This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access theses is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this thesis through Interlibrary Loan.
Theses from 2017
Targeting the Digestive Gland in the Analysis of 4-Nonylphenol and 17α-Ethinyl Estradiol from the Tissues of Mytilus Edulis L., Brian J. Duphily
Ethnic Differences in Race-Related Stress Among Blacks in the US: Racial Colorblindness as a Potential Moderator, Samantha Duterville
Effect of Observational Cadence on Orbit Determination for Synthetic Near-Earth Objects, Thomas G. Endicott
Social Skills as a Predictor of Peer Relationship Quality for School-Age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Melanie S. Feldman
A Diachronic Archaeology of Piscataway Displacement, 1680-1743, Alex J. Flick
Establishment of Baseline Physical, Chemical, and Biological Stream Conditions at a Passive Cranberry Bog Restoration, Edgar Franck
Household Activities and Areas: A Reanalysis of the John and Priscilla Alden First Home Site, Caroline Gardiner
ram, Kate Glavin
Simulation of a Generation of a Gross-Pitaevskii Breather in a Quench, Jacob Golde
Drinking Motives, Drinking Problems, and Mental Health Symptoms in Sexual Minority Men, Hamish A. Gunn
Psychosocial Profiles of Youth who Acquire a Natural Mentor During a School Year, Matthew A. Hagler
Big Sound, Lisa Hanson
Whether or not 'It Gets Better'…Coping with Parental Heterosexist Rejection, Cara Herbitter
Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Tracing Fuel Use and Landscape Change on the Eastern Pequot Reservation 1740-1850, Kalila Herring
Negotiating Space and Maintaining Place: Time, Materiality, and Lived Experience at Stewart Indian School, Jessica R. Hughston
Hands Pull You Apart, Emily Jaeger
Efficient Music Genre Classification for Real-Time Recommender Systems, Vyom S. Jhaveri
A Light in the Darkness: Constructing a View of Victorian Gynecological Surgery through Examination of Medical Treatises, Mandy M. Jimenez
Surface Plasmon Polariton: Dispersion and Excitation, Rabindra Khadka
Language Subdomains among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Social Skills, Sarah A. Levinson
Plasmonic Enhancement of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) with Periodic and Random Nanostructures, Pavel Markeev
Riot and Resurgence: The Antebellum African American Community of Providence, Rhode Island, Christopher J. Martin
Student Behavior in a Flipped Introductory Undergraduate Biology Course: Online Interaction Patterns and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies, Casey J. McCabe
Rural Goths, David McNamara
Reverend James D. Eaton and Congregationalist Missionary Education in Revolutionary Mexico, Lucas A. Mihalich
Indian, Black, Mustee, and Music: Race, Identity, and Culture in Native Communities During the Age of Whaling, Tara M. Munro
Effects of Tai Chi on Simple and Choice Reaction Time in Older Adults with Chronic Pain, Satoshi Nagae
Digital Learning: Expectation of Contemporary Workforce, Vignesh Natarajan
Discovery of Human Monoclonal Antibodies to Malaria Circumsporozite Protein from Single-Cell Sorted B Cells, Stuart C. Nelson
Relations between Family Demographic Characteristics and Early Intervention Service Receipt after Children's Initial ASD Diagnosis, Thanh Phuong Thi Nguyen
Assessing Risk of Aboveground Storage Tanks to Sea Level Rise and Coastal Inundation along Chelsea Creek– An Application of a Transdisciplinary Framework, Avery P. Palardy
The Visible Planets, Alyson E. Pierce
Expendable: Eight Soldiers From Massachusetts Regiments Executed For Desertion During the United States Civil War, Stephen F. Ragon
Identity Behind Glass: The Second Gore Place Greenhouse, Sean P. Romo
What Factors Affect Magnitude of Stock Repurchase Programs?, Vitaliy Ryabinin
Smoking as a Form of Persistence in a Christian Nipmuc Community, Jessica Ann Rymer
Developing a Closed-Form Expression for the Mutual Admittance of Equivalent Radiating Slots, Steven A. Santos
Languaging at Work: The Language Socialization of Support Staff in the Healthcare Workforce, Kristen E. Schlapp
Extending Bethe Ansatz Solutions to the Non-Crystallographic Reflection Groups H3 and H4, Joseph J. Seaward
Characterization of the Gill and Digestive System Eukaryotic Microbiome (Eukaryome) in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Matthew A. Sederberg
Development of an Advanced Zinc Air Flow Battery System, Jingyu Si
Everything, August Smith
Utopians in Love, Robert Sykora
Understanding the Causes of Unaccompanied Minors Migrating to the US during 2014, Edgar Torres
The Functions of the Type IV P-Type ATPases DRS2 and Phosphatidylserine in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Membrane Development, Dang V. Truong
Systems of Sheep Husbandry at Stóra-Seyla in Northern Iceland, Katherine R. Wagner
Better Homes and Graveyards, Lori Zimmermann
