Content Posted in 2015
401(k) Plan Expenses, Anne Becker and Jeffrey Arnold
A Breakthrough Series Collaborative to Support Trauma-Informed Practice in Early Care & Education Programs, Anne Douglass, Leigh Perreault, Lucas Dangler, and Rachel Chickerella
A Case Study of the Regulations Imposed Upon Massachusetts' Prescription Monitoring Program, Meredith Rodman
A critical review of assumptions about gender variant children, Sarah Gray, Alice Carter, and Heidi Levitt
Activity of Mannanase in Relation to Mixed Micelle Formation of Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate with Linear Ethoxylated Alcohol, Jeannine D. Seyfert
Addressing the Supportive Transportation Challenges of Community-Residing Older Adults, Nina M. Silverstein, Kristina M. Turk, Laura Adams, Holly Belanger, Linnea Burke, Stephen Jones, Lauren Lee, David Lopez, Keith Sherman, Lee Paradis, Erin O’Neill, Alycia Rao, and Rachael Solano
Adults Who "Get": Adolescents' Perceptions of Relational Engagement with Key Adults, Laura A. Yoviene
A Fresh Perspective: Public Choice Theory and the Massachusetts Legislator, John F. Quinn
Age-Related Associations between Physical Activity and Telomere Length in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2002, Elisa F. Ogawa
Aging in Boxford: Planning for an ‘active and involved’ future, Nina Silverstein and Caitlin Coyle
Aging in Place in Marion: A Community Endeavor, Bernard A. Steinman, Hayley Gleason, Maryam Khaniyan, Ceara Somerville, and Jan Mutchler
Aging in Scituate: An Assessment of Services and Programs for Our Community, Jan Mutchler, Hayley Gleason, Ceara Somerville, Maryam Khaniyan, and Bernard A. Steinman
Aging in West County Communities: Coming Together to Age in Place, Bernard A. Steinman, Hayley Gleason, Ceara Somerville, Maryam Khaniyan, and Jan Mutchler
A Glimpse in the Social Networks of Older Drivers: Understanding the Characteristics and Concerns of the Friends and Family Members of Drivers and Ex-Drivers, Emily Schryer, Kathrin Boerner, Joann Reinhardt, and Amy Horowitz
A Healthier Bottom Line: Distilling Best Practices in Corporate Wellness, Mark Auriemma, CFA; Angela Cassidy; Kelly Dougherty; Despina Garalis, PharmD, RPh; Judith Pelletier; and Jennifer Springer
“Am I Doing the Right Thing?”: Pathways to Parenting a Gender Variant Child, Sarah A. O. Gray, Kristen K. Sweeney, Renee Randazzo, and Heidi Levitt
AM Poster Presentations, sponsored by Tufts Health Plan Foundation, Older Driver Safety Summit
An Analysis of Employment Barriers Facing Blind People, William O'Donnell
An Examination of School Committee Municipal Representation in the City of Worcester, Massachusetts, Kerry E. Mulcahy
An Experimental Investigation of Outsourcing through Competition, Ehsan Elahi and Roger Blake
Anti-Catholicism and Gender Norms: Reassessing the Charlestown Convent Riot, 1834, Daniel S. Sousa
Applied Creativity: Tools Toward Transformation: An Undergraduate Curriculum, Teryl Cartwright
A Pre-Negotiation Guide to the Conflict in Northern Ireland, Padraig O'Malley
A Private Game, Lynn E. Holmgren
A Queen's Legacy: The Lives of Elizabeth Woodville and Jacquetta of Luxembourg, Heather E. Bump
A review of client self-criticism in psychotherapy, Divya Kannan and Heidi Levitt
Art and Design Students' Social Norms Regarding Mental Illness, Creativity, and Help-Seeking Behaviors, Danielle Licitra
Assessing Current and Future Needs of Residents Aging in the Town of Andover, Bernard A. Steinman, Ceara R. Somerville, Maryam Khaniyan, Hayley Gleason, Mai See Yang, and Jan E. Mutchler
Assessing Driving Status with Neuropsychological Testing from ADAMS (2002-2005), Kristen E. Anderson
Assessment and Curriculum Modification for Grade 1 Students with Disabilities in Tanzania: A Pilot Study, Angi Stone-MacDonald
Attitudes of Older Drivers: Medical Fitness, Licensing Requirements & Alternatives, Daniel S. Stewart, Lois T. Schulz, and Thomas M. Meuser
Batch Uploading to ContentDM with the Help of MS Access, Joanne M. Riley
BATEC: Broadening Advanced Technological Education Connections, Deborah Boisvert
Bay State Legacy Award, presented to Brian Donahue, Massachusetts History Conference
Being transgender: Navigating minority stressors and developing authentic self-presentation, Heidi Levitt and Maria Ippolitio
Being Transgender: The Experience of Transgender Identity Development, Heidi Levitt and Maria R. Ippolitio
Beliefs and Attitudes Held By Assistant Principals in Massachusetts Public High Schools toward Student Suspensions, Samantha J. Meier
Better Knowledge with Social Media? Exploring the Roles of Social Capital and Organizational Knowledge Management, Pratyush Bharati, Wei Zhang, and Abhijit Chaudhury
Beyond the Butter Churn: History, Food, and Social Activism, David Glassberg and Cathy Stanton
Black Students' and Black Teachers' Self Identifications and Perceptions of One Another, Stacey Jones Mulligan
Boston and New York: The City upon a Hill and Gotham (2006), Shaun O’Connell
Boston Children Thrive in 5: Connecting Families, Building Community July-December 2014 Report, Donna Friedman, Mary Coonan, Anne Douglass, and Alice Carter
Braiding a Naturalist’s Journey of Embracing Courage, Rhoda A. Maurer
Break, Massachusetts History Conference
Break, Massachusetts History Conference
Brief 10: How the United Nations Should Promote the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Kara S. Alaimo
