Track 4: Early Care and Education – Valuing the Early Care & Education Workforce: Statewide Policy Campaigns
Start Date
11-18-2016 1:00 PM
End Date
11-18-2016 2:30 PM
While some of the most public conversations about early care and education have centered on accessibility and affordability for parents, in many states there are also efforts underway to simultaneously focus attention on the challenging economic situation for the providers, most of whom are paid close to minimum wage and often have few benefits. This panel will present statewide campaigns from Vermont, Massachusetts, and other New England states that are integrating the need for economic justice for providers into the broader discussion of access to high quality, affordable early care and education.
Amy O’Leary, Director, Early Education for All
Robyn Freedner-Maguire, Director, Let’s Grow Kids Vermont
Helene Figueroa, Director of the Family Child Care Team, SEIU Connecticut
Queen Freelove, President, Family Child Care Council
Streaming Media
Track 4: Early Care and Education – Valuing the Early Care & Education Workforce: Statewide Policy Campaigns
While some of the most public conversations about early care and education have centered on accessibility and affordability for parents, in many states there are also efforts underway to simultaneously focus attention on the challenging economic situation for the providers, most of whom are paid close to minimum wage and often have few benefits. This panel will present statewide campaigns from Vermont, Massachusetts, and other New England states that are integrating the need for economic justice for providers into the broader discussion of access to high quality, affordable early care and education.
Amy O’Leary, Director, Early Education for All
Robyn Freedner-Maguire, Director, Let’s Grow Kids Vermont
Helene Figueroa, Director of the Family Child Care Team, SEIU Connecticut
Queen Freelove, President, Family Child Care Council
Learn more about Conference Tracks and Panels from five different issue areas here: http://scholarworks.umb.edu/newomenspolicyconf/2016-conferencetracksandpanels.pdf.
Breakout Sessions will take place in 5 different locations. You will stay in your session area for both session, coffee breaks will be served at your location.