Submissions from 2011
Tools for Inclusion: The Power of Friendship, Ashley Wolfe, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Jean E. Winsor
Submissions from 2010
State Agency Promising Practice: Maryland - Collaborating to Promote Self-Employment for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Bose and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Massachusetts - Using a Collaborative, Person-Centered Planning Approach to Facilitate Community Employment, Jennifer Bose, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Data Note: Measuring the Outcomes of Job Seekers with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Daria Domin and Alberto Migliore
Employment Activities and Outcomes of College-Based Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Amy Dwyre and Meg Grigal
THINK College: Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Meg Grigal and Debra Hart
THINK College: Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Meg Grigal and Debra Hart
What's the Point? A Reflection About the Purpose and Outcomes of College for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Meg Grigal and Debra Hart
What's the Point? A Reflection About the Purpose and Outcomes of College for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Meg Grigal and Debra Hart
Think College: A Snapshot of Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Across the United States, Meg Grigal, Cate Weir, and Debra Hart
Think College: A Snapshot of Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Across the United States, Meg Grigal, Cate Weir, and Debra Hart
Research to Practice: Vocational Rehabilitation Services Received by Youth with Autism: Are they Associated with an Employment Outcome?, Jaime Lugas, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Frank A. Smith
Data Note: Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Outcomes for Transition-age Youth with Autism and Other Disabilities, Frank A. Smith and Jaime Lugas
In Search of Meaningful Daytimes: Case Studies of Community-Based Nonwork Supports, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski
Spreading a positive message about work, earnings and benefits through peer networking: Findings from the Peer Employment Benefits Network, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski, Rick Kugler, and John Kramer
State Agency Promising Practice: Michigan’s Job Development Incentive, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Submissions from 2009
Institute Brief: Advancing Parent-Professional Leadership: Effective Strategies for Building the Capacity of Parent Advisory Councils in Special Education, Heike Boeltzig, Matthew Kusminsky, Susan M. Foley, Richard Robison, Barbara Popper, and Marilyn Gutierrez-Wilson
State Agency Promising Practice: Pennsylvania’s Employment Newsletter - A Communication Strategy to Promote Employment, Jennifer Bose and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practices: Reaching Target Employment Goals - The Five-year Initiative from Florida’s Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD), Jennifer Bose and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practices: The Maine Employment Curriculum - Delivering Best Practices for Employment Support Professionals, John Butterworth, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Connecticut Showcases Creative Jobs with “Employment Idol”, Monica Cox and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Oklahoma - Contracting with Industry for the Provision of Job Coaching Supports, Monica Cox and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Delaware’s Early Start to Supported Employment Pilot Project, Susanne Freeze and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Oklahoma’s Outcomes-based Rate Setting System, Susanne Freeze, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Delaware’s Early Start to Supported Employment Pilot Project, Suzzanne Freeze and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Social Capital Through Workplace Connections: Opportunities for Workers With Intellectual Disabilities, Allison Cohen Hall and John Kramer
Case Studies: Employment Data Systems: Florida's Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Allison Cohen Hall, Jean Winsor, and John Butterworth
State Agency Promising Practice: Mandatory Situational Assessments in Tennessee, Allison C. Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practices: North Carolina - Using an Outcomes-based Long-Term Vocational Services Funding Model, Allison C. Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practices: Using Employment Data to Create Area-specific Employment Goals in Massachusetts, Allison C. Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Working Together - Collaboration between Colorado’s Developmental Disabilities Division and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Allison C. Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Tools for Inclusion: Disclosure of Disability Information at a One-Stop Career Center: Tips and Guidelines, David Hoff
