This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access theses is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this thesis through resources like Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global or through Interlibrary Loan.
Theses from 2012
Growing Up a Washington: Childhood in 18th-Century Virginia, Heidi Elizabeth Krofft
Sheep and Wool in Nineteenth-Century Falmouth, MA: Examining the Collapse of a Cape Cod Industry, Leo Patrick Ledwell
Inverse Scattering Problems, Reflectionless Potentials, and Solitons, Louis Lesly Leonard
Investigating the Role of an Understudied North Atlantic Right Whale Habitat: Right Whale Movement, Ecology, and Distribution in Jeffreys Ledge, Kathryn Longley
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Responsiveness to Infant Distress: Contingency Analyses of Home Mother-Infant Interactions at 3 Months, Fernanda Lucchese
Parental Well-Being within the Marital Subsytem: A Study of Mother-Father Dyads Raising Young Children with Autism, Frances de Lourdes Martinez-Pedraza
Flummydiddles, Molly Anne McGuire
Maternal Responsibility: An Examination of the Relationship between Mothers and Daughters in Maria: The Wrongs of Women, Zofloya, and Jane Eyre, Keriann McLaughlin
Centrality Measures in Social Networks, Michele Moreau
Free To Move, Jessica Moreland
Averaging Projected Stochastic Gradient Descent for Large Scale Square Problem, Yang Mu
Error Transparent Hamiltonians: An Ally on the Inside, Seth Noir
Young Children's Perspectives on Parent-Child Relationship Quality as Measured by the Berkeley Puppet Interview: Associations with Behavioral Adjustment, Marisa Murphy O'Boyle
Physical and Biological Assessment of the Eel River Headwaters Restoration Site in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Kevin Michael O'Brion
Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics During the Snowmelt Period in a Small Urban Watershed, Jaclyn L. O'Riley
Characterizing the Modulation Transfer Functions (MTFs) of Proton and Carbon Radiography Using GEANT4 Monte Carlo Simulations, Michael Alexander Oumano
Union Army Doctrine: The Role of the Artillery During the Campaign for Vicksburg, Stephanie A. Peacock
Species Richness, Distribution and Relative Abundance of Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae) of the Strawberry River, Arkansas, Sujata Poudel
Tear Things Down, Kathleen Raddatz
Analyzing Revenue Sharing and Buyback Contracts: An Experimental Study, Chinthana Ramaswamy
Early Childhood Adversity and Risk for Psychotic Disorder in Adulthood, Anne G. Remington
Firearms Curation in Late Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth Century Maritime Contexts: A Comparative Study, Edward John Rodley
Bones in the Landfill: A Zooarchaeological Study from Faneuil Hall, Linda M. Santoro
Using SaltWBM to Quantify Long-Term Environmental Impacts of Current Agricultural, Karen Simpson
The Neuropsychological Functioning of Older Adults Pre- and Post-Cognitive Training with a Brain Plasticity-Based Computerized Training Program, Shannon M. Sorenson
Examining the Relation between Sensory Sensitivity and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders as Moderated by Language Acquisition, Timothy W. Soto
Fathers and Sons, Christopher Sullivan
"She of Gentle Manners": An Examination of the Widow Pomeroy's Table and Tea Wares and the Emerging Domestic Sphere in Kinderhook, New York, Megan E. Sullivan
Not So Fast, Rad Evan Thie
Development of Multifunctional Anti-Alzheimer's Compounds, Rekha Tulsan
Botticelli's La Primavera: Painting the Cosmos of Human Ideals, Leatha Eleni Tzioumis
U.S. Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era, Kyle R. Vale
Mining For High Complexity Regions Using Entropy and Box-Counting Dimension Quadtrees, Roseanne Vetro
Women Under National Socialism: The Case Study of Melita Maschmann, Lynda Maureen Willett
Peers: How a Global Economy and Information Technology Have Equalized Power in World Politics, Rachel D. Wolters
Theses from 2011
Design for Participatory Development Planning and Economic Self-Determination in Ileho, Kenya, Cynthia C. Abatt
Investigating Notch and Kurtz Interaction Networks, Sukanya Basu
Alternative Gel Extraction Methods for High Throughput Illumina Sequencing Process, Imane Bourzgui
Children and Spirituality: Understanding the Meaning of Spirituality of Former Street Children in Bolivia, Katia Margarita Canenguez
A Viking Age Political Economy from Soil Core Tephrochronology, Kathryn Anne Catlin
Bladder Cancer Genomics: Mutations, Deletions, and Amplifications, Yvonne Chekaluk
An Emptying Village: Transformations in Architecture and Spatial Organization at Streamstown Village, Co. Galway, Meagan K. Conway
Creating A Community: A Study of Boston's 19th Century African American Population, Kate Ryan Descoteaux
Release of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) by Aurelia Aurita and Mucus Blob Flux, Rachel A. Dicker
Microwave-Assisted and Fluorous Benzaldehyde-Based Synthesis of Heterocycles, Shan Ding
Approach to Typicality in Quantum Systems, Shawn Dubey
The Lasts, Kimberly Duncan-Mooney
Ecological Stoichiometry and Consumer-Driven Nutrient Recycling of Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot 1786) in a Northeastern Coastal Zone Pond, Nicole Marie Fallon