Brief 11: Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals: Moving Beyond Women as a "Quick Fix" for Development, J. Michael Denney
Bringing in the Harvest: Laborers in Massachusetts Agriculture, Jane Becker, Diana Limbach Lempel, Angel Mendez, and Maria Moreira
Brookline’s Age-Friendly City Transportation Agenda, Frank G. Caro, Shirley Selhub, Henry Winkelman, and Jane Gould
Building Accountable Care: Analyzing the role of accoutnable care organizations in healthcare reform, Andrew Bunyard
Building BRIDGES: Fostering dialogue and shared understanding between communities and government agencies, Eben Weitzman and Darren Kew
Building Effective School-Family-Community Partnerships Through Community Dialogues; and Super Friends, Super Readers! Engaging community to support young children's social emotional development, Angel Fettig, Kaitlin Gould, and Lauren Brodsky
Bury My Feet, Nathaniel Hunt
Calderwood Writing Initiative at UMass Boston, Denise Patmon, Carolyn Wong, Cedric Woods, and Elena Stone
Center for Social Policy: Reshaping Poverty Policy for and with Families and Communities, Julia Tripp, Mary Coonan, Priyanka Kabir, and Susie Devins
Center for Social Policy: Systems Change through Place-Based and Collective Impact Initiatives, Arthur MacEwan, Brandynn Holgate, Donna Haig Friedman, and Marija Bingulac
Challenges Facing Massachusetts Agencies, Richard Ferrari
Challenges in Community Radio Development in India: Conflicting Institutional Logics, Paradoxes and Status Quo, Anusha Chaitanya Satturu and Suhaib Riaz
Changes in Water Temperature Patterns Following the Removal of a Low-Head Dam in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Matthew D. Conlon
Charles Francis Adams: A Study on the Crucial Role of Adams in Maintaining British Neutrality During the American Civil War, Jonathan S. McIsaac
Chelsea Achieves in Mathematics: University of Massachusetts Institute for Community Inclusion, Chelsea Public Schools and Capic Head Start funded by the Board of Higher Education Improving Teacher Quality, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
Chief Executive Structure in Massachusetts Towns: The relationship between authority levels and leadership opportunities, Maureen A. Thomas .
Chocolate, Culture, and the Politics of Food in Massachusetts, Hayley Wood and Carla D. Martin
Churning in the Human Services: Nefarious Practice or Policy of 'Creative Destruction'?, Christopher G. Hudson
Civil Rights, Labor, and Sexual Politics on Screen in Nothing But a Man (1964), Judith E. Smith
Climate. A Period of Consequence: Environmental Literature of 2006 (2006), Shaun O’Connell
Climate Champion: Christiana Figueres (Vol. 1. Issue 2), Global Leadership Dialogues
Coffee Break, Older Driver Safety Summit
Coffee Break, Latin American and Iberian Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston
Cognitive Processes and Moderators of Willingness in Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder and Non-Anxious Controls in Response to a Social Performance Task, Lauren P. Wadsworth
Community-Based Businesses Allow for Spanish Language Perseverance, Tyler McCloud, Iris Portillo, and Esteban Tula
Complexity in Translation: Controversial Identities in Killer Crónicas, Tyler McCloud
Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics, Shilpa Chakravartula
Concurrent Session 1: Resources for Open Education – Copyright and Creative Commons Introductory Workshop, Charlotte Roh
Concurrent Session 1: Resources for Open Education – Many Faces of Open: UMB Resources for Global Learning, Rrezarta Hyseni, Jouliana Bosneva, and Anamarija Frankic
Concurrent Session 1: Resources for Open Education – UMass Boston Libraries and OER: What Can You and Your Students Access for Free?, Mary Moser, Xuan Pang, Andrew Elder, and Joanne Riley
Concurrent Session 2: Projects and Initiatives – Affordable Textbooks, Rajini Srikanth, Elora Halim Chowdhury, and Maria Barrow
Concurrent Session 2: Projects and Initiatives – Early Childhood Courses on UMB OpenCourseWare, Mary Lu Love and Chris Pond
Concurrent Session 2: Projects and Initiatives – Open Access for Africa, Jacob Kariuki, James Muchira, and Tina Mullins
Conversations Between Communities: UMass Boston Archaeology for and with the Nipmuc Nation & the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation, Stephen A. Mrozowski and Stephen W. Silliman
Corporate Responses to Rana Plaza - A Comparative Case Study, Bjoern P. Stengel
Correlates of Awareness and Use of the Hubway Bike Share Program and the Association with Weight Status, Lawrence H. Stahley
COSMIC (Center of Science and Mathematics in Context), Roxane Johnson De Lear
Creative Problem Solving: A High School Curriculum Satisfying the Needs of 21ST Century Learner, Steve Guenin
CrossTown Connect: A Unique Public-Private Partnership, Scott Zadakis
Crowning a Florentine Princeps in a New Rome: The Civic Humanism of Leonardo Bruni and the Rise of Cosimo de' Medici, "Pater Patriae", Jason F. Amato
Cultural Adaptation of In-Home, Community-Based Mental Health Services for Ethnic Minority Children and Families: Exploring Clinician and Family Perspectives on Effective Care, Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad
Deciphering The Labyrinth: The Influence of Georg Simmel on the Sociology of Octavio Paz, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
Deep Coring, Viking Age Accumulation Rates and Household Wealth in Skagafjörður, Northern Iceland, Eric D. Johnson
