Content Posted in 2011
2006 Year in Review: Slow and Steady Does it for 2006, Alan Clayton-Matthews
2007's Housing Market: Not Yet Recovering from Recent Ills, Alan Clayton-Matthews
2010 Massachusetts Recreational Boater Survey: Final Report Submitted to the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, Dan Hellin, Jack Wiggin, Kristin Uiterwyk, Kim Starbuck, Nicholas Napoli, David Terkla, Chris Watson, Anthony Roman, Leona Roach, and Tim Welch
A Benchmark Report On Diversity in State and Local Government, Carol Hardy-Fanta PhD
Access to Educational Opportunities for Latino Students in Four Massachusetts School Districts, Carole C. Upshur, Rodolfo R. Vega, Natalie Carithers, Charles Jones, Dale Lucy-Allen, Tatjana Meschede, and Charles Ndungu
Access to Training for Mature Workers Through One-Stop Career Centers in Massachusetts, Francis G. Caro and Kelly Fitzgerald
A Changing Bridge for Changing Times: The History of the West Boston Bridge, 1793-1907, Dale H. Freeman
A Critical Consideration of Co-Teachers' Interpretation of 21st Century Skills/Global Education, Maura Marlaine Morse
Active Aging: Motives and Barriers, Francis G. Caro, Eilon Caspi, Jeffery Burr, and Jan Mutchler
Active Investing in Strategic Acquirers Using an EVA Style Analysis, James L. Grant and Emery A. Trahan
A Different Path Forward: The Institute for New England Native American Studies at UMass, J. Cedric Woods
Adopted Korean Women: Influences of Becoming a Biological Mother on Racial & Ethnic Identities and Cultural Orientations, Stephanie Carole Day
ADR Characteristics and Performance in International and Global Indexes, Arindam Bandopadhyaya, Lal Chugh, and James L. Grant
Adult Children of Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Memories and Influences, Nga-Wing Anjela Wong, Paul Watanabe, and Michael Liu
Advancing the Fiscal Health of Low-Income Families: A Public and Community Health Approach, Doreen Treacy
African-American Activist Mary Church Terrell and the Brownsville Disturbance, Debra Newman Ham
Aging in Place at Harbor Point: Outreach Follow-Up of Older Adults Living in Independent Mixed-Income Apartments, Judith M. Conahan, Nina M. Silverstein, and Kelly Fitzgerald
"A Good Sized Pot": Early 19th Century Planting Pots from Gore Place, Waltham, Massachusetts, Rita A. DeForest
A Groundhog Day Economy in the Bay State, Alan Clayton-Matthews
A Lonely Road: Loneliness, Death Anxiety, Childhood Punishment, and Attributions of Hostility in a University Population, Melody Joy Blass Fisher
Alternative Job Brokering: Addressing Labor Market Disadvantages, Improving the Temp Experience, and Enhancing Job Opportunities, Françoise Carré; Joaquín Herranz, Jr.; Dorie Seavey; Carlha Vickers; Ashley Aull; and Rebecca Keegan
A Macrobotanical Analysis of Native American Maize Agriculture at the Smith's Point Site, Kelly A. Ferguson
America’s Biggest Low-wage Industry: Continuity and Change in Retail Jobs, Françoise Carré and Chris Tilly
A Model for Relating Environmental Variation to Water Permit Violations at Thermoelectric Facilities, Seth Sheldon
Analysis of Putative ĸB Sites in Arabidopsis Thaliana, Daniel John Trask
Analysis of Retirement Risk within Massachusetts State Agencies and Use of Post-Retirement Contracting as a Workforce Planning Tool, Andrea T. Tull
An Analysis of the Levels and Patterns of Shareholder Rights: 1990 - 2006, Lal Chugh and Joseph W. Meador
An Application for a State Designated, Federally Approved No Discharge Area for Boston Harbor, MA, City of Boston Environment Department; City of Quincy Harbormaster; Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston; and Charles River Watershed Association
Anatomy Of Foreign Aid To Ethiopia: 1960-2003, Adugna Lemi
An End in Itself and a Means to Good Ends: Why Income Equality is Important, Arthur MacEwan
An Examination of Multi-Institutional Networks, Nancy L. Thomas
An Exploratory Survey of the Enrollment Decisions of Parents and Guardians in Four Catholic Urban Elementary Schools, Sheila Lombard Kukstis
An Imperative for Change: Bridging Special and Language Learning Education to Ensure a Free and Appropriate Education in the Least Restrictive Environment for ELLs with Disabilities in Massachusetts, Maria de Lourdes B. Serpa
A Noise-Aware Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Probabilistic Traveling Salesperson Problem with Profits (pTSPP), Bingchun Zhu
An Overview of the Gloves-Off Economy: Workplace Standards at the Bottom of America’s Labor Market, Annette Bernhardt, Heather Boushey, Laura Dresser, and Chris Tilly
Approaching Business and the Environment with Complexity Theory, David L. Levy and Benyamin Lichtenstein
Approach to Typicality in Quantum Systems, Shawn Dubey
A Primer on EVA for Healthcare Providers, James L. Grant
A Programmatic Audit of the Massachusetts Vitamin Litigation Project Final Report, Colleen Manning, Tatjana Meschede, and Elaine Werby
A Qualitative Examination of the Psychosocial Adjustment of Khmer Refugees in Three Massachusetts Communities, Leakhena Nou
Archaeal Diversity and Potential Function in Soil Ecosystems, Emelia Anne DeForce
Archaeological Site Examination, North Yard of the Loring-Greenough House, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, J.N. Leith Smith and Katherine Howlett
Archaeological Site Examination of the Field East of the Grapery/Greenhouse, Drive Circle, Straight Walk, and South Lawn at Gore Place, Waltham, Massachusetts, J.N. Leith Smith, Christa M. Beranek, and John M. Steinberg
A Response to Bruni and Sugden, Julie A. Nelson
A Review of the Literature on Bilingual Education, Lorna Rivera
A Scale-Free Theory of Emergence: Four Sequences of Emergence Within, Of, and Across Organizations, Benyamin B. Lichtenstein
A Seat at the Table? Racial/Ethnic & Gender Diversity on Corporate, Hospital, Education, Cultural & State Boards, Carol Hardy-Fanta PhD and Donna Stewartson
"Ashes Denote that Fire Was": The Poetics of Space in Melville and Dickinson, Kacie M. Fodness
Asian Adoptees and Post-Adoption Services in Massachusetts: Data from Providers and Reflections from Adult Adoptees, Nathan James Bae Kupel
Asian American Nonprofit Organizations in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Chi-Kan Richard Hung
Asian Americans in Metro Boston: Growth, Diversity, and Complexity, Paul Watanabe, Michael Liu, and Shauna Lo
Asian American Voter Registration in Massachusetts: A Preliminary Report on Ten Cities and Towns, Paul Watanabe and Michael Liu
A Song Unto Itself: How Rabindranath Tagore, Ram Gopal Varma and the Supreme Court of India Hear the National Anthem, Ananya Vajpeyi
Assessing Faculty Shortages in Comprehensive Colleges and Universities, Zelda F. Gamson, Dorothy E. Finnegan, and Ted I.K. Youn
Assessing Stakeholder Opinions of Medical Review of Impaired Drivers and Fitness to Drive: Recommendations for Massachusetts, Nina M. Silverstein and Kelli Barton
“As Tough As It Gets”: Women in Boston Politics, 1921-2004, Kristen A. Petersen, Carol Hardy-Fanta PhD, and Karla Armenoff
A Survey of Demographics and Performance in the Hedge Fund Industry, Arindam Bandopadhyaya and James L. Grant
A Survey of Health Services and Identification of Needs for Asian American Elderly Women in the Greater Boston Area, Connie S. Chan and Lin Zhan
A Survey of Schema Matching Research, Roger Blake
A Tale of Two Decades: Changes in Work and Earnings in Massachusetts, 1979–1999, Randy Albelda and Marlene Kim
A Trade-Off Proposal for Funding Long-Term Care, Yung-Ping Chen
A Viking Age Political Economy from Soil Core Tephrochronology, Kathryn Anne Catlin
Back to the Future: The Future of Long-Term Care in Massachusetts, Deborah H. Thomson and John J. Ford
Barriers to the Employment and Work-Place Advancement of Latinos, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Beckoning the Red Man's Spirit: Exploring the Boundaries of Gender, Race, Sacred and Commercial Spaces at the Wigwam Spiritualist Temple, Onset, Massachusetts, 1880--1913, Bernadine Rose Angelo
