Flying with Imagination: Co-Pilot of Critical and Creative Thinking

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

John R. Murray


This thesis consists of a series of classroom activities and exercises for second grade students. The series is organized around a central theme of space exploration. All normal curriculum subjects such as mathematics, spelling, etc. are woven into the space exploration theme and can be put together by the teacher in any sequence. Deeply imbedded in each of these enrichment tasks, there are Critical and Creative Thinking skills, strategies and techniques that will assist the students to resolve a problem, to make a decision or to conceptualize. These operations assist in creative, as well as critical thinking repeatedly. The activities are organized around the theory that many experts believe that creative thinking and problem solving are very similar because the process of creativity is the process of excellent thinking. Critical skills go hand in hand with creative ones; creativity is not just a matter of being different from other people, it is a matter of having a different idea that works as well or better than previous ideas (Scriven, Beyer, 1987, p.36). Creativity involves an imaginative element - something more than skill, which involves freedom from constraint, independent thinking and personality development. The activities and pedagogy are designed to increase pupils' confidence in themselves and in their ideas to reinforce their ability to do their own thinking thus strengthening their sense of personal power and becoming more capable of handling challenges. The utilization of space stimulates curiosity and imagination, which should motivate and inspire students to have the love and the desire to constantly learn which is my primary goal. Their imagination will be a springboard to Critical and Creative Thinking which will expand their perspectives and assist them in employing various strategies as they acquire the knowledge and awareness of their thoughts about TG throughout their lives. Each student will have a portfolio that each will review with the teacher periodically to learn self-assessment strategies that empower their self-confidence and future learning and growth.


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