Demographic Analysis of Recovery Act Supported Jobs in Massachusetts, Quarters 1 and 2, 2011: FINAL REPORT, Carol Hardy-Fanta, Monica Lamboy, David Merwin, Paige Ransford, Meryl Thomson, and Christian Weller
Design and Simulation of a Hybrid Dielectric Waveguide, Krishna Prasad Aryal
Design of a Plasmonic Bragg Reflector Cavity, Shiva Prasad Pokhrel
Determining the Gruneisen Coefficient for Liquids Using the PAZ-Scan Technique, Olivier A. Dantiste
Developing a Creative Thinking Course for Community College Students, Noreen McGinness Olson
Developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) at a College of Education: Narrative of Disruptive Innovation?, Dalit Levy and Sarah Schrire
Developing an Algorithm for Predicting Hospital Readmissions, Naeimeh Radnia
Developing Autism Screening Criteria for the Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment (BITSEA), Ivy Giserman Kiss
Developing Capacity and a Culturally Appropriate Mindfulness Intervention for Inner City Survivors of Violence, Stephanie Hartwell and Anna Andrews
Discourses and Capital in Court Trials: Representation of Witness Accounts and Identity, Misty Crooks
Do Competing Suppliers Maximize Profits as Theory Suggests? An Empirical Evaluation, Ehsan Elahi and Roger Blake
Doing History with Online Mapping Tools: An Introduction, Joanne M. Riley
Doing History with Online Mapping Tools: Handout, Joanne M. Riley
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Down the Rabbit Hole: An initial typology of issues around the development of MOOCs, Apostolos Koutropoulos and Panagiotis Zaharias
Economic Development in the Massachusetts Life Sciences Cluster: Shared Prosperity or a Big Tradeoff?, Brandynn Holgate
Economic Trends Report, Prepared for the Town of Winthrop, Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
Editor's Note, Padraig O’Malley
Effect of π-Extension and Peripheral Redox Active Groups on the Non-Innocent Character of Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl 8-Oxyquinolate Complexes, Stephanie Erin Bellinger
Effects of Extracellular Matrix Rheology and Adhesion in Three Dimensional Pancreatic Tumor Models, Hamid El Hamidi
Effects of Video Enhancement in a Stated-Choice Experiment on Medical Decision Making, Susanne Hoffmann, Joachim Winter, Francis G. Caro, and Alison Gottlieb
Environmentalist Extraordinaire: James Gustave (Gus) Speth (Vol 1. Issue 1), Global Leadership Dialogues
É Para Sair de Portugal a Todos os Custos! The Policia Repressiva de Emigração Clandestina (1896-1911) and the Politics of Azorean Emigration to the United States, Sonia Patricia da Silva Pacheco
Evaluating Needs of Older Adults in Massachusetts Communities, Hayley P. Gleason, Caitlin Coyle, Bernard A. Steinman, Ceara R. Somerville, and Jan Mutchler
Evaluating Student Performance and Perceptions in a Flipped Introductory Undergraduate Biology Classroom, Kiley C. Brown
Evaluating Three Methods to Encourage Mentally Competent Older Adults to Assess Their Driving Behavior, Lisa C. Allee; Tarsicio Uribe-Leitz MD, MPH; Jonathan Howland; Angie Park; Vonne Lee; Emma Lodato; Cassie Driscoll; Tracey Dechert; and Peter Burke
Evolution of the BlendKit Course: Fine-Tuning a Professional Development MOOC, Kelvin Thompson and Patsy Moskal
Examining the Toxicity, Exposure, and Regulatory Approach to Potential Human Health Risks of the Algal Toxin Domoic Acid, Thomas H. Angus
Exhibitors Hall, Older Driver Safety Summit
Expanding Women’s Healthcare Access in the United States: The Patchwork “Universalism” of the Affordable Care Act, Randy Albelda and Diana Salas Coronado
Factors Associated with Medical Home Quality and Parent Perceptions of Health Related Quality of Life (Hrqol) in School-Age Children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), Kristine M. Ruggiero
Family Cap: An evaluation of child exclusion policies in Massachusetts, Gregory Ashe
Family Gym: A Novel Initiative to Prevent Obesity among Families with Young Children, Ronald Iannotti, Patrick Filanowski, and Emily McCular
Financial Aid Administration: Effect and Innovation, Brendan Williams
Finding a Financial Planner, Emily G. Brown JD
First Career Decisions of African American and Hispanic Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Deborah L. Liverman
Five Year Strategic Plan for Economic Development: Prepared for the Town of Winthrop, Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon During Storm Events in the Neponset River Watershed, Keith Thomas Cialino
Food in Massachusetts Archives, Marilyn Morgan, Rob Cox, and Andrea Cronin
Foreword, Padraig O’Malley
Forging Connections and Building Collections: The Mass. Memories Road Show at UMass Boston, Jessica R. Holden
Fostering the Spiritual Development of Undergraduates through Service-Learning, Michelle C. Sterk Barrett
Foucault and the 'New Man': Conversations on Foucault in Cuba, Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
Foucault, Marxism and the Cuban Revolution: Historical and Contemporary Reflections, Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
From Data to Community Action: A Case Study Building on the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Community Profiles, Nina M. Silverstein, Brittany Gaines, Darlene Adams, and Dorothy Wideman
Front Matter and Table of Contents
Function of the Ankyrin3 Bipolar Disorder Risk Gene in Brain and Behavior, Klaudio Gjeluci