Beef, Mutton, Pork, and a Taste of Turtle: Zooarchaeology and Nineteenth-Century African American Foodways at the Boston-Higginbotham House, Nantucket, Massachusetts, Michael Andrew Way
Beyond Gender Differences in U.S. Life Cycle Happiness, Enrico A. Macelli and Richard A. Easterlin
Beyond Resiliency: Using Youth Participatory Action Research to Examine Alternative Education and Identity in a High Poverty Town, Susan M. Espinosa
Beyond The Civil Rights Agenda for Blacks: Principles for the Pursuit of Economic and Community Development, James Jennings
Blackdamp, Michele Lynn Harris
Black Women's Mental Health in Response to Unwanted Sexual Experiences and Spirituality as a Protective Factor, Speshal T. Walker
Bond and Stock Market Linkages: The Case of Mexico and Brazil, Arindam Bandopadhyaya
Borrowing Trouble? IV: Subprime Mortgage Refinance Lending in Greater Boston, 2000-2002, Jim Campen
Borrowing Trouble? VI: High-Cost Mortgage Lending in Greater Boston, 2004, Jim Campen
Borrowing Trouble VII: Higher-Cost Mortgage Lending in Boston, Greater Boston, and Massachusetts, 2005, Jim Campen
Borrowing Trouble? V: Subprime Mortgage Lending in Greater Boston, 2000-2003, Jim Campen
Boston, Mandira Kala and Charles Jones
Brazilians in the U.S. and Massachusetts: A Demographic and Economic Profile, Alvaro Lima and Carlos Eduardo Siqueira
Bridges and Barriers to Housing for Chronically Homeless Street Dwellers: The Effects of Medical and Substance Abuse Services on Housing Attainment, Tatjana Meschede
Bridging the Gaps: A Picture of How Work Supports Work in Ten States, Randy Albelda and Heather Boushey
Bridging the Gaps Between Earnings and Basic Needs in Massachusetts, Randy Albelda and Jennifer Shea
Bridging the Gaps Between Earnings and Basic Needs in Massachusetts: Executive Summary and Final Report, Randy Albelda and Jennifer Shea
Bridging the Gaps: Structuring Benefits to Promote Mobility for Low Wage Workers, Randy Albelda and Heather Boushey
Bridging Two Worlds: Professional Service and Service Learning, Deborah Hirsch and Ernest Lynton
Brief 1: Financing International Environmental Governance: Lessons from the United Nations Environment Programme, Maria Ivanova
Brief 2: Overcoming Fragmented Governance: The Case of Climate Change and the MDGs, Oran R. Young
Brokering Up: The Role of Temporary Staffing in Overcoming Labor Market Barriers, Françoise Carré, Brandynn Holgate, Helen Levine, and Mandira Kala
Building Knowledge and Power with The Third Sector in Haifa Israel: A Report of the Learning Exchange Research Project, Donna H. Friedman and Jennifer Cohen
Building Trades Apprentice Training in Massachusetts: An Analysis of Union and Non-Union Programs, 1997-2007, Anneta Argyres and Susan Moir
Call to Action: A Pay Equity Resource Guide, Kacie Kelly
Can We Talk? Feminist Economists in Dialogue with Social Theorists, Julie A. Nelson
Caregiver, Family System, and Environmental Predictors of Child Maltreatment: An Ecological Transactional Approach, Kelly Brooke Graling
Caring for Women: A Profile of the Midwifery Workforce in Massachusetts, Christa M. Kelleher and Dorothy Brewin
Case Study #1 - Weservall University, Sandra Kanter
Case Study #2 - Littleton State University, Sandra Kanter
Case Study #3 - Mystic College, Sandra Kanter
Cell Death Trigger Defines Differential Immune Responses from Self-tolerance to Inflammation, Beatriz H. Perez
Children and Spirituality: Understanding the Meaning of Spirituality of Former Street Children in Bolivia, Katia Margarita Canenguez
Chinese-born Seniors on the Move: Transnational Mobility and Family Life Between the Pearl River Delta and Boston, Massachusetts, Nicole Newendorp
Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs: Relevance for Persons with Dementia, Nina M. Silverstein and Alison S. Gottlieb
City of Gloucester Harbor Plan & Designated Port Area Master Plan, July 2009, Sarah Buck; Greg Ketchen; and Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Class, Class Mobility, and the Consumption of Household Technology in Salem, Massachusetts, 1890-1914, Candace Stephens
Clean Energy in Massachusetts: Already Strong, this Emerging Sector is Poised for Greater Growth, David Levy and David Terkla
Collision, Kathleen McKenna
Coming of Age in Marshfield: A Needs Assessment of Aging Services, Jan Mutchler and Sandra McCoskrie Blanchette
Commentary, Kenneth J. Cooper
Commentary, Kenneth J. Cooper
Community-Based Operations Research: Introduction, Theory and Applications, Michael P. Johnson Jr.
Community Classification and Distribution Patterns of Freshwater Mussels of Strawberry River, Arkansas, Sujata Poudel, David E. Tenenbaum Ph.D, John L. Harris, and Alan D. Christian Ph.D
Community Economic Development and the Latino Experience, Edwin Melendez and Michael A. Stoll
Community Mobility and Dementia: A Review of the Literature, Nina M. Silverstein and Megan Vanderbur
Community Violence as Psychosocial Stressor: The Case of Childhood Asthma in Boston, Gonzalo Bacigalupe, Takeo Fujiwara, Sabrina Selk, and Meghan Woo
Comparative Sequence Analysis of Fatty Acid Desaturase 2 (FAD2) cDNA Sequences from the Compositae [Asteraceae], Paul Ames Muller Jr.
Compatibility Determination: Considerations for Siting Coastal and Ocean Uses (DRAFT), Jack Wiggin, Kristin Uiterwyk, Steve Bliven, Dan Hellin, Fara Courtney, Rich Delaney, Pat Hughes, Tracey Morin Dalton, Stephanie Moura, Nicholas Napoli, and Kim Starbuck
Competitive Strategies in the US Retail Industry: Consequences for Jobs in Food and Consumer Electronics Stores, Françoise Carré, Chris Tilly, and Brandynn Holgate
Concerns and Recommendations on Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 in Boston: Summary of the "Policy Roundtable: Local Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act and its Impact on Latinos and other Communities", Luz Rodriguez, Kevin Whalen, Mary Jo Marion, Rita Lara, and Claudia Green
Conditional Conservatism in Accounting: New Measure and Tests of Determinants, Giorgio Gotti
Consumer Perspectives on Quality in Adult Day Care, Amy Leventhal Stern and Francis G. Caro
Continuity and Change in Low-wage Work in U.S. Retail Trade, Françoise Carré, Chris Tilly, and Brandynn Holgate
Contributors to Trotter Review, Vol. 19, Issue 1
Contributors: Trotter Review, Vol. 18, Issue 1
Coping with Acquired Brain Injury through an Asian American Lens: Interrelationships between Collectivistic Coping and Psychosocial Outcomes, Patricia Happy Lee
Correcting Decision Outcomes in a Revenue Sharing Contract, Narasimha Durga Venkat Ajay Lamba and Minal Sharma
Counting on Care Work: Human Infrastructure in Massachusetts, Randy Albelda, Mignon Duffy, and Nancy Folbre
Couples' Joint Activity and Perceived Relationship Quality: Exploring the Comparative Effects of Joint Community Service vs. Play, Michael J. D. Rollock
Creating A Community: A Study of Boston's 19th Century African American Population, Kate Ryan Descoteaux
Creating a Stable and Healthy Economy: Fresh Views from Emerging Leaders, Patricia Neilson
Cuba, Social Policy at a Crossroads: Maintaining Priorities, Transforming Practice, Miren Uriarte
Cyberspace, Y2K: Giant Robots, Asian Punks, Rachel Rubin
Data Recovery Excavations of the Carriage House, Greenhouse, and Greenhouse/Carriage House Well at Gore Place, Waltham, Massachusetts, J.N. Leith Smith, Christa M. Beranek, John M. Steinberg, Michelle G. Styger, Heidi Krofft, and Rita A. DeForest
Decision Models for Foreclosed Housing Acquisition and Redevelopment: A University of Massachusetts Multi-Campus Collaborative Project - Processes and Findings to Date, Michael P. Johnson Jr., Jeffrey Keisler, Senay Solak, David Turcotte, Rachel B. Drew, Armagan Bayram, and Emily Vidrine
Decision Models for Housing and Community Development, Michael P. Johnson Jr.
