Track 1: Wages and Income Security – Considerations in Implementing Pay Equity Practices
Start Date
11-18-2016 3:00 PM
End Date
11-18-2016 4:30 PM
For real movement on pay equity, organizations must be willing and able to implement fair pay practices. This panel focuses on real successes and challenges that private, public and non-profit organizations face in implementing pay equity practices, as well as resources and tools that have been developed to assist organizations. Discussion on what works and what doesn’t work will give those looking to implement pay equity practices and proven strategies that can help advance their own efforts.
Latifa Lyles, Director, Women’s Bureau, Department of Labor
Ivy Latimer, Director, Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action, Strategic Diversity Management, CVS Health
Evelyn Murphy, Boston Women’s Workforce Council
Tiffany Bluemle, Director, Change the Story
Track 1: Wages and Income Security – Considerations in Implementing Pay Equity Practices
For real movement on pay equity, organizations must be willing and able to implement fair pay practices. This panel focuses on real successes and challenges that private, public and non-profit organizations face in implementing pay equity practices, as well as resources and tools that have been developed to assist organizations. Discussion on what works and what doesn’t work will give those looking to implement pay equity practices and proven strategies that can help advance their own efforts.
Latifa Lyles, Director, Women’s Bureau, Department of Labor
Ivy Latimer, Director, Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action, Strategic Diversity Management, CVS Health
Evelyn Murphy, Boston Women’s Workforce Council
Tiffany Bluemle, Director, Change the Story
Learn more about Conference Tracks and Panels from five different issue areas here: http://scholarworks.umb.edu/newomenspolicyconf/2016-conferencetracksandpanels.pdf.
Breakout Sessions will take place in 5 different locations. You will stay in your session area for both session, coffee breaks will be served at your location.