Gay Families: Challenging Racial and Sexual/Gender Minority Stressors through Social Support, Heidi Levitt, Sharon G. Horne, Julia Puckett, and Kristin Kay Sweeney
Gay Outlaws: The Alpine County Project Reconsidered, Jacob D. Carter
Gender Wage Gap Matters to Women in Low-Wage Occupations: Hispanic Women Face Largest Pay Inequities, Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston
Geographic Variation in Driving Cessation among Older Adults with Arthritis, Brittany Gaines, Beth Dugan, and Chae Man Lee
George Loney Wallace and the Wrentham State School: 1906-1930, Lindsay Fulton
Getting the Most Out of Your 401(k), Emily G. Brown JD and Jeanne Medeiros JD
Global Delivery Models: The Role of Talent, Speed and Time Zones in the Global Outsourcing Industry, Stephan Manning, Marcus Larsen, and Pratyush Bharati
Good-bye to All That: The Rise and Demise of Irish America (1993), Shaun O’Connell
Graduate Studies in Archives: Proficiency, Experience, Engagement, Darwin Stapleton
Group Activity: OER Planning at an Institution, Marilyn Billings and Charlotte Roh
Hardship Withdrawals and Loans: Some Words of Caution, Emily G. Brown JD, Jeanne Medeiros JD, and Ellen Bruce JD
Health and Wellness Programs in Massachusetts' Public Sector, Andrew Sullivan
Helping Elders Living with Pain (HELP), Suzanne Leveille and Tongjian You
Higher Order Teaching: University of Massachusetts Boston, Institute for Community Inclusion and Lowell Public Schools, Lisa Van Thiel
Highjacking the MOOC: Reflections on Creating/Teaching an Art History MOOC, Parme Giuntini and Jean-Marie Venturini
Home and Away: Imagining Ireland Imagining America (2013), Shaun O’Connell
How Fish Sticks Became Food: Massachusetts Food Industry and Changing Patterns of Production and Consumption in 20th Century America, Rebecca Lewis and Emily Redman
Howth Castle - Vol. 01, No. 01 - April 1985, University of Massachusetts Boston
Howth Castle - Vol. 02, No. 01 - 1985-1986, University of Massachusetts Boston
Howth Castle - Vol. 03, No. 01 - 1987, University of Massachusetts Boston
Howth Castle - Vol. 04, No. 01 - 1989, University of Massachusetts Boston
Howth Castle - Vol. 05, No. 01 - 1990, University of Massachusetts Boston
Howth Castle - Vol. 06, No. 01 - 1990-1991, University of Massachusetts Boston
Howth Castle - Vol. 07, No. 01 - 1991-1992, University of Massachusetts Boston
Howth Castle - Vol. 08, No. 01 - 1992-1993, University of Massachusetts Boston
How Will Public Health and Primary Care Come Together in Massachusetts?, Javier Crespo
Hydrodynamic Analogues of Hamiltonian Systems, Francisco J. Jauffred
Identifying Professional Development Opportunities for Remote Healthcare Interpreters on a Shared Network, Suzanne M. Couture
Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act (Passed Jan. 4, 2015), Emily G. Brown JD and Ellen Bruce JD
Imagining Boston: The City as Image and Experience (1986), Shaun O’Connell
Important Places (2005), Shaun O’Connell
Improving Main-Memory Database (MMDB) Distributed Transactional Concurrency, Weiwei Gong
Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Partnership, Aimee D'Avignon, Amy Cook, Colleen Regal, and Felicia Wilczenski
Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Partnership, Aimee D'Avignon, Laura Vanderberg, and Felicia Wilczenski
Increasing Community Engagement for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Bose and Jennifer Sulewski
Information Literacy in MOOCs, Paul Bond
Innovative Partnerships in History to Address Food Issues, Jayne Gordon, Tom Beardsley, Sarah Purgus, and Bill Wallace
International Epidemics: Interdisciplinary Thinking and Global Citizenship, Rajini Srikanth and Louise Penner
Interpretation-driven guidelines for designing and evaluating grounded theory research: A pragmatic-social justice approach, Heidi Levitt
Interpreting Agriculture in Massachusetts through Sites, Artifacts, and Images, Electa Kane Tritsch, Bethany Groff Dorau, and John Ott
Introduction: Turning Pages, Shaun O’Connell
Introductory remarks, Maria Aguilar-Solano
Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of Microbodies from Hydrocarbon-Grown Cells of Cladosporium resinae, David B. Carson
JFS Patient Navigators: Volunteer transportation/social support to frail elder’ medical appointments, Malka Young and Amanda Coughlin
Jim Crow 2.0?: Why States Consider and Adopt Restrictive Voter Access Policies, Keith Gunnar Bentele and Erin E. O'Brien
Judicial Wisdom: The Process of Constructing Wise Decisions, Heidi Levitt and Bridget Dunnavant
Judy Holliday's Urban Working Girl Characters in 1950s Hollywood Film, Judith E. Smith
Keynote Address, Ian Cheney
Keynote Address – Navigating Tomorrow: Keeping an Aging America Safe, Seamless & on the Move, Joseph F. Coughlin and Ira A. Jackson
Keynote Address – Open Inspirations: Passionate Educators Succeeding with Open, Mary Lou Forward
Keys to Independence, the Emerson Hospital driver assessment program, Kristen Dixon Keilty MS, OTR/L, CDI, DRS and Michele Dolan MS, OTR/L
LAS Nadies: Border Insecurity, Rape & Gender through the Lens of Human Rights in Mexico, Taylor Doherty
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Boston, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Chelsea, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Everett, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Framingham, Michael Berardino and Priyanka Kabir
