Submissions from 2014
Current Status of Meaningful Credentials for Students With Intellectual Disabilities Attending TPSID Model Demonstration Programs, Meg Grigal and Frank Smith
Current Status of Meaningful Credentials for Students With Intellectual Disabilities Attending TPSID Model Demonstration Programs, Meg Grigal and Frank Smith
State Agency Promising Practice - Missouri: Using a Regional Technical Assistance Infrastructure to Promote Employment First, Allison Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Effective supervision and career advancement of individuals with IDD, John Kramer, Jean Winsor, and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Partnerships in Employment: Summary of: Section 1915(c) Home and Community Based Services Waivers and Section 1915(i) State Plan Home and Community Based Services, Cady Landa and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Promoting Access to Postsecondary Education for Low-Income Students With Disabilities, Joseph Madaus, Meg Grigal, and Carolyn Hughes
Promoting Access to Postsecondary Education for Low-Income Students With Disabilities, Joseph Madaus, Meg Grigal, and Carolyn Hughes
Data Note: Are Young Adults With Intellectual Disabilities Getting Work Experiences from Participating in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program?, Alberto Migliore and Jean Winsor
Credential Development in Inclusive Higher Education Programs Serving Students with ID, Judy Shanley, Cate Weir, and Meg Grigal
Credential Development in Inclusive Higher Education Programs Serving Students with ID, Judy Shanley, Cate Weir, and Meg Grigal
Service Provider Promising Practice - Able Opportunities and the Work Independence Network (Washington): Creating an Individual Placement Model Focusing on the Needs of Both Job Seekers and Employers, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Service Provider Promising Practice: Job Squad, Inc. (West Virginia) - A Blog that Conveys the Importance of Community Employment, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Service Provider Promising Practice: LaunchAbility Academy Training Program (Texas) - On-Site Training to Improve Employment Outcomes, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Service Provider Promising Practice: Lending Works from Progressive Employment Concepts (California) - Helping Business Owners Find Start-Up Capital, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Service Provider Promising Practices: LCS in Wisconsin - An Organizational Investment in Capacity-Building and Staff Training, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Service Provider Promising Practice - Via of the Lehigh Valley (Pennsylvania): Partnership with Local Schools to Provide Customized Employment, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Service Provider Promising Practice - Work Inc. (Massachusetts): Using Data to Track Job Development Activities During Organizational Change, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Oregon’s Keys for Case Managers Initiative - Ensuring Case Manager Technical Capacity, Investment, and Engagement in Employment First, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Wisconsin’s Community Conversations - Building a Youth Employment Coalition Through Structured Opportunities to Communicate, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Data Note: State Intellectual and Developmental Disability Agencies' Service Trends, Jean Winsor
Data Note: Vocational Rehabilitation Closure Trends for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Snapshot of Five U.S. Territories, Jean Winsor and Daria Domin
Submissions from 2013
Program Profiles and Promising Practices in Higher Education for Students with Intellectual Disability, Molly Boyle, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Cate Weir
Case Studies of Emerging/Innovative Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Practices in Improving Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Robert Burns, Kelly Haines, Elizabeth Porter, Heike Boeltzig-Brown, and Susan Foley
StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes, 2012, John Butterworth, Allison Cohen Hall, Frank A. Smith, Alberto Migliore, Jean Winsor, Daria Domin, and Jennifer Sulewski
StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes, 2013, John Butterworth, Frank A. Smith, Allison Cohen Hall, Alberto Migliore, Jean Winsor, and Daria Domin
Inclusive Concurrent Education Partnership, Aimee D’Avignon; Laura Vanderberg; Felicia Wilczenski; and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston;
The Massachusetts Early Education and Care: Professional Development Study, Anne Douglass, Alice Carter, and Frank Smith
Strategic Directions for transition to adulthood for patients with Spina Bifida, Susan M. Foley PhD
The Vocational Rehabilitation System in Japan, Susan M. Foley PhD
Transition and Postsecondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability: A Pathway to Employment, Meg Grigal and Debra Hart
Transition and Postsecondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability: A Pathway to Employment, Meg Grigal and Debra Hart
Think College National Coordinating Center Annual Report on the Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: FY2011/2012, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, Frank Smith, Daria Domin, and Jennifer Sulewski
Postsecondary Education for People With Intellectual Disability: Current Issues and Critical Challenges, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Cate Weir