Data Note: Job Seekers with Disabilities at One-Stop Career Centers: An Examination of Registration for Wagner-Peyser Funded Employment Services from 2002 to 2007, David Hoff and Frank A. Smith
Institute Brief: Access for All Customers: Universal Strategies for One-Stop Career Centers, David Hoff, Elena Varney, Lara Enein-Donovan, Cindy Thomas, and Sheila Fesko
Data Note: Postsecondary Education and Employment Outcomes for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities, Alberto Migliore and John Butterworth
Data Note: Indicators of Labor Market Success for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Frank A. Smith and John Butterworth
Data Note: Work Incentives and SSI Recipients with Intellectual Disabilities, Frank A. Smith and John Butterworth
State Agency Promising Practice: Maine’s Peer- Support Training - Helping People with ID/DD Transition Out of Sheltered Workshops, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Data Note: Patterns of State, County, and Local ID/DD Funding Allocation, Jean E. Winsor
State Agency Promising Practice: Washington - Promoting public sector jobs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Jean Winsor, Allison C. Hall, John Butterworth, Dana Scott Gilmore, and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Community Employment Training by and for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Tennessee, Jean Winsor and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Submissions from 2008
Data Note: Tracking Employment and Day Support Participation and Outcomes in State Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disability Agencies, Samita Bhattarai and Jean E. Winsor
Institute Brief: Effective Career Development Strategies for Young Artists with Disabilities, Heike Boeltzig, Rooshey Hasnain, and Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski
Data Note: WIA Employment Outcomes and Trends, Monica Cox and Frank A. Smith
Data Note: Job Seekers with Disabilities at One-Stop Career Centers: An Overview of Registration for Wagner-Peyser Funded Employment Services, David Hoff and Samita Bhattarai
MassWorks: One-Stop Collaborations: The Key to Expanding Your Workforce Connections, Rick Kugler
Institute Brief: Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Quality Employment Practices, Alan Kurtz and Melanie Jordan
Research to Practice: Comparison of VR Outcomes for Clients with Mental Illness across System Indicators, Joe Marrone, Frank A. Smith, and Susan Foley
Data Note: Employment rates in the general population and VR Rehabilitation rates, Alberto Migliore
Data Note: Timeframe from Application to Closure in Integrated Employment for Vocational Rehabilitation Customers with Developmental Disabilities, Alberto Migliore and Frank A. Smith
Data Note: Persons Served in Community Mental Health Programs and Employment, Frank A. Smith and Samita Bhattarai
State Agency Promising Practice: Wisconsin’s Job Development Mentors Project, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Data Note: State Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Agencies Expenditures for Integrated Employment Services, Jean E. Winsor, Frank A. Smith, and Brooke Dennee-Sommers
State Agency Promising Practice: Washington - Collaborating with a Community College and a Supported-Employment Agency to Facilitate the Transition From High School to Community Employment, Jean Winsor and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Submissions from 2007
Tools for Inclusion: Self-Determination: A Fundamental Ingredient of Employment Support, Lora Brugnaro and Jaimie Ciulla Timmons
Community Rehabilitation Programs and Organizational Change: A Mentor Guide to Increase Customized Employment Outcomes, John Butterworth, Cecelia Gandolfo, W. Grant Revell, and Katherine J. Inge
Data Note: SSI recipients with disabilities who work and participation in 1619b, Brooke Dennee-Sommers and Frank A. Smith
Institute Brief: Increasing Placement Through Professional Networking, Allison Fleming and Diane Loud
State Agency Promising Practice: Integrated Employment Outcomes Through Person-to-Person Technical Assistance: New Hampshire, Allison C. Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practices: Washington State’s Working-Age Adult Policy, Allison C. Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Institute Brief: Minimum Wage Increase: A Guide for Disability Service Providers (UPDATED 2009), David Hoff
Tools for Inclusion: Minimum Wage Increase: What It Means for People with Disabilities (UPDATED 2009), David Hoff
MassWorks: Quality Employment Services: Where Research and Practice Meet, Rick Kugler and Cindy Thomas
Data Note: Disability and Occupation, Frank A. Smith and David Clark
Data Note: Employment Rates for People With and Without Disabilities, Frank A. Smith and Dana Scott Gilmore
Data Note: VR Rehabilitation Rates of People with Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities (MR/DD) in 2005, Frank A. Smith and Alberto Migliore