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Holyoke, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Lynn, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Revere, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Salem, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Somerville, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Public Schools: Waltham, Michael Berardino
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Boston, Phillip Granberry
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Chelsea, Phillip Granberry and Mayara Fontes
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Everett, Phillip Granberry and Mayara Fontes
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Framingham, Phillip Granberry and Mayara Fontes
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Lynn, Phillip Granberry and Priyanka Kabir
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Revere, Phillip Granberry and Mayara Fontes
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Salem, Phillip Granberry and Priyanka Kabir
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Somerville, Phillip Granberry and Mayara Fontes
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Waltham, Phillip Granberry and Priyanka Kabir
Latitudes, Lewis George Feuer
Leaping Off the Page and Melding Modes: The Multimodal Space Poem as a New Form of Poetry, Todd J. Erickson
Legislative Study: Massachusetts Municipal Conflict Resolution Needs Assessment, Interim Report, Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration, University of Massachusetts Boston
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-sexual Butch-Femme Subcultures, Julia Puckett and Heidi Levitt
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer: Bear and Leather Subcultures, Fransico I. Surace and Heidi Levitt
Linguistic Variations of Latin American Communities in Everett and Dorchester, Luis Bañuelos, Maria Fonseca, Andrew Levy, and Brian Silva
'Listen to What You Say': Rwanda’s Postgenocide Language Policies, Lynne Tirrell
Living the History: The Role of Archaeology in the Interpretation of the Wampanoag Homesite at Plimoth Plantation, Meredith P. Luze
Looking to the Future — Google / Navigating Tomorrow, Ron Medford, Richard Marottoli MD, Len Fishman, and Ira A. Jackson
Lost in Migration: Indigenism from Mexico to Brazil, Scott Mizrachi
Lunch and Keynote Presentation
Lunch Buffet, Massachusetts History Conference
Luncheon, sponsored by Ford, Older Driver Safety Summit
Making the Invisible Challenges and Opportunities Visible, Maureen A. Scully, Lisa DeAngelis, and Katie Bates
Mall, Matthew A. Morrison
Mapping Boston's Assets to Improve Livability for Older Adults: Boston's Age Friendly Community Initiative; and Building Bonds to Last a Lifetime: Creating Community among Beverly’s Aging Population, Bernard A. Steinman, Abigail Butt, Ceara Somerville, and Hayley Gleason
MA Shrab Information Session, John D. Warner, Jr.; Beth Galloway; Rachel Onuf; and Kaleigh Pare
Massachusetts Community Mediation Center Grant Program: Fiscal Year 2014 Report & Evaluation, Susan Jeghelian, Madhawa Palihapitiya, and Kaila O. Eisenkraft
Massachusetts Community Mediation Center Grant Program: Fiscal Year 2015 Report & Evaluation, Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration, University of Massachusetts Boston
Massachusetts History Commendation, presented to Robert Forrant, Massachusetts History Conference
Massachusetts Hospital School Program Evaluation Enhancing Transition to the Community, Russell Schutt
Massachusetts Municipal Performance Management Program (MPMP), Michael Ward
Massachusetts on the Move: The Intersection of Talent, Transportation, and Housing, Richard Boyajian, Juleen Freitas, David Mahoney, Karen Ng, and Robert Woods
Mass History Commons — A place to exchange ideas and conversation, and to showcase your organization, projects, and products, Massachusetts History Conference
MassMobility: Increasing access to transportation in Massachusetts, Theadora T. Fisher and Rachel Fichtenbaum
Mechanisms of Translational Repression of the Sperm Mitochondria Associated-Cysteine Rich Protein (Smcp) mRNA in Round Spermatids, Danielle L. Cullinane
Mexico as Seen Through American Eyes: The Evolution of U.S. News Media Coverage, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
Militaria, Adam M. Graaf
Mind the Gap: The Integration of Physical and Mental Healthcare in Federally Qualified Health Centers, Karen R. Monaghan
Molasses and Marshmallow: Food and Trading in New England Account Books, Pleun Bouricius, Mike Dyer, and Lenora Robinson
Moving Ahead and Keeping it Safe at The Kiosk for Living Well, Liz Bulkley, Dan Collier, and Sylvia Colovos
National & International Disability Inclusion in Employment, DeBrittany Mitchell, Heike Boeltzig-Brown, and Quinn Barbour
Native American Food Practice and Provisioning, Kathleen Barker, Elizabeth Hoover, Rachel Sayet, and Loren Spears
Native Interactions and Economic Exchange: A Re-Evaluation of Plymouth Colony Collections, Kellie J. Bowers
Naturalist and Novelist: Stanley Johnson (Vol 2. Issue 1), Global Leadership Dialogues
Networking Reception, sponsored by Tufts Health Plan Foundation, Older Driver Safety Summit
New Orleans Revisited: Notes of a Native Daughter, Lynnell L. Thomas
New York Revisited (1992), Shaun O’Connell
No Food in the Archives: Pest Control and Other Issues in Archival Preservation, John D. Warner, Jr.; Jessica Bitely; and Gregor Trinkaus-Randall
