This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access material is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access material is only available to students, faculty and staff with a valid UMass Boston login credential. If you are physically located away from campus, but have a valid UMB login credential, you may select the “Off-Campus UMass Boston Users” link on the item’s record page to login, view and download Campus Access publications. UMB faculty, staff, and students may also request an item through InterLibrary Loan. Those not physically on campus, nor in possession of a valid UMass Boston login credential cannot access Campus Access resources. .
Theses from 2021
A Good Woman Should, Megan Waring
“A Permanent Blemish…in the Centre of the Village": Archaeology and Heritage Tourism on Burial Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Justin A. Warrenfeltz
The Effects of Type II Diabetes on Postural Adaptation During a Visual Search Task in Older Adults, Alexander L. Wolfe
Girls Like Us, Sarah M. Young
EFS: An Efficient, Fast and Scalable Semantic Segmentation Pipeline Using Tensorflow 2, Alexander Zhurkevich
Theses from 2020
The Role of Civil Society in Interethnic Peacebuilding in Afghanistan (2001 to the Present), Ashraf Amiri
Racial Differences in Blood Pressure and Autonomic Recovery Following Acute Maximal Anaerobic Exercise in Women, Nicole Paula Bajdek Emmons
Useful Materials: PXRF Analysis of 17th-Century Flat Glass from Plymouth Colony, Grace E. Bello
Operation Nickel Grass: Richard Nixon and the Yom Kippur War, Luke George Bergquist
Essential Labor: Marginalized People in the American Whaling Industry, Southeastern Massachusetts, Brielle E. Berical
STORM(S), Drew Bevis
Toxicokinetics of Cyanide and its Metabolites, and Related Gene Expression in Marine Fish: Implications Towards Combating Cyanide Fishing Through Detection, John Alexander Bonanno
Modeling the Obscuring Features in Active Galactic Nuclei: an X-Ray Analysis of NGC 1052, Samantha E. Cabral
Selective Electrocatalytic Reduction of Co2 To CO with Iron Nheterocyclic Carbene Complexes and Near-Infrared Absorbance of Ruthenium(II) Photosensitizers Containing a Merocyanine π-Acceptor, Peter Andrew Catsoulis
Unique Syndemic-Related Clusters in a Sample of Sexual Minority Men, Christopher Chiu
Teller and Ben, A Novel, Daniel Elfanbaum
A Dogged Resolve: The Doctrine and Decline of Mormon Plural Marriage, 1841-1890, Jaclyn Thornock Gadd
The Hyde Park Thought Club: Pioneers in the Women’s Club Movement -- A Case Study 1868 – 1902, Patrice A. Gattozzi
Flotsam, Caitlin N. Ghegan
We Are Not Lemons, Chelsey A. Grasso
Looking into Going Back: A Revision of Strangers, Caitlyn M. Griffin
Bilingual Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Language Abilities and Social Communication, Ingrid Hastedt
The Ghosts of Empires Past: The Red Army Faction’s Violent Relationship with Cold War Neo-Imperialism, 1969-1974, Renee Danielle Jean
All This Is Temporary & Other Stories, Hope A. Jordan
Otolith Age Validation and Microchemical Investigation of the Northern Stock f Atlantic Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata), Elise R. Koob
Exploring Different Textures of Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells for Quantitative Fourier Phase Contrast Microscopy, Charlotte Kyeremah
Each Sweet, Julia R. Lattimer
Small Towns and Mining Camps: An Analysis of Chinese Diasporic Communities in 19th-Century Oregon, Jocelyn Lee
Reassessing the Factors that Led to the Evacuation of Japanese in World War Two, Mark S. Lewis
Form, Function, and Context: Lithic Analysis of Flaked Stone Artifacts at a 17th-Century Rural Spanish Estancia (LA 20,000), Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Clint S. Lindsay
Same Stone, Different Outcomes: Marine Communities on Engineered vs. Natural Rock Shores, Lucy Anne Dando Lockwood
Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Phenobarbital on Verbal Abilities in School-Aged Children, Jocelyn M. Lutes
Black Masters; The Ownership of Slaves by Free People of Color in the Antebellum South 1780-1861, Michael O. Magbagbeola
Polystyrene Beads as a Vector from Contamination of Gemfibrozil in the Bay Scallop (Argopecten Irradians), Charles R. Major
Examining the Interrelations Among Trajectories of Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Valued Actions in Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Stephanie Marando-Blanck
Urban Parks Reimagined: Utilizing City Parks for Stormwater Drainage During Flash Flood Events, Stephan A. Maranian
"To Have and Enjoy": Seating in Boston's Early Anglican Churches, 1686-1732, Erica Jill McAvoy
Racial Differences in Arterial Stiffness During Recovery Following Repeated Bouts of Maximal Anaerobic Cycling Exercise in Young Women, Noelle Merchant
Scholars, Spinners and Economies of Scale: Public Education on Exhibit in the Textile Era in New Bedford, Massachusetts, Arthur P. Motta Jr.
Dominant Narratives in the Migratory Discourse of Colombia; An Analysis of the Content of Speech in Local Television News and the Opinions of Colombian Citizens, Jennifer Andrea Moya Castano
Beyond the Big Top: The Legacy of John Ringling and the American Circus, Casey L. Nemec
“Even if it Means Our Battles to Date are Meaningless” The Anime Gundam Wing and Postwar History, Memory, and Identity in Japan, Genevieve R. Peterson
Studying the Effect of a Preformed Protein Corona Around Gold Nanoparticles Used for Immunoassays, Alyssa Jean Pimentel
Assembling Smectic Defects on Curved Geometries, Ryan Preusse
Computerized Dynamic Assessment of Grammar in Second Language Development, Tina S. Randall
Kneeling for Social Justice: Epistemologies of Ignorance, Schemas, and Frames on Twitter, Robert J. Rice
"Full of Light and Fire": John Brown in Springfield, Louis J. Rocco Jr.