Demographic Analysis of Recovery Act Supported Jobs in Massachusetts, Quarters 1 and 2, 2010, David Sparks, Paige Ransford, Carol Hardy-Fanta, Christian Weller, Meryl Thomson, and Robert Turner
Demutualization in the Life Insurance Industry: A Study of Effectiveness, Lal Chugh and Joseph W. Meador
Denison House: Women's Use of Space in the Boston Settlement, Heather Marie Capitanio
Developing an Anti-Racist Stance: How White Youth Understand Structural Racism, Catharine R. Thomann
Developing Performance Indicators to Evaluate the Management Effectiveness of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan, Jack Wiggin, Dan Hellin, Kristin Uiterwyk, Robert E. Bowen, Prassede Vella, John Weber, Stephanie Moura, Nicholas Napoli, Kim Starbuck, and Howard Krum
Developing the Whole Child: An Evaluation of the Latino After‐School Initiative (LASI), Virginia Diez
Diasporic Cultural Citizenship: Negotiate and Create Places and Identities in Their Refugee Migration and Deportation Experiences, Shirley S. Tang
Discontinued SEC Required Disclosures: the Value of Repairs and Maintenance Expenditures using a Variance Decomposition Approach, Bruce K. Behn, Richard Riley, Giorgio Gotti, and Richard C. Brooks
Do Asian Men Face Wage Discrimination in the United States?, Marlene Kim
Documentary Research and Archaeological Investigations at the Waite-Kirby-Potter Site, Westport, Massachusetts, Katharine M. Johnson, Christa M. Beranek, Kathryn A. Catlin, and Laura W. Ng
Does Service-Learning Have a Future?, Edward Zlotkowski
Down But Not Out: The Future of the Financial Services Industry, Arindam Bandopadhyaya, Miranda Detzler, and Mohsin Habib
Driving in Massachusetts: When to Stop and Who Should Decide?, Nina M. Silverstein and Jenai Murtha
Dyadic Flexibility during the Face-To-Face Still-Face Paradigm: Analysis of Infant-Caregiver Interactions within a Dynamic Systems Framework Using the State Space Grid Analytic Technique, Akhila Venkatachalam Sravish
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Currents: The State of the State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Economic Engagement: An Avenue to Employment for Individuals with Disabilities, William Kiernan, John Halliday, and Heike Boeltzig
Economic Writing on the Pressing Problems of the Day: The Roles of Moral Intuition and Methodological Confusion, Julie A. Nelson
Edicts for the Ages, Ananya Vajpeyi
Educational Attainment, Non-English Language Usage, and Ability to Communicate in English in 30 Massachusetts Cities/Towns, Edward C. Besozzi and Carole C. Upshur
Educational Outcomes of English Language Learners in Massachusetts: A Focus on Latino/a Students, Faye Karp and Miren Uriarte
Elder Activities: Patterns, Motives, and Interpretation. Massachusetts Lifestyles Study III, Francis G. Caro, Jeffrey A. Burr, Eilon Caspi, and Jan E. Mutchler
Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Minnesota, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
Elder Economic Security Initiative: The Elder Economic Security Standard for Massachusetts, Laura Henze Russell, Ellen A. Bruce, and Judith M. Conahan
Electrochemical Investigation of Nafion-clay Nanocomposite Membranes for Use in Fuel Cells, Christine E. Felice
Emergency Preparedness: A Manual for Homeless Service Providers, Kelly Tobin and Phyllis Freeman
Emerging Leaders Program Team Projects in Collaboration with Boston World Partnerships: 2009 Agenda/Executive Report, Patricia Neilson
Employee Perspectives of Library and Information Technology Mergers: The Recursiveness of Structure, Culture, and Agency, Sara Bronner Baron
Employee Preferences as a Factor in Pension Participation by Minority Workers, Yung-Ping Chen and Thomas D. Leavitt
Enabling the Asian American Electorate: 2003 Voter Registration in Eleven Massachusetts Cities and Towns, Paul Watanabe and Michael Liu
Endnotes: About Composite Economic Indexes, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Endnotes: New Current and Leading Indexes for Massachusetts, Alan Clayton-Matthews
English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Native Spanish Speakers, Miren Uriarte, Nicole Lavan, Nicole Agusti, and Faye Karp
English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Native Speakers of Cape Verdean Creole, Miren Uriarte, Nicole Lavan, Nicole Agusti, and Faye Karp
English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Native Speakers of Chinese Dialects, Lusa Lo, Nicole Lavan, Faye Karp, and Rosann Tung
English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Native Speakers of Haitian Creole, Miren Uriarte, Cassandra Villari, Nicole Lavan, and Faye Karp
English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Native Speakers of Vietnamese, Mandira Kala, Peter Nien-chu Kiang, Nicole Lavan, and Faye Karp
English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment, Engagement and Academic Outcomes, AY2003-AY2006 FINAL REPORT, Rosann Tung, Miren Uriarte, Virginia Diez, Nicole Lavan, Nicole Agusti, Faye Karp, and Tatjana Meschede
English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment, Engagement and Academic Outcomes of Native Speakers of Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese Dialects, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Vietnamese, Miren Uriarte, Nicole Lavan, Nicole Agusti, Mandira Kala, Faye Karp, Peter Nien-chu Kiang, Lusa Lo, Rosann Tung, and Cassandra Villari
Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Mature Workers Through Training: Case Studies of Employment Services in Massachusetts, Francis G. Caro and Andrea T. Tull
Entertaining, Dining, and Novel Drinking: Rural Gentility and the Reverend John Hancock's Household, Lexington, Massachusetts, 1700-1750, Katie Lynn Kosack
Entrepreneurship as Emergence, Benyamin B. Lichtenstein
Entry-Level Workforce Investment Feasibility Study, Brandynn Holgate and Tressa Stazinski
Environmental and Natural Disasters in Haiti: The Impacts of Failed Policies From 2004 to 2010, James Douby Ralph Eliscar
Environmentally Benign Oxidative Coupling of Benzylamines with Anilines: A Synthetic and Mechanistic Study, Valentina T. Atanassova
Epics and Ethics, Ananya Vajpeyi
Estimating Guard Labor, Arjun Jayadev
Estimating the Required Return In a World of Heightened Uncertainty: Emphasizing the Equity Risk Premium, James L. Grant, James A. Albate, and Chris Rowberry
European Energy Policy: Politics and Problems in the 20th Century, Graham Shove
Evaluation of the Civic Engagement Initiative, 2003-2004, Paul Watanabe, Anne W. Gathuo, Claudia Green, Michael Liu, Mary Jo Marion, and Carmen Vivian Rivera
Evidence of the Lack of Effectiveness of Low-Income Savings Incentives, Julia M. Camp, Teresa Stephenson, and Stacy R. Wade
Evolutionary Patterns in Deep-Sea Mollusks, Elizabeth Ellen Boyle
Expanding Homeownership Opportunity II: The SoftSecond Loan Program, 1991-2006, Jim Campen
Expanding Homeownership Opportunity: The SoftSecond Loan Program, 1991-2003, Jim Campen
Facing Up: Managing Diversity in Challenging Times, Carol Hardy-Fanta and Paige Ransford
Far From the Commonwealth: A Report on Low-Income Asian Americans in Massachusetts, Michael Liu, Thao Tran, and Paul Watanabe
Farmstead and Household Archaeology at the Barrett Farm, Concord, Massachusetts, Thomas P. Mailhot
Film and Television Production in Massachusetts: Industry Overview and Analysis, Pacey C. Foster, David G. Terkla, and Robert Laubacher
Film and Television Production in Massachusetts: The Beginning of Hollywood East?, Pacey C. Foster and David Terkla
Final Report of the Information Technology Subcommittee for the Campus Master Plan, Apurva Mehta, Ramakrishna Ayyagari, Eric Berry, David Cesario, Christine DePalma, Peter Fejer, Meghan Flynn, Kitty Galaitsis, John Jessoe, Lusa Lo, Daniel Ortiz-Zapata, Virginia Perelson, Mike Pollard, Kathleen Polley, and Jamie Soule
Finding the Right Fit: How Alternative Staffing Affects Worker Outcomes, Françoise Carré, Brandynn Holgate, and Helen Levine
Fits & Starts: The Difficult Path for Working Single Parents, Rebecca Loya, Ruth J. Liberman, Randy Albelda, and Elisabeth Babcock
Flint at the Fort: Investigating Raw Material Scarcity and Locations of Lithic Activity at Monhantic Fort, John M. Kelly
Foodways, Commensality and Nipmuc Identity: An Analysis of Faunal Remains From Sarah Boston's Farmstead, Grafton, MA, 1790-1840, Amélie Allard
Foreign-Born Latinos in Massachusetts, Phillip Granberry
Forgotten Migrations from the United States to Hispaniola, Ryan Mann-Hamilton
From A Man Called White: The Autobiography of Walter White: The Atlanta Riot of 1906: A Family at Arms in Self-Defense, Walter White
From In Lincoln’s Shadow: The 1908 Race Riot in Springfield, Illinois, Roberta Senechal
From Paper to Action: State-Level Interagency Agreements for Supported Employment of People with Disabilities, Deborah Metzel, Susan M. Foley, and John Butterworth
From Thurgood, George Stevens Jr.