Northern Ireland and South Africa: "Hope and History at a Crossroads", Padraig O'Malley
Northern Ireland Peace Talks: Endgames, Padraig O'Malley
Older Driver Safety at Intersections: Understanding Scanning Patterns, Siby Samuel, Yusuke Yamani, Luis Roman Gerardino, Tracy Zafian, and Donald L. Fisher
Older Driver Simulation Based Intersection Training: An Evaluation of Simulator Sickness and Training Effectiveness, Craig A. Schneider
ON SOLID GROUND: Building Opportunity, Preventing Homelessness, Center for Social Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston and Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
Opening Remarks, Philip DiSalvio
Opening Session, J. Keith Motley, Jessica Cicchino, Jeanne Hathaway, Beth Dugan, and Ira A. Jackson
Organizational Assessment of the Parks and Recreation Department: Jamestown, RI, Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
Organizational Study of Information Technology, Law, and Purchasing Departments : City of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
Organization and Efficiency Study of Town Hall Departments: Town of Carlisle, Massachusetts, Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
Out in the country: Rural sexual minority mothers, Julia Puckett, Sharon Horne, Heidi Levitt, and Teresa Reeves
Panel Discussion: Sustaining OE Initiatives on Campus, Alan Girelli, Kevin Corcoran, Lance Eaton, Charlotte Roh, Steve Phillips, Andrea Milligan, Christine Goodchild, and Marilyn Billings
Panthersprung: The Vital Inheritance of the Agadir Crisis, Patrick E. Doerr
Patterns of Interaction within Parent-Child Dyads Affected by OCD and Anxiety, Catherine Kraper
Pedagogy of Curiosity: Initial Explorations of Instructional Practice in a Critical Thinking and Curious Classroom, Michael Chalukian
Pension Action Center, Pension Action Center, University of Massachusetts Boston
Pension Action Center: Protecting Your Retirement, Louise Cataldo and Michele Tolson
Plenary Session III – Infrastructure Track: Designing Vehicles to Accommodate Older Driver Needs, Bonnie Polin, Michele Chaka, and Scott A. Schmidt
Plenary Session III – Medical Track: Reporting At-Risk Drivers to MassDOT Medical Advisory Board, Michele Ellicks, Marjorie Weinberger, James Ellison, Debra Kerrigan, and Jatin Dave
Plenary Session III – Mobility Track: Successful Models for Senior Transportation in Massachusetts, Theadora Fisher, Jayne Colino, Tim O’Day, Erica Girgenti, and Janet Seckel-Cerroti
Plenary Session II – Infrastructure Track: Designing for Older Road Users, Bonnie Polin, Gene Amparano, and Jim Danila
Plenary Session III – Policy Track: Focus on Innovation, Emily Shea, Jessica Cicchini, Bryan Reimer, Meghan Verena Joyce, Nora Moreno Cargie, and Betsey Crimmins
Plenary Session II – Medical Track: Substance and Medication Use, Mary Maguire, Michele Matthews, Stephen J. Walsh, and Joanne Thomka
Plenary Session II – Mobility Track: When the Wheels Fall Off, Jean Patel Bushnell, Lissa Kapust, John Paul, and Don Blackburn
Plenary Session I – Infrastructure Track: NHTSA’s 5 Year Strategic Plan, Art Kinsman and Mark Scarboro
Plenary Session II – Policy Track: Policies That Work, Kathrin Boerner, Jake Nelson, Richard Marottoli, and Tom Meuser
Plenary Session I – Medical Track: Identifying Medically At-Risk Drivers, Janet Jankowiak, Brian Ott, Ann Hollis, Elin Schold-Davis, and Eugene Scanzera
Plenary Session I – Mobility Track: The Transition from Driver to Passenger and the Role of Senior-Friendly Transportation Options, Nina Silverstein, Jana Hunkler, Helen Kerschner, William Henry, and Noah Berger
Plenary Session I – Policy Track: Policies That Work, David Stevens, Marian Ryan, Kay Khan, Harriette L. Chandler, and Patricia Jehlen
PM Poster Presentations, sponsored by Tufts Health Plan Foundation, Older Driver Safety Summit
Political Contributions by Asian Americans: An Analysis of the 2014 Massachusetts Gubernatorial Campaign, Michael Liu and Paul Watanabe
: : poof : :, Caleb Nelson
Positive Psychology and LGBTQ Populations, Sharon G. Horne, Julia A. Puckett, Raphael Apter, and Heidi Levitt
Pre-collegiate and Educational Support Programs: Celebrating 50 Years of Educational Access, Opportunity, and Success, Terri Slater Morgan, Andrea Dawes, David Lemmel, and Edgar DeLeon
Problematizing Mainstream Graduate Management Education: Intersectional Critical Discourse Analysis of Harvard Business Publishing / Harvard Business School Cases, Michelle A. Kweder
Profiles in Leadership: Women of Color Elected to Office in Massachusetts, Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston and Women's Pipeline for Change
Promoting Awareness, Dialogue, and Culturally Responsive Services, Cedric Woods
Promoting College and Career Readiness for ALL Middle School Students, Lori Cooney
Protect Your Retirement Income: Documents to Keep and Questions to Ask, Pension Action Center, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston
Protein Docking Refinement Using Evolutionary Information and Artificial Intelligence, Ayse Bahar Delibas
Puerto Rican Mother-Child Communication about Sexuality and Sexual Health: Results from an Ethnographic Community Survey in Springfield, MA, María Idalí Torres, Phillip Granberry, and Sarah Rustan
Pursuing the question of reflexivity in psychotherapy and qualitative methods: The contributions of David L. Rennie, Heidi Levitt, Ethan C. Lu, Andrew Pommerville, and Fransico I. Surace
