Track 4: Early Care and Education – Creating a Sustainable Early Care & Education Workforce: Strategies from the Private Sector
Start Date
11-18-2016 3:00 PM
End Date
11-18-2016 4:30 PM
Businesses and employers are increasingly recognizing the role that a strong system of high quality early care and education plays in the strength of the economy as a whole and in their own ability to recruit and retain a skilled workforce. Through workplace policies, legislative advocacy, innovative funding strategies, and other high-visibility tactics, these panelists have found ways to broaden and elevate the conversation about the needs of the early care and education workforce in both the business community and the public realm.
Donna Sams, Partner, Centered Change
Michelle Kang, Vice President, Client Relations, Bright Horizons
Rebecca Copans, Business Liaison, Let’s Grow Kids
Dee Fitzgerald, Marketing / PR Manager, W.S. Badger Company
Sarah Barkhouse, Administrative Coordinator, W.S. Badger Company
Track 4: Early Care and Education – Creating a Sustainable Early Care & Education Workforce: Strategies from the Private Sector
Businesses and employers are increasingly recognizing the role that a strong system of high quality early care and education plays in the strength of the economy as a whole and in their own ability to recruit and retain a skilled workforce. Through workplace policies, legislative advocacy, innovative funding strategies, and other high-visibility tactics, these panelists have found ways to broaden and elevate the conversation about the needs of the early care and education workforce in both the business community and the public realm.
Donna Sams, Partner, Centered Change
Michelle Kang, Vice President, Client Relations, Bright Horizons
Rebecca Copans, Business Liaison, Let’s Grow Kids
Dee Fitzgerald, Marketing / PR Manager, W.S. Badger Company
Sarah Barkhouse, Administrative Coordinator, W.S. Badger Company
Learn more about Conference Tracks and Panels from five different issue areas here: http://scholarworks.umb.edu/newomenspolicyconf/2016-conferencetracksandpanels.pdf.
Breakout Sessions will take place in 5 different locations. You will stay in your session area for both session, coffee breaks will be served at your location.