Front Matter: Trotter Review, Vol. 16, Issue 1
Front Matter: Trotter Review, Vol. 18, Issue 1
Front Matter: Trotter Review, Vol. 19, Issue 1
Fueled by Technology Market Demand, Massachusetts Economic Growth Increases, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Functioning in the Face of Racism and its Uncertainties: The Potential Buffering Role of Values Clarification and Values Consistency in a Black American Sample, Lindsey Michelle West
Fun with Numbers: Disclosing Risk to Individual Investors, Christian A. Weller
Gaming in Massachusetts: Can Casinos bring 'Good Jobs' to the Commonwealth?, Marlene Kim, Susan Moir, and Anneta Argyres
Gay Marriage and the Black Community, a Policy Maker’s Perspective: Interview with State Senator Dianne Wilkerson, Castellano Turner
Gentility and Gender Roles Within the 18th-Century Merchant Class of Newport, Rhode Island, Nicki Hise
Global Governance in the 21st Century: Rethinking the Environmental Pillar, Maria Ivanova
Governance and Corporate Control: Compliments or Substitutes, Atreya Chakraborty
Grandparent Care in the African-American Population, Jan Mutchler, SeungAh Lee, and Lindsey A. Baker
Grandparent Care in the American Indian/ Alaska Native Population, Jan Mutchler, SeungAh Lee, and Lindsey A. Baker
Grandparent Care in the Asian Population, Jan Mutchler, SeungAh Lee, and Lindsey A. Baker
Grandparent Care in the Latino/Hispanic Population, Jan Mutchler, SeungAh Lee, and Lindsey A. Baker
Grandparent Care in the Non-Hispanic White Population, Jan Mutchler, SeungAh Lee, and Lindsey A. Baker
Grandparent Care in the United States: Comparisons by Race and Ethnicity, Jan Mutchler, SeungAh Lee, and Lindsey A. Baker
Greek for Travelers, Apostolos Koutropoulos
Growing Disparities among Greater Boston Communities during the 1990s, David Terkla
“Growing Pains and Challenges”: GrandFamilies House Four-Year Follow-Up Evaluation, Alison S. Gottlieb and Nina M. Silverstein
Halfway-in-Between: A Collection of Interrelated Short Stories, Kevin Collins
Halting the Race to the Bottom: Urgent Interventions for the Improvement of the Education of English Language Learners in Massachusetts and Selected Districts, English Language Learners Sub-Committee, Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Hard Numbers, Hard Times: Homeless Individuals in Massachusetts Emergency Shelters, 1999-2003, Tatjana Meschede, Brian Sokol, and Jennifer Raymond
Hekaton, Jonathan William Papas
Here Begins the Account of Worms, Angela C. Voras-Hills
Her Thirteen Black Soldiers, Archibald H. Grimké
Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes for the Synthesis and Functionalization of N-Heterocycles and Fine Chemicals, Aditya M. Kulkarni
History, Principles, Context, and Approach: The Special Homeless Initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Martha R. Burt
Holding to Basics and Investing for Growth: Cuban Education and the Economic Crisis of the 1990’s, Miren Uriarte
Homosexual and Racial Identity Conflicts and Depression Among African‐American Gay Males, William H. Alexander
Homosexuality and the Black Community, a Church Minister’s Perspective: Interview with Rev. Irene Monroe, Anne W. Gathuo
Homosexuality and the Black Community, a Church Minister’s Perspective: Interview with Rev. Richard Richardson, Castellano Turner
Housing Affordability for Households of Color in Massachusetts, Michael E. Stone
Housing and Community Development, Michael P. Johnson Jr.
Housing Resources Leveraged by the Special Homeless Initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, 1992–2006: Evaluation of the Special Homeless Initiative, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Tatjana Meschede, Helen Levine, and Martha R. Burt
How Risk Management Can Turn into Competitive Advantage, Ehsan Elahi
Human Development and Resources Use in the Coastal Zone: Influences on Human Health, Robert E. Bowen, Anamarija Frankic, and Mary E. Davis
Identification of TIR-Domain Containing Genes and Proteins in the Moon (Aurelia Aurita) and Comb Jellyfish (Mnemiopsis Leidyi), Christine M. Turcotte
If Our Students Fail, We Fail, If They Succeed We Succeed: Case Studies Of Boston Schools Where Latino Students Succeed, Eileen de los Reyes, David Nieto, and Virginia Diez
Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Revitalization: Studies of the Allston Village, East Boston and Fields Corner Neighborhoods in Boston, Ramon Borges-Mendez, Michael Liu, and Paul Watanabe
Immigrant Workers in the Massachusetts Health Care Industry: A Report on Status and Future Prospects, Ramon Borges-Mendez, James Jennings, Donna H. Friedman, Malo Hutson, and Teresa Eliot Roberts
Immigration, Ethnicity, and Marginalization: The Maya K’iche of New Bedford, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce and Gissell Abreu-Rodriguez
IMPACT – Information Management, Public Access, Community Transformation: Final Evaluation Report, Oscar Gutierrez and John McGah
IMPACT – Information Management, Public Access, Community Transformation: Year One Evaluation Report, September 1, 2000 through August 31, 2001, Oscar Gutierrez, John McGah, and Donna H. Friedman
IMPACT – Information Management, Public Access, Community Transformation: Year Two Evaluation Report, September 1, 2001 through August 31, 2002, Oscar Gutierrez and John McGah
Impact of Social Environmental Factors on Re-Hospitalization of Home Healthcare Elderly Patients, Hong Tao
Implementing General Education: Initial Findings, Sandra Kanter, Howard London, and Zelda F. Gamson
Implications of Changing Social Norms for Social Security Benefits: Results of Pilot Research, Francis G. Caro and Yung-Ping Chen
Improving Educational Outcomes of English Language Learners in Schools and Programs in Boston Public Schools, Miren Uriarte, Faye Karp, Laurie Gagnon, Rosann Tung, Sarah Rustan, Jie Chen, Michael Berardino, Pamela Stazesky, Eileen de los Reyes, and Antonieta Bolomey
Incorporation or Symbiosis: Haitians and African Americans in Mattapan, Alix Cantave
Innovation Options and Organizational Capabilities, Jeffrey Keisler and Paul Y. Mang
In Search of Certain Earnings: Applying the ACE Portfolio Concept to Sectors, James L. Grant and Chris Rowberry
In Students' Words: The Development of Student Attitudes toward Mathematics - A Social Perspective, Dianne Kathryn Kelly
Interest and Action: Findings from a Survey of Asian American Attitudes on Immigrants, Immigration, and Activism, Michael Liu, Shauna Lo, and Paul Watanabe
Introduction, Castellano Turner
Introduction, Barbara Lewis
Inverse Operations: A Grade 8 Urban Mathematics Teacher's Response to the Achievement Gap, Kelly Ann Silva
Investigating Notch and Kurtz Interaction Networks, Sukanya Basu
Investigating the Heart of a Community: Archaeological Excavations at the African Meeting House, Boston, Massachusetts, David B. Landon, Teresa Dujnic, Kate Descoteaux, Susan Jacobucci, Darios Felix, Marisa Patalano, Ryan Kennedy, Diana Gallagher, Ashley Peles, Jonathan Patton, Heather Trigg, Allison Bain, and Cheryl LaRoche
Investigation of Oxygen Reduction on the Carbon Gas-Diffusion Electrode in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte, Chris Duc Tran
Issues in Developing a Common Framework on Informal Employment, Françoise Carré and James Heintz
"Keep the inmost me behind its veil:" Nathaniel Hawthorne's Manipulation of Boundaries as Lessons in Craft, Molly Mary McLaughlin
Key Health Issues Facing Latinas, Dharma E. Cortés, Helen Cajigas, and Odilia Bermúdez
'King Prime of Fredonia Lane': An Archaeology of Leadership in Hyde Park, New York's Early Nineteenth-Century African American Community, Trevor Arthur Johnson
Kinship Care in Massachusetts, Jan Mutchler, Alison S. Gottlieb, Lona Choi, and Ellen A. Bruce
Knots of Knowledge: How Community-Based Organizations Advance Social Change, Jennifer Cohen
“Knowledge Utilization” Universities: A Paradigm for Applying Academic Expertise to Social and Environmental Problems, Abraham B. Bernstein
Lao Health and Adjustment in Southern New England Three Decades after the Secret War, Patrick F. Clarkin
Latino Agenda 2000, Leslie Bowen, Lillian Hirales, Mary Jo Marion, Giovanna Negretti, and Andrés Torres
Latino Business Owners In East Boston, Ramon Borges-Mendez, Brandynn Holgate, Carlos Maynard, Robin Reale, and Jennifer Shea
Latino Immigrant Mothers' Experiences and Adapations to Promote Personal and Family Wellness in Response to Increased Anti-Immigrant Climate, Hercilia B. Corona-Ordoñez
Latino Participation in Food Assistance Programs: A Study Conducted for Project Bread, Anny Rivera-Ottenberger and Elaine Werby
Latino Shelter Poverty in Massachusetts, Michael E. Stone
Latinos in Boston, Massachusetts, Charles Jones
Latinos in Boston: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Brockton, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Brockton: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Cambridge, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Cambridge: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Central Falls, Rhode Island, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Chelsea, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Chelsea: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Chicopee, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Danbury, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in East Hartford, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Framingham, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Framingham, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Framingham: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Hartford, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Haverhill, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Holyoke, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Holyoke, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Holyoke: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Lawrence, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Charles Jones