Qualitative psychotherapy research: The journey so far and future directions, Heidi Levitt
Quantum Mechanics With a Quartic Dispersion Law, Joanna Ruhl
Ramaphosa and Meyer in Belfast – The South African Experience: How the New South Africa was Negotiated, Padraig O'Malley
Reciprocal Influences amongst Early Childhood Externalizing Behavior, Maternal Distress, and Parenting Style: A Longitudinal Analysis, Shirley Marie Immacula Poyau
Recyclable Organocatalysis of One-pot Michael/Mannich/Lactamization Sequence for Asymmetric Synthesis of Fluorinated Poly-substituted 2-Piperidinones, Anthony P. Tran
Reductions in Experiential Avoidance as a Mediator of Change in Symptom Outcome and Quality of Life in Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy and Applied Relaxation for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Elizabeth Hemenway Eustis
Registration and Continental Breakfast, sponsored by AAA Northeast, Older Driver Safety Summit
Registration, Coffee and Breakfast
Registration & Continental Breakfast
Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Networking, Massachusetts History Conference
Regulation of Epithelial Morphogenesis by β-Arrestin Kurtz, Katarzyna Maria Piotrowska
Relationship between Maternal Self-Reported Subjective Experience and Observed Maternal Gaze and Affect at 16, 24, and 43 Weeks Postpartum: The Case for Multiple Measurements, Semira Semino-Asaro
Religion and Conflict: The Case of Northern Ireland, Padraig O'Malley
Replacing Quantum Measurements with Noisy Unitary Gates, Benjamin B. Cruikshank
Research and Education in Parallel: Scientific Outreach through On-site Experiments at the Museum of Science Boston Living Laboratory, Vivian Ciaramitaro and Hiu-Mei Chow
Research for the Advancement of Green Chemistry Practice: Studies in Atmospheric and Educational Chemistry, Steven Gene Cullipher
Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Aging with HIV/AIDS, Kristen E. Porter
Revised Emblems of Erin in Novels by John McGahern and Colum McCann, Shaun O’Connell
Revised Emblems of Erin in Novels by John McGahern and Colum McCann (2015), Shaun O’Connell
Roles of Arabidopsis Dioxygenases during the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH)-Induced Stress Response, Juan C. Hernandez-Vega
Ruby Dee, 1922-2014, Judith E. Smith
“Save Our History!” Collaborating to Preserve the Past at UMass Boston, Meghan Bailey, Patricia Bruttomesso, Andrew Elder, Carolyn M. Goldstein, Jessica R. Holden, and Joanne Riley
School Nurse Pain Assessment Practices for Students with Mild to Profound Special Needs, Brenna L. Quinn
Sea Change Scholar: Susan Avery (Vol 2. Issue 2), Global Leadership Dialogues
Seeing Red: Characterizing Historic Bricks at Sylvester Manor, Long Island, NY 1652-1735, Martin John Schmidheiny
Session 1: Q & A, Taylor Doherty, Scott Mizrachi, Tyler McCloud, and Daniel T. McManus
Session 2: Q & A, Luis Bañuelos, Maria Fonseca, Andrew Levy, Tyler McCloud, Iris Portillo, Brian Silva, and Esteban Tula
Sexual Minority Women's Gender Identity and Expression: Challenges and Supports, Heidi Levitt, Julia Puckett, Maria Ippolito, and Sharon Horne
SNAP: An evaluation of how families in a low socioecnomic bracket decide what to eat., Kate-Marie Roycroft
Social Media Assimilation in Firms: Investigating the Roles of Absorptive Capacity and Institutional Pressures, Pratyush Bharati, Chen Zhang, and Abhijit Chaudhury
South African Solidarity with Palestinians: Motivations, Strategies, and Impact, Rajini Srikanth
SPARC – A Community-based Participatory Research Project with Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Richard Fleming
Spaulding Cape Cod Driving Assessment Program, Donna Erdman
Spaulding Rehabiliation Hospital Driver Assessment Program, Amy E. Donabedian and Varsha Desai
Staff Management in Emergency Evacuation Preparedness and Response, Davood Golmohammadi PhD
States of Insecurity, Jennifer Lucy Martin
Statewide Partnerships through Community Mediation Center Grant Program, Madhawa Palihapitiya and Rosalind Cresswell
Sternal Precautions: Is it Necessary to Restrict Our Patients?, Lauren Belyea
Students' Attitudes towards Science and Science Learning In an Introductory Undergraduate Biology Course, Nicole Floro
Study of Sexual Exploitation in Boston, Megan Klein-Hattori, Jackie Lageson, Julianne Siegfriedt, and Kate Price
Success Boston: College Completion Initiative, Liliana Mickle
Supportive technologies for group discussion in MOOCs, Carolyn P. Rosé, Pam Goldman, Jennifer Zoltners Sherer, and Lauren Resnick
Taxonomy of the Bitentaculate Cirratulidae (Polychaeta), Stacy A. Tewari
Teaching Archival Research Skills to Undergraduates, Aaron G. Noll
Teaching qualitative methods using a research team approach, Heidi Levitt, Divya Kannan, and Maria Ippolito
Teamwork: Crucible for Learning about Collaborative Leadership, Lisa DeAngelis, Sherry H. Penney, and Maureen A. Scully
Teen Empowerment Program Evaluation Empowering Youth and Adults as Agents of Positive Change, Russell Schutt
"Tenacious of Their Lands": Fortifying the District of Mashpee, 1834-1842, Nicole Alexis Breault
The Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Care Coordination Program: A Process Evaluation, Executive Summary, Nina Silverstein, Frank Porell, and Pamela Nadash
The ANALA Collaborative: UMass Boston’s Asian American, Native American, Latin@ and African Diaspora Institutes, Barbara Lewis, Carolyn Wong, Cedric Woods, and Elena Stone