Postsecondary Education for People With Intellectual Disability: Current Issues and Critical Challenges, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Cate Weir
Building the Capacity of the Massachusetts Workforce Development System in Massachusetts to Better Serve Individuals with Disabilities, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) - Partnership with Community-based Organizations (CBOs), Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Reciprocity and Social Capital in Sibling Relationships of People with Disabilities, John Kramer, Allison Hall, and Tamar Heller
Institute Brief: Support through Mentorship: Accessible Supervision of Employees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, John Kramer, Ashley Wolfe, and Jean Winsor
Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies Helping People With Psychiatric Disabilities Get Employed: How Far Have We Come? How Far Do We Have to Go?: Case Studies of Promising Practices in Vocational Rehabilitation, Joseph Marrone, Mary Lynn Cala, Kelly Haines, Heike Boeltzig-Brown, and Susan Foley
A state comparison of Vocational Rehabilitation support of youth with intellectual disabilities’ participation in postsecondary education., Alberto Migliore, Meg Grigal, and Debra Hart
Data Note: Employment Trends of Young Adults with Cognitive Disabilities: 2004–2011, Alberto Migliore and Cady Landa
Data Note: State Trends in the Vocational Rehabilitation Engagement of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: 2002-2011, Alberto Migliore and Jean E. Winsor
Data Note: Shifts in VR Outcome Trends for VR Customers With and Without Intellectual Disabilities, Frank A. Smith
School for Global Inclusion and Social Development: Expanding the UMass Boston community on a regional, national, and international level, David Temelini and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Service Provider Promising Practice: KFI in Maine - Making Mission-Driven Choices About Funding and Service Innovation, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Service Provider Promising Practice: New England Business Associates (Massachusetts) - Everyone is Job-Ready, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Supporting Employment First: Assisting states in achieving improved employment outcomes for individuals with intellectual disabilities, Cindy Thomas and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Data Note: People Served in Community Mental Health Programs and Employment, Stephanie Wallace and Frank A. Smith
Data Note: State Intellectual and Developmental Disability Agencies’ Service Trends, Jean Winsor
Partnerships in Employment: Benchmarking Toolkit, Jean Winsor and Alberto Migliore
Submissions from 2012
Northeast Regional Center for Vision Education, Laura Bozeman; Robert McCulley; and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Research to Practice: The 2010–2011 National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers Report 1: Overview of Services, Trends and Provider Characteristics, Daria Domin and John Butterworth
Service Works!: Collaboration between Vocational Rehabilitation and National Service Programs as an Avenue towards Employment for VR Clients, Sheila Fesko; Allison Hall; and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Partnerships that Benefit State Systems, Suzzanne Freeze; John Butterworth; Daria Domin; Allison Hall; Jean Winsor; and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
The New England TACE CENTER Provides Technical Assistance & Continuing Education, Cecelia Gandolfo and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Institute Brief: Effective Training for Employment Consultants: Job Development and Support Strategies, Amy Gelb, Derek Nord, Alberto Migliore, and John Butterworth
The Power of Expectations, Meg Grigal
Transition Education for Adolescents with Intellectual Disability, Meg Grigal and Ann Deschamps
A Program Evaluation Tool for Dual Enrollment Transition Programs, Meg Grigal, Amy Dwyre, Joyce Emmett, and Richard Emmett
A Survey of postsecondary education programs for students with intellectual disabilities in the United States, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Cate Weir
A Survey of postsecondary education programs for students with intellectual disabilities in the United States, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Cate Weir
Description of Supported Employment Practices, Cross-System Partnerships, and Funding Models of Four Types of State Agencies and Community Rehabilitation Providers, Kelly Haines, Joseph Marrone, John Halliday, Michael Tashjian, Martha Klemm, Susan Stoddard, and Susan M. Foley
Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) partners with Community-based Organizations (CBOs), David Helm and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Data Note: Prevalence of Youth with Autism Who Received Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Alberto Migliore and Agnieszka Zalewska
Data Note: What Are the Employment Experiences of Youth with Autism After High School?, Alberto Migliore and Agnieszka Zalewska
OPT4College: An Online Educational Transition Curriculum for Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs, Nerlie Ogilus; Miriam Heyman; Myra Rosen-Reynoso; Susan Foley; Judy Palfrey; and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Think, Hear, See, Believe… College: Developing Protocol with Young Advocates to Prepare and Disseminate Accessible and Usable Information, Maria Paiewonsky and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
College Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Results of a National Survey, Clare K. Papay and Linda Bambara
Funding Health-Related VR Services: The Potential Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Use of Private Health Insurance and Medicaid to Pay for Health-Related VR Services, Robert Silverstein
Data Note: VR Outcome Trends and the Recent Decline in Employment for VR Customers with Intellectual Disabilities, Frank A. Smith, John Butterworth, Daria Domin, and Allison Cohen Hall
Inclusive National and Community Service: Bringing Together Service and Disability Communities, Paula Sotnik, Jewel Bazilio-Bellegarde, George Jesien, Felicia L. Wilczenski, Gayann Brandenburg, Debra Hart, Sheila Fesko, Stephan Hamlin-Smith, and Alice Krueger
The Development and Use of Online Modules for Professional Development in Early Childhood Education, Angi Stone-MacDonald; Anne Douglass; MaryLu Love; and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Indicators for Improving Educational, Employment, and Economic Outcomes for Youth and Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A National Report on Existing Data Sources, Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski, Agnieszka Zalewska, and John Butterworth
Partnering with the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services on Employment-Focused Systems Change, Cindy Thomas; Margaret Van Gelder; John Butterworth; and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Early Literacy Matters, Lisa Van Thiel and Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Data Note: Growth in Community-based Non-work, Jean Winsor and John Butterworth
Data Note: State Intellectual and Developmental Disability Agencies’ Service Trends, Jean E. Winsor
Data Note: Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Outcomes for Transition-Age Youth with Intellectual Disabilities, Agnieszka Zalewska and Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski
Submissions from 2011
Research to Practice: Collaboration between State Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Agencies and State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies: Results of a National Survey, Heike Boeltzig, Jean E. Winsor, and Kelly Haines
State Agency Promising Practice: New Hampshire - Translating Research into a Position Statement About Integrated Employment, Jennifer Bose and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
State Agency Promising Practice: Oregon’s Employment Support Website - Communicating the Employment First Policy, Jennifer Bose and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes, John Butterworth, Allison Cohen Hall, Frank Smith, Alberto Migliore, Jean Winsor, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Daria Domin
Data Note: SSI Recipients Who Work, Daria Domin and Frank A. Smith
A Prelude to Progress: Postsecondary Education and Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Sharon Lewis
Comparing the transition planning, postsecondary education, and employment outcomes of students with intellectual and other disabilities, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Alberto Migliore
Comparing the transition planning, postsecondary education, and employment outcomes of students with intellectual and other disabilities, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Alberto Migliore
Data Note: Examining Collaboration between State Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Agencies and State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Kelly Haines, Heike Boeltzig, and Jean E. Winsor
State Agency Promising Practice: Iowa’s Governance Group: Facilitating Partnerships That Support Integrated Employment, Allison Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Expanding the paradigm: Postsecondary education options for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities, Debra Hart, Meg Grigal, and Cate Weir
Expanding the paradigm: Postsecondary education options for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities, Debra Hart, Meg Grigal, and Cate Weir
Data Note: Job Seekers with Disabilities at One-Stop Career Centers: An Examination of Registration for Wagner-Peyser Funded Employment Services, 2002 to 2009, David Hoff and Frank A. Smith
Research to Practice: Improving Job Development Through Training and Mentorship, Alberto Migliore, John Butterworth, Derek Nord, and Amy Gelb
Data Note: Setting Higher Employment Expectations for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities, Alberto Migliore and Daria Domin
Data Note: Students with Autism: Setting Higher Expectations for Postsecondary Education, Alberto Migliore and Jaime Lugas
State Agency Promising Practice: Nevada’s Regional Forums - Creating a Shared Responsibility for Improving Employment, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Research to Practice: The Influential Role of the Job Developer: Increasing Self-Determination and Family Involvement During the Job Search, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons and Ashley Wolfe
Data Note: Decline in the Provision of Facility-Based Work Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Jean E. Winsor and Alberto Migliore
Data Note: State Intellectual and Developmental Disability Agencies' Funding for Employment Services, Jean E. Winsor and Frank A. Smith
Data Note: State Intellectual and Developmental Disability Agencies' Service Trends, Jean E. Winsor and Frank A. Smith