State Agency Promising Practice: Shifting Resources Away from Sheltered Workshops in Vermont, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Working Together to Convert the Last Sheltered Workshop in Vermont to Individualized Supports, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Data Note: National Day and Employment Service Trends in MR/DD Agencies, Jean E. Winsor and John Butterworth
State Agency Promising Practices: Employment First! Making Integrated Employment the Preferred Outcome in Tennessee, Jean Winsor and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: The Tennessee Employment Consortium (TEC) - A Statewide Collaboration for Change, Jean Winsor and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Submissions from 2006
Research to Practice: The National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers, FY2002-2003 Report 3: Involvement of CRPs in the Ticket to Work and the Workforce Investment Act, Heike Boeltzig, John Butterworth, and Dana Scott Gilmore
Research to Practice: The National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers, FY2004-2005 Report 1: Employment Outcomes of People with Developmental Disabilities in Integrated Employment, Heike Boeltzig, Dana Scott Gilmore, and John Butterworth
Data Note: Relationship Between Integrated Employment and State Unemployment Rates for MR/DD Consumers, Katherine Fichthorn and Dana Scott Gilmore
Data Note: Relationship Between MR/DD Consumers in Integrated Employment and Working SSI Recipients, Katherine Fichthorn and Dana Scott Gilmore
Data Note: Relationship Between SSI Recipients Who Work and State Unemployment Rate, Katherine Fichthorn and Dana Scott Gilmore
Research to Practice: Trends and Emerging Issues Regarding SSA/VR Reimbursements for SSI/SSDI Recipients, John Halliday, Dana Scott Gilmore, and Katherine Fichthorn
Research to Practice: Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Debra Hart, Meg Grigal, Caren Sax, Donna Martinez, and Madeleine Will
MassWorks: Creating Effective Business Partnerships: What Businesses Want Human Service Agencies to Know, Rick Kugler and Cindy Thomas
Policy Brief: Policy Proposals for Improving SSDI, SSI, and Medicaid Work Incentives, Robert Silverstein
Data Note: WIA Employment Outcomes, Frank A. Smith
Data Note: The Relationship Between Supported Employment Status and Minimum Wage for Vocational Rehabilitation Integrated Employment Closures in 2004, Frank A. Smith and Dana Scott Gilmore
Data Note: VR Outcomes for People with Spinal Cord Injury, Frank A. Smith, Dana Scott Gilmore, and John Butterworth
Massachusetts Employment and Disability Snapshot Report, 2000-2005, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski and John Butterworth
Research to Practice: Community-Based Non-Work Services: Findings from the National Survey of Day and Employment Programs for People with Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski, John Butterworth, and Dana Scott Gilmore
Pushing the Integrated Employment Agenda: Case Study Research in Washington State, Jean Winsor, Allison Cohen Hall, John Butterworth, and Dana Scott Gilmore
Submissions from 2005
Case Studies of Local Boards and One-Stop Centers: Tackling Fiscal Issues, Heike Boeltzig and Allison Cohen Hall
Institute Brief: The 30-Day Placement Plan: A Road Map to Employment, Colleen Condon, Amy Gelb, and Joy Gould
Case Studies of Local Boards and One-Stop Centers: Levels of Involvement of State VR Agencies with Other One-Stop Partners, Sheila Fesko and Doris Hamner
Data Note: SSA Work Incentives Enrollment, 1990-2004, Katherine Fichthorn and Dana Scott Gilmore
Research to Practice: Employment Services and Outcomes of People Receiving Welfare Benefits and Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Susan Foley and Jonathan Woodring
Case Studies of Local Boards and One-Stop Centers: Strategies for Maximizing Staff Competence When Supporting Job Seekers with Disabilities in One-Stop Career Centers, Allison Cohen Hall and Sheila Fesko
Case Studies of Local Boards and One-Stop Centers: Underutilization of One-Stops by People with Significant Disabilities, Doris Hamner and Jaimie Ciulla Timmons
Research to Practice: Job Networking in Diverse Communities, Rooshey Hasnain, Jennifer Bose, Joy Gould, and John Butterworth
Data Note: What Do Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Cost?, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
MassWorks: Developing Community Partnerships to Reach Underserved Diverse Populations, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
MassWorks: CommonHealth, Rick Kugler
Recovery with Results, Not Rhetoric, Joseph Marrone and Heike Boeltzig
Case Studies of Local Boards and One-Stop Centers: Creative Involvement of Community-Based Disability Organizations at One-Stop Career Centers, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and Heike Boeltzig
Research to Practice: Innovations in Employment Supports: Colorado's State Division of Developmental Services, Jean E. Winsor, John Butterworth, and Allison Cohen Hall