This collection contains both open access and campus access graduate capstones, made possible through ScholarWorks at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access capstones is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access capstones is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications.


Submissions from 2002

Helping American Businesses Deliver Exemplary Customer Service & Recovering the Costs Associated with Consumer Silence, Celeste Warner

Finding Voice: Turning Fragments into Stories -- Teaching Memoir to Enhance the Journey of the Non-Confident Student, Barbara Wickwire

Submissions from 2001


A Children's Realm: An Experiment Using Life-Sized Manipulatives to Expand Exploring and Learning Opportunities for Children, Robert E. Drake III


Geometry in Action: A Curriculum Unit Utilizing Dynamic Geometry Software to Enhance Students’ Comprehension, Cynthia A. Mignini

A Social Constructivist Approach to Teaching High School Philosophy, Ryan Mott

Structured Preoperative Education for Cataract Surgery Patients: A Creative Teaching Model, Angi Walsh

Submissions from 2000

Education and the Cognitive Development of Creativity, Alfred Alschuler

A Social Constructivist Approach to Content-Based Foreign Language Instruction, Timothy Eagan

Submissions from 1999

Reducing Communication Apprehension to Improve Self-Concept: An Adaptable Public Speaking Curriculum for Secondary School, Elisa Beildeck


Verifying the Teaching of Analogies to Fourth Grade Students, Terese A. Byrne

Empathy and Communication: Educating for Interaction, Lizzie Casanave

A Conceptual Change Approach for Teaching Matter to Sixth Grade Students: Integrating Activities, Experiments, Writing Responses and Verbal Discussion into the Classroom, Karen Cavanaugh Borde

Images of Women in Sport and Media: A Critical Look at Recurring Themes from 1920 to the Present, Petra Farias

Meeting the Cognitive Goals of an Educational Plan for Gifted Second Graders, Christina Fasciana

A Learning Style Approach to Curriculum Design, Ellen Fogarty


Inviting Critical and Creative Thinking into the Classroom, Kelley A. Freeman


Addressing the Inadequacies of Information Available on the Internet: The Prospect for a Technical Solution, Alan I. Goldman

Learning to See in the Dark: The Parameters of Practice Based Dialogue, Alice Harrigan


Critical Thinking Dispositions: The Need for a Balanced Curriculum in Collegiate Critical Thinking Courses, Bayse E. Hendrix


Euthanasia: Understanding Ethical Issues through Role-Play, Setsuko Inoue

The Computer as a Tool: The Metaphor in Educational Settings, Eileen Kestenbaum

Multiculturalism as a Mechanism for Improving Thinking, Rita Poussaint Nethersole


Addressing Gender Equity through Artistic Process, Jane P. Rando

Training Leaders in Higher Education: A Design for a Professional Development Workshop in the Area of Student Affairs, Jennifer Robicheau

Critical and Creative Thinking in Transracial Adoption, Cynthia Sanders


Creative Skating: A Creative Approach to Figure Skating, Elin G. Schran


When There Will Be Great Women Artists, Anne M. Stanton

Cultivating Thinking Dispositions in Middle School Learning Disabled Students: A Unit Plan, Lisa Veldran

Creativity Empowerment for Women: Workshops and Practices for Lifelong Learning and Growth, Catherine M. Weber

Submissions from 1998


Three Theories of Development: A Comparison of Dewey, Kohlberg, and Noddings' Models of Moral Growth, Mark J. Connerty

Creative Thinking in Drawing, Kevin Fay

The Impact and Implications of the New Technologies: Educational Imperatives for a New World of Work, Sherry Lemire

Documenting the Undocumented in Italo-American Female Creativity, Donna Letteriello

A Thinking Woman's Definition of Meaningful Work, Mona Liblanc

A Critical and Creative Thinking Guide to Achieving Success in Coaching, Matt Masiero


Curriculum Unit: Developing Morals and Critical and Creative Thinking Skills through the Novel: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, Tracy O'Brien


Remapping Critical Thinking Theory: A Critique of Richard Paul's Model of Critical Thinking, Lyonel Prime

Productive Aging and the Creative Flow, Victoria Prizzia

Creative Conflict Resolution: Teaching Children Critical and Creative Thinking Skills and Dispositions, Bridget Rosatone (Lucien)

Including Spirituality into Systems of Western Psychology, David Valdez

Transfer of Learning: An Inquiry into the Generalizability of Metacognitive Thinking Strategies, David Zwicker

Submissions from 1997


Critical Thinking and Cedaw: Women's Rights as Human Rights, Nancy L. Adams

Integrating Critical and Creative Thinking into Cartoon Animation for Preschool Children, Edwin Aguiar

Critical Thinking and the Community College, Patricia Allen

Modifying and Integrating Critical Thinking into the Traditional Pedagogy of Saudi Girls' Elementary School, Mashail H. AlShabeeb