Diplomatic and Military Objectives and Their Impact on Operation Olympic: The Invasion of Kyushu, Japan, November 1st, 1945, John Joseph Favara
A Lonely Road: Loneliness, Death Anxiety, Childhood Punishment, and Attributions of Hostility in a University Population, Melody Joy Blass Fisher
"Ashes Denote that Fire Was": The Poetics of Space in Melville and Dickinson, Kacie M. Fodness
The Effects of Trauma Exposure on Cognitive Functioning in Toddlers, Danielle Forbes
Biodiversity in an Isolated Suburban Reservation: Amphibians in the Middlesex Fells, Matthew William Gage
This Hurt Me More than It Hurts You, Alex Gang
The Debate over Indian Removal in the 1830s, George William Goss
Blackdamp, Michele Lynn Harris
Merely Celestial: A Poetry Collection, William Andrew Hughes
Flint at the Fort: Investigating Raw Material Scarcity and Locations of Lithic Activity at Monhantic Fort, John M. Kelly
Supersymmetric Origins of the Properties of sech-Pulses and sine-Gordon Solitons, Andrew Phillip Koller
The Pure Products of America, Gene Kwak
Captain Pierce's Fight: An Investigation Into a King Philip's War Battle and its Remembrance and Memorialization, Lawrence K. LaCroix
Correcting Decision Outcomes in a Revenue Sharing Contract, Narasimha Durga Venkat Ajay Lamba and Minal Sharma
Do I Contradict Myself?: Self-Reliance and Interdependence in Walden and the Tao Te Ching, Dustin Lee
You Cannot Read This: Bruny Island Stories, Abigail Machson-Carter
Farmstead and Household Archaeology at the Barrett Farm, Concord, Massachusetts, Thomas P. Mailhot
Collision, Kathleen McKenna
"Keep the inmost me behind its veil:" Nathaniel Hawthorne's Manipulation of Boundaries as Lessons in Craft, Molly Mary McLaughlin
The Marketplace of Boston: Macrobotanical Remains from Faneuil Hall, Ciana Faye Meyers
The Impact of Exposure to Family and Community Violence on Children's Adaptive Coping and Mental Health Symptoms among Ethnic Minority Families Living in Poverty, Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad
The Practice Effect: The Relationships among the Frequency of Early Formal Mindfulness Practice, Mindfulness Skills, Worry, and Quality of Life in an Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Lucas Paul Kawika Morgan
The Sharpest Tooth, Shea M.D. Mullaney
Comparative Sequence Analysis of Fatty Acid Desaturase 2 (FAD2) cDNA Sequences from the Compositae [Asteraceae], Paul Ames Muller Jr.
If More Books of This Kind Had Been Read: Engaging Intellectual Culture in Antebellum New Hampshire, Adrienne Marie Naylor
The Implications of Water Insecurity for Fragile and Failing States: The Case of Pakistan, Jennifer Norins
Hekaton, Jonathan William Papas
Image, Power and Landscape: An Examination of the Hampton Court Palace Gardens of Henry VIII, Laurie Ellen Pazzano
Cell Death Trigger Defines Differential Immune Responses from Self-tolerance to Inflammation, Beatriz H. Perez
Urban Consumption in Late 19th-Century Dorchester, Jennifer Poulsen
Prototype Automated Flow-Through Sensor for Measuring Waterborne Microbial Concentrations Using Bulk Fluorescence, Susan M. Savill
One Nation, Two Founding Stories: A Study of Public History at Jamestown and Plymouth, Clara Silverstein Schnee
European Energy Policy: Politics and Problems in the 20th Century, Graham Shove
Dyadic Flexibility during the Face-To-Face Still-Face Paradigm: Analysis of Infant-Caregiver Interactions within a Dynamic Systems Framework Using the State Space Grid Analytic Technique, Akhila Venkatachalam Sravish
Perception of Mental Illness on the University of Massachusetts - Boston Campus, Arthur Robert Stead
Investigation of Oxygen Reduction on the Carbon Gas-Diffusion Electrode in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte, Chris Duc Tran
Identification of TIR-Domain Containing Genes and Proteins in the Moon (Aurelia Aurita) and Comb Jellyfish (Mnemiopsis Leidyi), Christine M. Turcotte
Proteolytic Fragments of Glycoprotein Hormones Show Homologies to Signal and Metabolic Proteins: Are the Peptide Fragments Biologically Active?, Umaben S. Vadher
Here Begins the Account of Worms, Angela C. Voras-Hills
Black Women's Mental Health in Response to Unwanted Sexual Experiences and Spirituality as a Protective Factor, Speshal T. Walker
The Impact of Modern Weathering on the Geochemistry of a Marine Permo-Triassic Boundary Section, Jeremy Christopher Williams
Exploring Alternative Methods to Improve the Detection of Apoptosis in a Solution-Based Assay, Kim Har Wong
Vancomycin-Resistant Bacteria in Recreational Beach Sands, Yang Yang
A Noise-Aware Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Probabilistic Traveling Salesperson Problem with Profits (pTSPP), Bingchun Zhu
Theses from 2010
Foodways, Commensality and Nipmuc Identity: An Analysis of Faunal Remains From Sarah Boston's Farmstead, Grafton, MA, 1790-1840, Amélie Allard
Beckoning the Red Man's Spirit: Exploring the Boundaries of Gender, Race, Sacred and Commercial Spaces at the Wigwam Spiritualist Temple, Onset, Massachusetts, 1880--1913, Bernadine Rose Angelo
Environmentally Benign Oxidative Coupling of Benzylamines with Anilines: A Synthetic and Mechanistic Study, Valentina T. Atanassova