Latinos in Lawrence: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Leominster, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Leominster, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Lowell, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Lowell, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Lowell: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Lynn, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Lynn, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Lynn: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Maine, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Manchester, New Hampshire, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Massachusetts, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Massachusetts, Charles Jones
Latinos in Massachusetts: A Mid-Decade Status Report, Jennifer Shea and Charles Jones
Latinos in Massachusetts: An Update, Andrés Torres and Lisa Chavez
Latinos in Massachusetts: Legal Immigration to New England During the 1990s, Enrico A. Marcelli
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Boston, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Brockton, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Cambridge, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Framingham, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Holyoke, Chicopee, and Easthampton, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Lawrence and Methuen, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Lowell, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Lynn, Nahant, and Saugus, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Malden and Medford, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Salem, Beverly, Marblehead, and Swampscott, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Somerville and Everett, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Springfield, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Worcester, Phillip Granberry and Sarah Rustan
Latinos in Massachusetts: Selected Economic Indicators, Ramon Borges-Mendez, Nicole Lavan, and Charles Jones
Latinos in Meriden, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Methuen, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Nashua, New Hampshire, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in New Bedford, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in New Bedford, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in New Bedford: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in New Britain, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in New Hampshire, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in New Haven, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in New London, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Norwalk, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Providence, Rhode Island, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Revere, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Rhode Island, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Salem, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Somerville, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Somerville, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Somerville: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Springfield, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Springfield, Massachusetts, Charles Jones
Latinos in Springfield: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Stamford, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Waltham, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Waltham, Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Waltham: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Waterbury, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in West Haven, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Willimantic, Connecticut, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, Daniel W. Vasquez
Latinos in Worcester, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latinos in Worcester, Massachusetts, Charles Jones
Latinos in Worcester: Poverty, Income, Education, Employment, and Housing, Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Latino Students and the Massachusetts Public Schools, Miren Uriarte and Lisa Chavez
Latino Students in Boston: An Educational Profile, Miren Uriarte
Latino Students in Chelsea: An Educational Profile, Lorna Rivera
Latino Students in Lawrence: An Educational Profile, Lorna Rivera
Latino Students in Springfield: An Educational Profile, Lorna Rivera
Lawrence, Mandira Kala and Charles Jones
Learning from Consistently High Performing and Improving Schools for English Language Learners in Boston Public Schools, Rosann Tung, Virginia Diez, Laurie Gagnon, Miren Uriarte, Pamela Stazesky, Eileen de los Reyes, and Antonieta Bolomey
Leaving Home Care: Decision Making, Risk Scenarios & Services Gaps in the Home Care System, Jacey J. Vaughan and Nina M. Silverstein
Left Behind: The Persistence of Poverty Through the 1990s, Randy Albelda and Donna H. Friedman
Legal Experiences of Women Survivors of Domestic Violence: A Need for Policies that Address the Justice Gap, Kimberly Ann Puhala
“Let Poetry Be a Sword!”: How DR Nagaraj changed the way we read Gandhi and Ambedkar, Ananya Vajpeyi
Leveraging Biologically-inspired Self-Adaptive Architecture in Network Systems, Paskorn Champrasert
Life at GrandFamilies House: The First Six Months, Alison S. Gottlieb, Nina M. Silverstein, Laney Bruner-Canhoto, and Susan Montgomery
Lifelines for Elders Living on the Edge: How Elder Support Programs Compare to Living Costs. The Elder Economic Standard Index™ for Massachusetts, Laura Henze Russell
Living with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Study of Adult Day Health Services in Massachusetts, Nina M. Silverstein, Cathy M. Wong, and Kristen E. Brueck
Long-run Risk-Adjusted Performance of IPOs in the Life Insurance Industry, Lal Chugh and Joseph W. Meador
Long-Term Care: Informed by Research, Francis G. Caro
Look for Little Growth in the First Half of 2006, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Looking Back and Looking Ahead: Policy Visions from the New Deal and Great Society, Françoise Carré
Loring-Greenough House, North Yard Archaeogeophysics, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, John M. Steinberg, Christa M. Beranek, John Schoenfelder, and Kathryn A. Catlin
Low-Wage Workers Really Feel the Squeeze, Randy Albelda
Managing Exchange Rates, Arindam Bandopadhyaya, Giorgio Gotti, and Qian Lu
MARC Jr. for TechBoston Academy: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Guidance Curriculum for 11th Grade Students in an Urban Setting, Carly Holbrook, Jill Amicangelo, and Laura Hayden
Massachusetts Adult Basic Education and ESOL Distance Learning Programs: How to Assess Student Readiness for Distance Learning?, Berna Kahraman, Amelia Mallona, Donna H. Friedman, and Sarah Kuck Jalbert
Massachusetts’ Clean Energy Cluster, David Levy and David Terkla
Massachusetts’ Home Care Programs and Reasons for Discharge into Nursing Homes, Cathy M. Wong and Nina M. Silverstein
Massachusetts Immigrants by the Numbers: Demographic Characteristics and Economic Footprint, Alan Clayton-Matthews, Faye Karp, and Paul Watanabe
Massachusetts Marine Trades Workforce Assessment 2005, Dan Hellin
Massachusetts NCATE and NAEYC Accredited Bachelor Degree Programs: Responding to Teacher Preparation Needs in the Filed of Early Education and Care, Winifred M. Hagan
Massachusetts Recovery Stronger Than First Thought, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Massachusetts Senior Legal Assistance Project Needs Evaluation: Current Demand for Legal Services, Alison Gottlieb, Lauren A. Martin, and Ellen A. Bruce
Massachusetts State Public Worker Retirees: How Are They Doing?, Ellen A. Bruce and Lauren A. Martin
Massachusetts' System Redesign to End Homelessness: An Overview and Assessment, Donna H. Friedman and Ghazal Zulfiqar
Maturing Subsidized Mortgages: The Next Frontier of the Expiring Use Crisis, Emily Achtenberg
Measures of Investor Sentiment: Who Wins the Horse Race?, Arindam Bandopadhyaya
Measuring Investor Sentiment in Equity Markets, Arindam Bandopadhyaya and Anne Leah Jones
Measuring the Contributions of Motives and Perceived Barriers to Active Aging, Francis G. Caro, Jeffrey A. Burr, Eilon Caspi, and Jan E. Mutchler
Medical Devices: A Stronghold of the Commonwealth's Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Merely Celestial: A Poetry Collection, William Andrew Hughes
Microwave-Assisted and Fluorous Benzaldehyde-Based Synthesis of Heterocycles, Shan Ding
Modest Ministers or Posh Preachers?: A Study of the Personal Adornment Collection of the Hancock-Clarke House, Lexington, Massachusetts, Sarah Ann Stephens
Most Frequently Asked Questions about the Latino Population of Massachusetts, Daniel W. Vasquez
