Education as a Critical Step Toward Meaningful Employment: Vocational Rehabilitation's Role, Dana Scott Gilmore, Jennifer Bose, and Debra Hart
Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes for People with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, and Epilepsy: An Analysis of Trends from 1985 to 1998, Dana Scott Gilmore, Jennifer Schuster, and John Butterworth
Research to Practice: Effective Customer Service Delivery in Employment Support: Finding a Common Ground Between Guided and Self-Directed Service Delivery, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Research to Practice: The Extent of Consumer-Directed Funding by MR/DD State Agencies in Day and Employment Services, Deborah Metzel
Policy Brief: Provisions in the Final Regulations Governing the State VR Program Describing the Interplay with WIA and TWWIIA, Robert Silverstein
Characteristics of Effective Employment Services: The Consumers’ Perspective, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Jennifer Schuster, Doris Hamner, and Jennifer Bose
Tools for Inclusion: Stories of Success: Using Networking and Mentoring Relationships in Career Planning for Students with Disabilities and Their Families, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Jennifer Schuster, and Mairead Moloney
Submissions from 2000
Tools for Inclusion: One-Stop Centers: A Guide for Job Seekers with Disabilities, Sheila Fesko, David Hoff, and Melanie Jordan
Research to Practice: Work Status Trends for People with Mental Retardation, FY 1985 to FY 1998, Dana Scott Gilmore and John Butterworth
Institute Brief: WIA and One-Stop Centers: Opportunities and Issues for the Disability Community, David Hoff
Research to Practice: Self-Determination and Struggle in the Lives of Adolescents, Mairead Moloney, Jean Whitney-Thomas, and Danielle Dreilinger
A Benefit-Cost Analysis Model for Social Service Agencies, Robert Schalock and John Butterworth
Research to Practice: Building a Future: Working with the Post-High School Expectations of Students & Parents, Jennifer Schuster, Steven Graham, and Mairead Moloney
Policy Brief: The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program and Established Under the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, Robert Silverstein
Research to Practice: Time Limits, Exemption, and Disclosure: TANF Caseworkers and Clients with Disabilities, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and Danielle Dreilinger
Submissions from 1999
Tools for Inclusion: Understanding the SSI Work Incentives, John Butterworth
Research to Practice: The Successes and Struggles of Closing a Facility-Based Employment Service, John Butterworth and Sheila Fesko
Research to Practice: Working It Out: Workplace Experiences of Individuals with HIV and Individuals with Cancer, Sheila Fesko
Tools for Inclusion: Networking: A Consumer Guide to an Effective Job Search, Cecilia Gandolfo
Institute Brief: Quality Employment Services: Will You Know It When You See It?, David Hoff
Institute Brief: Recreation in the Community, Maria Paiewonsky and Susan Tufts
Policy Brief: Provisions in the Workforce Investment Act Describing the Interplay Between Workforce Investment Systems and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs, Robert Silverstein
Tools for Inclusion: Helpful Hints: How to Fill Out a Winning PASS Application, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and Steven Graham
Submissions from 1998
Research to Practice: Employing People with Disabilities: Small Business Concerns and Recommendations, Oce Harrison
Research to Practice: Grant Development and Decision-Making: Comparison of Funding Agencies and Community-Based Minority Organizations, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Tools for Inclusion: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title 1: Employment, Joe Marrone
Research to Practice: Disability Organizations' Perspectives on the Needs of Youth with Disabilities Who Are Runaway or Homeless, David Temelini and Sheila Fesko
Research to Practice: Barriers to Transition Planning for Parents of Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, James P. McIntyre Jr., Jean Whitney-Thomas, John Butterworth, and Deborah Allen
Research to Practice: Building Authentic Visions: How to Support the Focus Person in Person Centered Planning, Jean Whitney-Thomas and Jaimie Ciulla Timmons
Research to Practice: The Most Important Member: Facilitating the Focus Person's Participation in Person Centered Planning, Jean Whitney-Thomas and Jaimie Ciulla Timmons
Tools for Inclusion: The Americans with Disabilities Act: General Overview, Karen Zimbrich
Submissions from 1997
Research to Practice: Responding to the Needs of Youth with Disabilities Who Are Runaway or Homeless, Sheila Fesko and David Temelini
Submissions from 1996
Research to Practice: Trends in Supported Employment: The Experiences of 94 Community Rehabilitation Service Providers from 1986 - 1991, Dana Scott Gilmore and John Butterworth
Research to Practice: Shared Responsibility: Job Search Practices from the Consumer and Staff Perspective, David Temelini and Sheila Fesko
Research to Practice: Multiple Perspectives on Implementing the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992, Jean Whitney-Thomas
Submissions from 1995
Research to Practice: Consumer and Family Perspectives on the Meaning of Work, Sheila Fesko
Submissions from 1994
Institute Brief: Employment Advisory Boards: The Ultimate Community Resource, David Hoff, Margaret Van Gelder, Martine Gold, and Joe Marrone