Theses from 2016
Filling in the Details: Perceiving from Low Fidelity Images, Farahnaz Ahmed Wick
How Third Party Online Reviews Influence Automobile Sales, Poorvi Bahety
Exploring Reconstruction in the Territory of New Mexico, Krystle Eugley Beaubrun
'For the Sake of the Salvation of our Souls': An Analysis of Hildegard of Bingen's Authority and Reformist Theology in Relation to the Founding of Mount St. Rupert, Alexandra G. Borkowski
Rebuilding the City on a Hill: The Currents of New England Sectionalism and Liberal Christianity in Garrisonian Abolitionism, Zachary Boutin
Fashioning Identity: An Analysis of Consumption and Production Activity at a Nipmuc Farmstead, Allison K. Carlton
'For the Benefit of Mankind': Franklin Roosevelt's Development of Trusteeship for the Postwar World, Tasnin R. Chowdhury
The Relationship between SMK1, a Non-Canonical Map Kinase, and GIP1, a Meosis Specific Regulatory Subunit of a PP1-Phosphatase in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Stephanie E.J. Cronin
Analysis of Gompertzian Growth in Aggregating Multicellular Tumor Nodules, Gwendolyn A. Deger
Something Worse, Matt Denis
The Validity and Reliability of Borg’s 6-20 RPE Scale among Chinese Mandarin Speaking Young Healthy Adults, Weiyang Ding
Investor Learning and the Abnormal Returns to a Fundamental Signal Strategy, John C. Dorey
Contextualizing Local Biodiversity Change in the Face of Human Impacts, Jillian C. Dunic
Chase Home for Children: Childhood in Progressive New England, Katherine M. Evans
Trends in Marriage and Women's Earnings: Evidence From Administrative Data, Kristie L. Flaherty
Design of a Tapered Dielectric to Plasmon Optical Mode Convertor, Raju Ghimire
Run Aground: Cultural Transformation in Southeastern Massachusetts' Aquatic Spaces, 1637-1711, Jonathan Dennis Green
Getting Drunk and Kissing Strangers, Andrea Gregory
Path Analysis of Hierarchical Drivers On Water Quality in the Charles River Watershed Tributaries, Massachusetts, Laurissa C. Gulich
The Importance of Action: Understanding Characteristics of Social Action Campaigns and Their Impact on Youth's Motivation and Engagement, Jacqueline G. Hargrove
Measured Resistance: A Black Feminist Perspective on the Domestic Reform Movement, Carolyn Horlacher
A New Class of Integrable Two-Mass Mixtures in One-Dimension, Zaijong Hwang
McClung's Book of Sermon Illustrations for the Itinerant Evangelist, Joshua Jones
In Freedom's Cause: An Exploration of Suffragette and Chartist Militancy in Britain, Ashley Kennedy-MacDougall
Image Processing Techniques for Biomedical Applications, Jeffrey La
Umbra, M. Vanessa Larsen
The Behavioral Endocrinology of Cold-Stunned Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles, Lauren I. Laskey
Cloak Island: A Novella, Gemma Leghorn
Querying Deep Neural Networks with Gradients, Henry Z. Lo
Medicare Nursing Home Compare: Issues and Improvements, Stefano Maffina
Security and Foreign Policy of Landlocked States, Samiullah Mahdi
Countdown to Martial Law: The U.S-Philippine Relationship, 1969-1972, Joven G. Maranan
Financial Markets and the American Working Class: An Empirical Investigation of Financial Stress, Michael J. McCormack
Performing Language and Identities: Adult Immigrant Students and the Creation of a Play, Kathleen R. McGovern
Tracking the Flood – Gaining a New Perspective on Flood Management in Boston Using Socio-Hydrology, Zachary G. Mertz
COPPER STATE, Jennifer Ellen Murphy
He was a Camera: Christopher Isherwood, Weimar Germany, and Transationalism in the American Gay Rights Movement, Kristof R. Nelson
Patterns of Parent-Teacher Disagreement on Behavior Problems of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Juliana Neuspiel
'Improvement the Order of the Age': Historic Advertising, Consumer Choice, and Identity in 19th Century Roxbury, Massachusetts, Janice A. Nosal
Synthesis of Fluorinated Compounds by One-Pot Reactions and Asymmetric Organocatalysis, Kenny Pham
Identification of Regulatory Mechanisms that Contribute to Novel Cell Cycle Outcomes During Host-Microbe Symbiosis, Charles T.S. Puerner
Historical Allopatry and Secondary Contact or Primary Intergradation in the Puerto Rican Crested Anole, Anolis Cristatellus, on Vieques Island, Quynh N. Quach
Somewhere Between Exploitation and Partnership: English and Native Alliances Surrounding the Raids on Deerfield and King William’s War, Caitlyn J. Remmes
The Martha's Vineyard Experience: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Diet and the Local Ecology, Richie Roy
Fabrication of Microwave Resonators in Titanium Nitride Using Photolithography, Caleb Ruvich
Invisible Differences: Identity Formation and Intra-group Conflict Among Somali Migrants, Emily L. Schkeryantz
The Barbadoes Family and the Pursuit of African-American Equality in 19th Century America, Robert J. Shaw
Training, Jason Henry Simon-Bierenbaum
Unruly, Elysia L. Smith