Motivation for Active Aging: Results of a Pilot Study, Francis G. Caro, Laney Bruner-Canhoto, Jeffery Burr, and Jan Mutchler
Moving Far From Far-From-Equilibrium: Opportunity Tension as the Driver of Emergence, Benyamin B. Lichtenstein
Moving Here Saved My Life: The Experience of Formerly Chronically Homeless Women and Men in Quincy's Housing First Projects, Tatjana Meschede
Nantucket & Madaket Harbors Action Plan, Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
National Woes Test Bay State Economy, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Neuropsychological and Personality Predictors of Competence to Stand Trial: A Social Cognitive Perspective, Kristy L. Klein
New Bedford/Fairhaven Municipal Harbor Plan, Fort Point Associates, Inc.; Apex Companies, LLC; Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston; and FXM Associates
New Concepts of Professional Expertise: Liberal Learning as Part of A Career-Oriented Education, Ernest Lynton
Non-Covalent Manipulations of Cyclic Pi Systems for Green Chemistry Transformations, Justin Robert Whitfield
Non-Profit Hospitals Face Structural As Well As Financial Challenges: Lessons from Massachusetts, Eric W. Hayden
North American Business Strategies Towards Climate Change, Charles Jones and David Levy
Now That We Do: Same-sex Couples and Marriage in Massachusetts, a Demographic and Economic Perspective, Randy Albelda, Michael Ash, and M.V. Lee Badgett
Of Milton’s First Disobedience and the Fruit of the Tree: “Ad Patrem” As Prologue to Paradise Lost, C. Macaulay Ward Jr
Older Workers: An Essential Resource for Massachusetts, Peter B. Doeringer; Andrew Sum; David Terkla; and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Blue Ribbon Commission on Older Workers
Old Words, New Worlds: Revisiting the Modernity of Tradition, Ananya Vajpeyi
Oliver Optic 1822-1897, Children's Author, Dale H. Freeman
One Family Scholar Project Evaluation: Executive Summary, Michelle Kahan, Jennifer Raymond, Consuela Greene, and Donna H. Friedman
One Nation, Two Founding Stories: A Study of Public History at Jamestown and Plymouth, Clara Silverstein Schnee
On the Edge: Facing a Challenging and Uncertain Future. Elder Economic Security Standard™ for the Boston Area, Laura Henze Russell, Ellen A. Bruce, and Judith M. Conahan
Opportunity Knocked: The Origins of Contemporary Comprehensive Colleges and Universities, Dorothy E. Finnegan
Oral Histories of the Springfield, Illinois, Riot of 1908, Edith Carpenter, Albert Harris, Nathan L. Cohn, Mattie Hale, and Sharlottie Carr
Partners in Prevention: Community-Wide Homelessness Prevention in Massachusetts and the United States, Donna H. Friedman, John McGah, Julia Tripp, Michelle Kahan, Nicole Witherbee, and Amy Carlin
Patient-provider communication data: linking process and outcomes in oncology care, Lisa Kennedy Sheldon, Fangxin Hong, and Donna L. Berry
Peace in His Time, Ananya Vajpeyi
Perception of Mental Illness on the University of Massachusetts - Boston Campus, Arthur Robert Stead
Phase I Archaeological Intensive Survey of Hassanamesitt Woods Property, Grafton, Massachusetts, Jack Gary, Stephen Mrozowski, and David B. Landon
Physical and Electrochemical Investigation of Hydrogen Storage in Aluminum Hydride Nanofibers and High Surface Area Carbon Materials, Janak P. Kafle
Planning Framework Options for The Massachusetts Ocean Plan (DRAFT), Jack Wiggin, Kristin Uiterwyk, Steve Bliven, Dan Hellin, John Duff, David Terkla, Robert E. Bowen, Andrew A. Rosenberg, Jennie Harrington, Jill H. Swasey, Suzanne Iudicello, Robert O’Boyle, Porter Hoagland, Hauke L. Kite-Powell, Di Jin, Fara Courtney, Rich Delaney, Pat Hughes, Tracey Morin Dalton, Suzanne Goulet Orenstein, Charles N. Ehler, Fannie Douvere, Les Kaufman, Charles T. McCaffrey Jr., Nicholas Napoli, Stephanie Moura, and Kim Starbuck
Plebiscites and the Public Purse: U.S. Experience with Direct Democracy, Arthur A. Goldsmith
Plymouth-Carver Sole Source Aquifer: Regional Open Space Plan, Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Political Contestation in Global Production Networks, David Levy
Political Contributions by Asian Americans: An Analysis of the 2002 Massachusetts Gubernatorial Campaign, Paul Watanabe and Gregory Kim-Ju
Poverty and Health Outcomes Among Hispanics in Massachusetts, Christopher Christian
Poverty in Massachusetts by Age, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in Massachusetts by Education Status: Population 25 Years and Older, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in Massachusetts by Ethnicity, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in Massachusetts by Gender, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in Massachusetts by Household Status, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in Massachusetts by Nativity, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in Massachusetts by Race, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in Massachusetts for Families with Children, Randy Albelda, Ferry Cadet, and Dinghong Mei
Poverty in the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community, Randy Albelda, M.V. Lee Badgett, Alyssa Schneebaum, and Gary J. Gates
Preliminary Report: Evaluating the Potential of Archaeogeophysical Surveying on Viking Age and Medieval Sites in Greenland, 2 – 16 August, 2010, Douglas J. Bolender, John M. Steinberg, Brian N. Damiata, John W. Schoenfelder, and Kathryn Caitlin
Preservation of the Records of The Massachusetts Bay Company, Dale H. Freeman
Preventing Homelessness and Promoting Housing Stability: A Comparative Analysis, Donna H. Friedman, Jennifer Raymond, Kimberly Puhala, Tatjana Meschede, Julia Tripp, and Mandira Kala
Prevention at Work: Homelessness Prevention Initiative (HPI) Interim Evaluation Report, January 2004 through September 2005, Donna H. Friedman, Jennifer Raymond, Consuela Greene, John McGah, Elizabeth Brown, Julia Tripp, and Helen Levine
Profiles of Asian American Subgroups in Massachusetts: Chinese Americans in Massachusetts, Shauna Lo
Profiles of Asian American Subgroups in Massachusetts: Filipino Americans in Massachusetts, Richard Chu
Profiles of Asian American Subgroups in Massachusetts: Korean Americans in Massachusetts, Nathan James Bae Kupel
Program Evaluation of a Community-Based Door-Through-Door Medical Escort Service, Lauren A. Martin
Project Child Health Impact Assessment, Unyi Agba, Kristina Chung, David Diehl, Marisol Olivera, and Yolanda Perez
Promoting Safe Mobility Among Elders by Increasing Awareness of Vehicle Modifications (EXECUTIVE SUMMARY), Elizabeth Van Ranst, Nina M. Silverstein, and Alison S. Gottlieb
Propertius on the Site of Rome, Kenneth S. Rothwell Jr.
Proteolytic Fragments of Glycoprotein Hormones Show Homologies to Signal and Metabolic Proteins: Are the Peptide Fragments Biologically Active?, Umaben S. Vadher
Providing Low-Cost Assistive Equipment Through Home Care Services: The Massachusetts Assistive Equipment Demonstration, Alison S. Gottlieb and Francis G. Caro
Psychosis-Proneness, Mindfulness, and Positive Emotional Experience: Examining Correlational and Causal Relationships, Shannon Marie Erisman
Public-Private Partnerships: Lessons Learned from a Partnership: Consolidated Contractors Company and the Morganti Group Inc. (Ccc/Morganti), Al-Balqa’ Applied University (Bau)/Al-Huson University College (Ahuc) and the Usaid Jordan Economic Development Program, Hussien Al-Wedyan, Terry S. Lane, David Lowther, and Gwen El Sawi
Race and Political Empowerment: The Crisis of Black Leadership, William E. Nelson Jr.
Race, Politics, and Public Housekeeping: Contending Forces in Pauline Hopkins’s Boston, Betsey Klimasmith
Recession Grips the Bay State, Alan Clayton-Matthews
Reconstructing the Chinese American Experience in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1870s–1970s, Shehong Chen
Recovery with Results, Not Rhetoric, Joseph Marrone and Heike Boeltzig
Relational Space: Creating a Context for Innovation in Collaborative Consortia, Hilary Bradbury, Benyamin B. Lichtenstein, John S. Carroll, Peter M. Senge, and Edward H. Powley
Relative Socioeconomic Status and the Probability of Migration: A Study of the Effects of Relative Socioeconomic Status on the Decision to Migrate to the United States, Alexandra Souza Vieira Barker
Release of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) by Aurelia Aurita and Mucus Blob Flux, Rachel A. Dicker
Report On the Archaeological Site Examination of the Entrance Drive, Carriage House, Greenhouse, Vegetable Garden, Flower Garden and Grapery at Gore Place, Waltham, Massachusetts, J.N. Leith Smith and Gregory Dubell
Reproductive Status and Body Condition of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus, in the Gulf of Maine, Jennifer Lane Goldstein
Residential Adjustments of Elders: Perspectives of Elders and their Adult Children, Alison S. Gottlieb, Elizabeth Johns, and Francis G. Caro
Results of Archaeogeophysical Surveying at the Great Friends Meeting House in Newport, Rhode Island, John M. Steinberg, Brian N. Damiata, John W. Schoenfelder, Kathryn A. Catlin, and Christine Campbell
Retaining Young Professionals in Massachusetts, Patricia Neilson
Retirement and High Level Human Capital, Irving Gershenberg
Reviewing and Renewing General Education: A Practical Guide, Janice S. Green
Review of Inge Nielsen, Cultic Theatres and Ritual Drama in American Journal of Archaeology, on-line reviews, Vol. 111.1:, Kenneth S. Rothwell Jr.