The Role of Critical and Creative Thinking in Academic Retention Strategies for College Students, Joyce Atkinson

The Role of Examination Reform as a Catalyst in Directing Education Change in India, Mumtaz Badshah

Critical Thinking Through Manipulatives: A Staff Development Intervention for Middle Grades, Anibal Baez

Emergent Creativity: A Case Study, Kathleen Bertrand

Promoting a Healthier Life-Style by Bridging the 'Life-Times' Gap, Patricia Bertucci

The Quest for Meaning: A Practioner’s Narrative, Varis Blaus

Freeing the Female Voice: Pedagogical and Methodological Changes in One Teacher’s Story, Constance Borab


First Graders Solving Problems, Mary H. Burke


A Structured Approach to Training and Development Programs for Business and Organizational Leaders, Thomas M. Burns


Critical Thinking in the Workplace, Gloria Asselta Cairns


Pond Secrets: Reflections for Thought and Virtue, Franco Carnelli

Assessing Thinking in Middle School Students, Jim Clark

Waldorf Education: Pedagogy in Support of Good Thinking, Ellen Connors


Richard Paul, Gloria Anzaluda, and Mestiza Consciousness: Shifting the Borders of Critical Thinking, Margaret E. Cronin


An Immigration Unit: Appreciation and Tolerance, Linda A. DaCorta

Mathematical Problem Solving: Rationale and Approach for Change, Margaret Doherty


The Leaders of the Future: A Call to Action for Higher Education, Deirdre L. Hennessey


Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning: Teaching Environmental Education in Costa Rica, Craig L. Jackson

Developing the Critical Literacy Web, Brian Keegan

Stepping Stones for Living Creativity: A Holistic Approach to Critical and Creative Thinking, Marie Kenerson

Infusing Thinking Skills into Media Literacy Education: An Education's Practical Workbook, Lale Lewis

Shadows: An Example of Conceptual Change, Halima Madden

Artmaking as a Creative Process, Amy Jo Martin

Critical and Creative Thinking in a Beginning Adult Literacy Classroom, Margaret McPartland


20 Questions Toward Better Thinking: A Look at Internet Based Learning, Robert B. Mendelsohn

The Role of Examination Reform as a Catalyst in Directing Educational Change in India, Badshah Mumtaz

Critical & Creative Thinking in Collaboration, Innovation and Learning, Jan Nickerson

Flying with Imagination: Co-Pilot of Critical and Creative Thinking, Vilma O'Connor

The Writing of a Novel, Ashok Panikkar


Essays on Monkey: A Classic Chinese Novel, Isabelle Ping-I Mao

Student’s Mathematical Thinking and Curriculum Change, Jo-Anne Rogers


Cognitive Problems, Metacognition, and Philosophy of Language, Rossen I. Roussev

A Critical and Creative Thinking Bible Curriculum, Robert Rubovits

Looking Forward Looking Back: A Retrospective of Writing, Patricia Scannell

Teaching Students to Make Ethical Decisions Using Literature as a Springboard, Nancy Sullivan


The Cultivation of Thinking Dispositions in Grades Three and Four, Linda L. Taylor

Curriculum Unit: Developing Respect, Leslie Thurber-McGuire

Creative Drama and Youth Voice: Teaching Health Topics and Empowerment through Theater and Peer Education, Laurie J. Wallace

Paradox of Difference: Teaching Metacognition to Adolescents, Mary C. Wollak

The Progression of an Adult Learner in the Critical and Creative Thinking Program, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Lauren Young

Submissions from 1996

A Multicultural Moral Education: A History and Companion Curriculum Unit, Sharon B. Abraham

Learning How to Teach How to Learn English as a Second Language: Reflections from Experience, Praxis, and Theory (Vol 1, 2), Leor Alcalay

Mythology in the Middle School: A Thinking Skills Curriculum Unit, Bernadette Carsley


Using Critical and Creative Thinking Skills to Enhance Integrity in Business Organizations, Madeline B. Conley

Winning in Athletics, Paul D. Culpo


The Critical Moral Classroom: An Approach to Teaching Values, Brian Daniels

The Influence of Critical and Creative Thinking Skills on Curriculum Design and Course Teaching Strategies, Janet Daubenspeck

Critical and Creative Thinking through Space Exploration, Maureen Dwyer


How Does the Teacher Know? One Teacher's Search for Authenticity in the Classroom, Ellen Catherine M. Eberly


A Portfolio Model for Teaching Writing and Thinking, Peter A. Galeno


Using Hands-On Manipulatives to Teach Problem Solving, Cynthia A. Greenwood

The Journey, Joanne Grenier


Philosophical Teaching as a Means for Raising Critical and Moral Consciousness, Christine D. Jacques

Development of Critical Thinking through Art Production, Kimberly Kent

Metacognition and Critical Viewing Curricula: A Symbiosis, John Landis