Does the Quality of a Reporting Regime Affect the Level of Earnings Management? – An Empirical Study Based on Indian Companies Act, 2013, Hem Vijay Shah
Comfort Food, Sarah A. Shapiro
Limited Viewpoints: The Implementation of Multimodal Constructs in an ELL Model Curriculum Unit, Deborah A. Smith
How Much Does a Memory Weigh, Nicholas Snow
Development of Methods to Examine Electron Glass Models, Eric J. Steele
Accounting for Equity in Climate Adaptation Planning: A Quantitative Assessment of Co-Benefits for Green Infrastructure, Hannah M. Stroud
The Psychogram, Nathaniel M. Sullivan
“We May Have Profitable Commerce And Trade Together”: An Analysis of 17th-Century Ceramics in Plymouth Colony, Elizabeth G. Tarulis
Washed Away: Native American Representation in Oklahoma Museums and High Schools, 2000 – 2020, Catherine E. Thompson
The Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Dynamics in Diet-Induced Obese Mice, James B. Tincknell
Keeper, Christina C. Towers
Unprotected Hex, Nicholas B. Trefonides
Listening to Greater Boston's Climate Change Concerns, Anna I. Valdez
The Thing of It Is, Andria J. Warren
The Occurrence of Compound Events in Rhode Island and their Associated Damage Costs, Erika D. Welch
Domestic Public Opinion on EU Integration and Investment by China in the Western Balkans, Brandon Wilcox
Brother Like That, Jessamyn M.L. Wolff
Small Scale Ironmaking in Viking Age Skagafjörður, North Iceland, Nicholas Zeitlin
Development of Environmentally Benign Reductive Methods through Metal-Al-Water Facilitated Hydrogenolysis, Naranchimeg Zorigt
Theses from 2019
Appraisals of Trust Development within the Therapist-Client Relationship: Impacts on Client Retention in a Hypothetical First Session of Therapy, Lorraine U. Alire
Revelation and Concealment; The Words and World of Omar ibn Said, David Gabriel Babaian
Anabasis Aquilonos: The Interplay of Exemplarity and Scientific Historiography in B.H. Liddell Hart’s A Greater than Napoleon: Scipio Africanus, Daniel T. Barbre
Physical, Chemical, and Biological Assessment of Dam Removal and Land Use Land Cover Affects in the Mill River System, Massachusetts, Delilah M. Bethel
Performance Pedagogy and Skeletal Scripts: Shakespeare in the College English Classroom, Mary Booth
Sparse Statistical Learning Techniques for Analysis of High-Dimentional Gene Expression Data, Mehdi Borji
Comales and Colonialism: An Analysis of Cuisine and Ceramics on a 17th-Century New Mexican Estancia, Adam C. Brinkman
The Language of the Herodians: An Analysis of Herodian Material Culture, Alexander J. D'Amore
Cultures and Comfort: A Study of Personal Adornment at Avery's Rest, Julianne Danna
Ernesto Bodhi, Your Best Isn’t Good Enough, Jose F. Diaz
The Neoliberal State as an Apparatus of Harm: Towards a Decolonial Materialist Feminism in Bolivia, Taylor M. Doherty
Examining Associations Between the Built Environment and Bike Share Use: A Dynamic Spatial Approach, Benjamin G. Ethier
A Heavy Burden: Associations Between Sexual Minority Status, Mental Health, and BMI in Women, Alison E. A. Goldblatt
Daltonien is a Novel Gene that Regulates the Hippo Tumor Suppressor Pathway in the Drosophila Eye, Jessica A. Gosselin
Set in Stone: Recontextualizing the Lithic Assemblage of a Seventeenth-Century Storage Cellar in Charlestown, Massachusetts, Anna M. Greco
Working Memory and Mindfulness in an RCT of ABBT and AR, Anna M. Hall
Exploring the Social and Environmental Conditions of 17th-Century Estancias in New Mexico, Stephanie Hallinan
Racial Microaggression Distress and Depression among Black Americans: Examining the Roles of Racial Identity Importance, Social Support, and Gender, Shannon M. Hughley
The Role of the International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGO) in Humanitarian Intervention – A Case Study of the IFRC Cash Transfer Program in Malawi, Olabode George Igandan
The Tailor RNA-Seq Comparative Analysis Pipeline: A De Novo Disease Biomarker Discovery Workflow that Facilitates High Performance Computing Cluster Use, Andrew S. Judell
Somatic, Shannon L. Kafka
Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy on Google Cloud Platform Using the Inception Framework, Sonica Kalmangi
Human Rights and Justice Rights Approaches to Gender-Based Violence (GBV): The Case of Kenya’s Sexual Offenses Act (KSOA), Maryanne W. Kamunya
Blood Feud, Krisela Karaja
Women's Security and Empowerment in the Context of Forced Displacement: A Case Study of Humanitarian Policies for Syrian Refugee Women in Turkey, Kinga Henryka Karlowska
Exploring Constructive Resilience: A Qualitative Investigation of the Bahá’i Response to Oppression, Mark Kazemzadeh
The Relationship Between Enjoyment and Physical Activity During a Community Based Youth Physical Activity Program, Shelby A. Keye
Land of Plenty: A Short Novel, Alison K. Lanier