Rewarding Faculty Professional Service, KerryAnn O’Meara
Rhode Island Latinos: A Scan of Issues Affecting the Latino Population of Rhode Island, Miren Uriarte, María Estela Carrión, Juan Carlos Gorlier, Charles Jones, Natalie Carithers, and Juan Francisco García
Risk Factors for Driving Cessation Vary by Race and Ethnicity, Elizabeth Dugan, Frank Porell, and Chae Man Lee
Sailing into a Strong Future: The Massachusetts Marine Science and Technology Industry, Clyde Barrow, Rebecca Loveland, and David Terkla
Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, and Colombians: A Scan of Needs of Recent Latin American Immigrants to the Boston Area, Miren Uriarte, Phillip Granberry, Megan Halloran, Susan Kelly, Rob Kramer, Sandra Winkler, Jennifer Murillo, Udaya Wagle, and Randall Wilson
Save The Old South! The Preservation Movement that Saved the Old South Meeting House in Boston, Massachusetts, Jeffrey Paul Robinson
Scholarship Unbound: Assessing Service As Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure Decisions, KerryAnn O’Meara
Schoolyard Improvements and Standardized Test Scores: An Ecological Analysis, Russ Lopez, Richard Campbell, and James Jennings
Sea of Stories, Ananya Vajpeyi
Seniors Count Follow-Up Study, Nina M. Silverstein, Heather Connors, and May Jawad
Seniors in Public Housing, Jan Mutchler and Francis G. Caro
Senior Transportation Abstracts: A Focus on Options, Helen Kerschner and Nina M. Silverstein
Service versus Advocacy? A Comparison of Two Latino Community-Based Organizations in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Glenn Jacobs
Sharing the Costs, Reaping the Benefits: Paid Family and Medical Leave in Massachusetts, Randy Albelda and Alan Clayton-Matthews
Shelter Poverty in Massachusetts, 2000-2007: An Overview, Michael E. Stone
Should Massachusetts Regionalize Public Health?, Eric W. Hayden
Single Mothers and Other Low Earners: Policy Routes to Adequate Wages, Hilda Kahne and Zachary Mabel
Socio-Economic Profile of Brazilian Businesses in Allston-Brighton, Alvaro Lima and Carlos Eduardo Siqueira
Sorting It All Out: Book Review of Delroy Constantine‐Simms’s The Greatest Taboo: Homosexuality in Black Communities, Anne W. Gathuo
Space and Power in the Ivory Tower: Decision Making in Public Higher Education, Sandra McCoskrie Blanchette
SPO71 is Required for Proper Prospore Membrane Size in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Crystal Baker
Spreadsheet-based GIS Models, Roger Blake, Jeffrey Keisler, and Janet Wagner
Springfield, Mandira Kala and Charles Jones
StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes, John Butterworth, Allison Cohen Hall, Frank Smith, Alberto Migliore, Jean Winsor, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, and Daria Domin
States to the Rescue: Policy Options for State Government to Promote Private Sector Retirement Savings, Christian A. Weller and Amy Helburn
Status of Latino Education in Massachusetts: A Report, Nicole Lavan and Miren Uriarte
Stepping Up: Managing Diversity in Challenging Times, Carol Hardy-Fanta
Supersymmetric Origins of the Properties of sech-Pulses and sine-Gordon Solitons, Andrew Phillip Koller
Surviving Against the Odds: Families’ Journeys off Welfare and out of Homelessness, Donna H. Friedman, Tatjana Meschede, and Michelle Hayes
Synthesis and Biological Applications of Heterocyclic and Organofluorine Compounds, Dmitry A. Borkin
Tactical Asset Allocation and Presidential Elections, James L. Grant and Emery A. Trahan
Technology Goes Home Evaluation – Executive Summary, Donna H. Friedman, Michelle Kahan, Tatjana Meschede, and Consuela Greene
The Academic Workplace: Perception versus Reality, Sandra E. Elman
The Boston MPO Planning Process and Low-Income Suburban-to-Suburban Transportation Needs, Phillip Granberry, Michael Landon, and David Terkla
The Brownsville, Texas, Disturbance of 1906 and the Politics of Justice, Garna L. Christian
The Buck Stops Here: Outside Grants and the General Education Process, Sandra Kanter
The Characteristics of Faculty in Comprehensive Institutions, Ted I.K. Youn
The Class Content of Preferences Towards Anti-Inflation and Anti Unemployment Policies, Arjun Jayadev
The Conservation and Habitat Ecology of Antillean Manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in the Drowned Cayes Area of Belize, Central America, Katherine Spencer LaCommare
The Contested Politics of Corporate Governance: The Case of the Global Reporting Initiative, David Levy, Halina Szejnwald Brown, and Martin de Jong
The Debate over Indian Removal in the 1830s, George William Goss
The Demography of Disability and the Effects of Immigrant History: Older Asians in the United States, Jan Mutchler, Archana Prakash, and Jeffery Burr
The Development of Boston's Seaport District: Employment Opportunities and Community Strategies, O. Steven Quimby
The Distribution and Comparative Biogeochemistry of Silver with Other Selected Trace Metals in Coastal Waters near Massachusetts, USA, Christian F. Krahforst
The Dynamics of Income Diversification in Ethiopia: Evidence from Panel data, Adugna Lemi
The Effect of Corporate Governance Regulatory Intervention on Firm Decisions and Market Reactions, the Italian Case, Giorgio Gotti and Stacy R. Wade
The Effect of the Form of Tax Incentives on Individuals’ Savings Decisions, Julia Brennan, David S. Hulse, and Cynthia Vines
The Effects of Childbearing Patterns on the Timing of Retirement, Hsiao-Yin Chung
The Effects of Trauma Exposure on Cognitive Functioning in Toddlers, Danielle Forbes
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Connecticut, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Illinois, Laura Henze Russell and Ellen A. Bruce
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for New Jersey, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for New Mexico, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for New York, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Pennsylvania, Laura Henze Russell and Ellen A. Bruce
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Washington, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for West Virginia, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™ Program: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Wisconsin, Jan E. Mutchler, Alison Gottlieb, Ellen A. Bruce, and Laura Henze Russell
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Colorado, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Iowa, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Elder Economic Security Initiative™: The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index for Michigan, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The ethical balance in defining a collection policy, Elizabeth R. Mock
The Failure of the Free World: Anarchy in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Andy Cerrone
The Fairmount Initiative Quarterly Progress Report: People and Places: Understanding the Processes, Outcomes and Impacts of Interventions of the Fairmount Corridor, Donna H. Friedman
The Feasibility of Establishing the Mosaic Partnerships Program in the City of Boston, Deb DeVenne, Maia Germain, Marsha Inniss-Mitchell, Kyle Reilly, and John Sieracki
The First Two Years of Housing First in Quincy, Massachusetts: "This Place Gives Me Peace, Happiness, and Hope", Tatjana Meschede
The Frank J. Manning Certificate in Gerontology Alumni Survey: 21 Years of Service to Elders, Nina M. Silverstein, Jenai Murtha, Donna Sullivan, and May Jawad
The Greater Boston Region: Industry Mix Affects Growth, David Terkla
The Growing Latino Population of Massachusetts: A Demographic and Economic Portrait, Phillip Granberry and María Idalí Torres
The Health of Latinos in Massachusetts: A Snapshot, Dharma Cortés and Rodolfo R. Vega
The Hedge Fund Explosion: Is the Bang Worth the Buck?, Arindam Bandopadhyaya and James L. Grant
The Houston Mutiny of 1917, Garna L. Christian
The Impact of Exposure to Family and Community Violence on Children's Adaptive Coping and Mental Health Symptoms among Ethnic Minority Families Living in Poverty, Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad
The Impact of Modern Weathering on the Geochemistry of a Marine Permo-Triassic Boundary Section, Jeremy Christopher Williams
The Implications of Water Insecurity for Fragile and Failing States: The Case of Pakistan, Jennifer Norins
The Importance of Metrics and Communication in Cafeteria School Policy, Andre Sanchez and Atreya Chakraborty
The Individual and Shared Meanings Students Make of their Diverse Interactions with African American Faculty: A Phenomenological Study, Kathleen Marie Neville
The Institutional Entrepreneur as Modern Prince: The Strategic Face of Power in Contested Fields, David Levy and Maureen A. Scully
The Institution As A Citizen: How Colleges and Universities Enhance Their Civic Roles, Nancy L. Thomas
The Lasts, Kimberly Duncan-Mooney
The Latino Population in Massachusetts: Selected Economic Indicators, Josiah Lamp and Ramon Borges-Mendez
The Massachusetts Elder Economic Security Initiative, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and Wider Opportunities for Women
The Massachusetts Environmental Industry: Facing the Challenges of Maturity, Betty J. Diener, David Terkla, and Erick Cooke
The Meaning of Poverty: Questions of Distribution and Power, Arthur MacEwan
The Meaning of the Browning of America, Miren Uriarte
The Mission of Metropolitan Universities in the Utilization of Knowledge: A Policy Analysis, Ernest Lynton
"The Most Horrific Tale": Violent Modernity and the Changing South in Faulkner's Sanctuary, Chad Martin Jewett
The NAACP in the Twenty-first Century, Dianne M. Pinderhughes
The NAACP Is Born (excerpts from >The Broadax)
The Pension Factor: Assessing the Role of Defined Benefit Plans in Reducing Elder Hardships, Frank Porell and Beth Almeida
The politics of carbon disclosure as climate governance, Janelle Knox-Hayes and David Levy
The Pure Products of America, Gene Kwak
The Racial History of Juvenile Justice, Geoff K. Ward
The Relationship between Distance to Care and Readmission for Reintervention Following Lower Extremity Arterial Bypass: An Exploratory Study, Kathleen P. Hickson
The Relationship between Racist Experiences and Anxiety in a Black Sample: Moderating Effects of Church-Based Social Support, Jessica Rose Graham
The Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Program: An Exploratory Study, Charles R. Alexandre
The Rise of Asian-Owned Businesses in Massachusetts: Data from the 2002 Economic Census Survey of Business Owners, Michael Liu and Paul Watanabe
The Role of Data in Decision Making about Online Distance Education: A Case Study of Three Community Colleges, William Allan Heineman
The Role of Sulfur in Biomineralization: Argopecten Irradians and the Impact of Ocean Acidification, Bryanna Joy Broadaway
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 And its Effects on American Business, Lara Bergen
The Social and Economic Costs of Employee Misclassification in Construction [Massachusetts Report], Françoise Carré and Randall Wilson
The Social and Economic Costs of Employee Misclassification in the Maine Construction Industry, Françoise Carré and Randall Wilson
The State of Black Boston: A Select Demographic and Community Profile, James Jennings
The State of Latinos and Education in Massachusetts: 2010, Billie Gastic, Melissa Colón, and Andrew Flannery Aguilar
The Status and Needs of Small Businesses Owned and Controlled by Disabled Veterans, Paul R. Camacho
The Status of Black and Hispanic Faculty in Massachusetts Colleges and Universities, Sandra E. Elman
The Status of Faculty Professional Service and Academic Outreach in New England, Sharon Singleton, Cathy Burack, and Deborah Hirsch
The Theory of the Firm, the Theory of Competition and the Transnational Corporation, Janis Kapler
The Unbearable Lightness of the Economics-Made-Fun Genre, Peter Spiegler
The Value of Getting Out: The Impact of School Leaders' International Experiences, Shelley Tinkham
The Value of Refining Buy-up Alternatives for Portfolio Decision Analysis, Jeffrey Keisler
The Vote on Bilingual Education and Latino Identity in Massachusetts, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
The Voting Rights Act and the Election of Nonwhite Officials, Pei-te Lien, Dianne M. Pinderhughes, Carol Hardy-Fanta, and Christine M. Sierra
The “Who,“ “What,” “Where” and “How” of the “Down Low”: A Personally‐Inspired Book Review of Keith Boykin’s Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies and Denial in Black America, William H. Alexander
The Year in Review: 2007 Marks Start of Slowdown, Alan Clayton-Matthews
This Hurt Me More than It Hurts You, Alex Gang
Thompson Island: Learning By Doing, Elizabeth R. Mock, Frank H. White, Marlene Ellin, and Suzanne Heilman
T-Mobile: Strategic Analysis, Apostolos Koutropoulos and Glenn Charbonneau
To care for the "fair female form" : the founding of the Boston Female Asylum, Elizabeth R. Mock
Toward Improved Support for Research on Delivery of Home- and Community-Based Long-Term Care, Francis G. Caro
Town of Salisbury Harbor Plan -- Phase 1, Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
TQM in Higher Education: A Preliminary Look at Ten Boston Area Institutions, David H. Entin
Trajectories of Early Externalizing Behaviors: Their Relation to Second Grade Reading, Sarah Gray
Transformation and Taking Stock: A Summary of Selected Findings from the McCormack Graduate School Diversity Survey, Carol Hardy-Fanta and Paul Watanabe
Transitions at DTA: Homeless Pilot Programs at the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (2003-2005), John McGah and Amy Carlin
Transport and Transformation of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) From Land to Ocean, Wei Huang
Transportation: A Crucial Issue for Adult Day Care in Vermont, Francis G. Caro, Regula H. Robnett, and Jennifer Higgins
Trends in Enrollment and Outcomes for Latino Children in Massachusetts Public Schools, Miren Uriarte and Nicole Lavan
Trotter Review Abstracts – 1990‐2003 (From Trotter Review, Vol. 16, Issue 1)
Unaffordable “Affordable” Housing: Challenging the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Area Median Income, Michael E. Stone
Unattainable Beauty: An Analysis of the Role of Body Shame and Self-Objectification in Hopelessness Depression among College-Age Women, Meredith A. Evans
Uncertainty, Technical Change, and Policy Models, Erin Baker, Leon Clarke, Jeffrey Keisler, and Ekundayo Shittu
Uncharted Territory, Ananya Vajpeyi
Understanding Revictimization: The Impact of Emotion Suppression, Acceptance, and PTSD Symptomatology on Risk Detection Abilities in Sexual Assault Survivors, Heidi M. Barrett-Model
Unfinished Business: Building Equality for Women in the Construction Trades, Susan Moir, Meryl Thomson, and Christa Kelleher
University Reporter - Volume 09, Number 03 - November 2004
University Reporter - Volume 09, Number 04 - December 2004
University Reporter - Volume 09, Number 09 - May 2005
University Reporter - Volume 09, Number 10 - June 2005
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 01 - September 2005
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 02 - October 2005
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 03 - November 2005
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 04 - December 2005
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 05 - January 2006
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 06 - February 2006
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 07 - March 2006
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 08 - April 2006
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 09 - May 2006
University Reporter - Volume 10, Number 10 - June 2006
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 01 - September 2006
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 02 - October 2006
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 03 - November 2006
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 04 - December 2006
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 05 - January 2007
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 06 - February 2007
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 07 - March 2007
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 08 - April 2007
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 09 - May 2007
University Reporter - Volume 11, Number 10 - June 2007
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 01 - September 2007
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 02 - October 2007
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 03 - November 2007
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 04 - December 2007
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 05 - January 2008
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 06 - February 2008
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 07 - March 2008
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 08 - April 2008
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 09 - May 2008
University Reporter - Volume 12, Number 10 - Summer 2008
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 01 - September 2008
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 02 - October 2008
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 03 - November 2008
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 04 - December 2008
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 05 - January 2009
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 06 - Feburary 2009
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 07 - March 2009
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 08 - April 2009
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 09 - May 2009
University Reporter - Volume 13, Number 10 - Summer 2009
Urban Consumption in Late 19th-Century Dorchester, Jennifer Poulsen
U. S. Competitiveness in the Global Financial Services Industry, Lawrence G. Franko
Using Internet‐Based Vignette Methods to Understand Elder Residential Choices, Francis G. Caro, Teck Ho, Daniel McFadden, Alison Gottlieb, Christine Yee, Taizan Chan, and Joachim Winter
Vancomycin-Resistant Bacteria in Recreational Beach Sands, Yang Yang
Veterans in the Fight for Equal Rights: From the Civil War to Today, Ron E. Armstead
Was Carcinus I a Tragic Playwright?, Kenneth S. Rothwell Jr.
Washington Dollars and the Puerto Rican Economy: Amounts, Impacts, Alternatives, Arthur MacEwan and Angel Ruiz
We Could Shape It: Organizing for Asian Pacific American Student Empowerment, Peter Nien-chu Kiang
What We Want to Remember, Jennifer De Leon
When to Consider Synergies In Project Portfolio Decisions, Jeffrey Keisler
Where We Go To School: Latino Students and the Public Schools of Boston, Miren Uriarte, Jie Chen, and Mandira Kala
Who Knew: Financial Crises and Investor Sentiment, Arindam Bandopadhyaya and Derek Truong
Who's in Charge? Appointments of Latinos to Policymaking Offices and Boards in Massachusetts, Carol Hardy-Fanta
Why Equality? How Equality?: The Desirability of a Focus on Income Distribution, Arthur MacEwan
Why it’s Harder (and Different) for Single Mothers: Gender, Motherhood, Labor Markets and Public Work Supports, Randy Albelda
Women in New England Politics, Paige Ransford, Carol Hardy-Fanta, and Anne Marie Cammisa
Worcester, Mandira Kala and Charles Jones
Work-Based Social Support in the United States: Limits and New Possibilities, Heather Boushey and Chris Tilly
Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States, Christopher Wright
Working Across Difference to Build Urban Community, Democracy, and Immigrant Integration, Timothy Sieber and Maria Centeio
Working Alone: Protecting and Building Solidarity in the Workplace of the Future, Charley Richardson
Working Paper: Elders in Massachusetts Prefer Paid Caregivers, Francis G. Caro
You Cannot Read This: Bruny Island Stories, Abigail Machson-Carter
Youth Employment and Unemployment in Developing Countries: Macro Challenges with Micro Perspectives, Berna Kahraman