The brief & expansive history (and future) of the MOOC: Why two divergent models share the same name, Rolin Moe
The College Young Christian Students in the United States, a Historical Case Study of a Faith-based Social Movement and its National Office, John F. Denning
The Confucius Institute at UMass Boston, Baifeng Sun
The Creation of a New England Gentry: The Winslows of Plymouth Colony, Karin J. Goldstein
The dark side of the MOOC - A critical inquiry on their claims and realities, Markus Deimann
The Development of the Global Ready Leadership Scale, Shelby J. Harris
The Development of Wisdom in Judicial Decision-Making, Bridget R. Dunnavant and Heidi Levitt
The Effect of Labor Unionization on Corporate Investment Efficiency, Yu Zhang
The impact of counselor self-disclosure on clients: A meta-analytic review of experimental and quasi-experimental research, Jennifer R. Hennretty, Joseph M. Currier, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Heidi Levitt
The Impact of the SEC Interpretative Guidance on Firms' Environmental Disclosures, Guangwei Qin
The Massachusetts Bay Circuit, Corey W. Medeiros
The Massachusetts Higher Education in Prisons Program: History and Evaluation, Kathleen Bryant
The Mass. Memories Road Show: Some Notes on Bridging and Bonding, Joanne M. Riley
The New Americans and the Responsiveness of Massachusetts' Municipalities to an Increased Immigrant Population, Matthew E. Lane
The Psychological and Social Processes through which Internalized Heterosexism Influences Psychological Distress in Sexual Minorities, Julia A. Puckett
The Quality of Public Education in Boston: An Assessment and Some Recommendations, Karen Seashore Louis
Therapists’ and clients’ significant experiences underlying psychotherapy discourse, Heidi Levitt and Elizabeth Piazza-Bonin
The Relation between Cultural Values and Unprotected Sex among Latino Gay Men, Francisco I. Surace
The Relationship between Mental Health and Young Children's Academic Development: What We Can Learn From a National Sample of At-Risk Chilean Children, Katia M. Canenguez
The Resolution of Anger in Psychotherapy: A Task Analysis, Kannan Divya, Jennifer Henretty, Elizabeth Piazza-Bonin, and Heidi Levitt
The Role and Regulation of the Response Regulator CtrA in Sinorhizobium Meliloti Cell Cycle Regulation, Karla B. Schallies
The Role of the Ecowas, the United Nations and The United Kingdom in Terminating Sierra Leone Civil War, Muhammed Mahdi Hasan
The Role of YBR063c in the MAP Kinase Sporulation Pathway, Alyssa Funk
The Tale of Sigh, the Tales of Iran, Nazila Hafezi
The Trajectory of the Co-Occurrence of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Amber L. Calloway
The Transitional Museum as Urban Parasitism, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
The Triumph of Men: Reassessing Gender in Fragonard’s Progress of Love, James McCabe
The Undecided Hero: Reflections on status plebiscites and constitutional conventions in two US possessions in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce and Luis Galanes Valldejuli
The Unequal Burden of Debt and Its Impact on Health, Elizabeth Sweet and Zachary DuBois
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 01 - 1993-1994, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 02 - 1994-1995, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 03 - 1995-1996, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 04 - 1996-1997, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 05 - 1997-1998, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 06 - 1998-1999, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 07 - 2000, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 08 - 2000-2001, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 09 - 2001-2002, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 10 - 2002-2003, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 11 - 2003-2004, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 11.5 - 2004, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 12 - 2005, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 13 - 2005, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 14 - 2006, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 15 - 2006, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 16 - 2007, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 17 - 2007, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 18 - 2009, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 19 - 2010, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 20 - 2013, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 21 - 2013, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Watermark: A Journal of the Arts - Vol. 22 - 2014, University of Massachusetts Boston
Think Unbound: Changing the Way People View and Teach Creativity in the Work Environment, Michael Wienke
Third World Instincts, Shilpi Suneja
This is Your Brain on Civically-Engaged Chemistry, Hannah Sevian
Tip O’Neill: Irish-American Representative Man (2003), Shaun O’Connell
To Fix Stray Things, Alyssa L. Mazzarella
Touched by Fire: Readings in Time of War (1991), Shaun O’Connell
Toward Professional Learning: The Convergence of Planning, Experience, and Literature in an Urban High School, Kimberly A. Talbot
Towards a Healthy Neighborhood: Recommendations for Health Assessments of Future Development in Upham’s Corner, Luc Figueiredo Miller
Training Together: State Policy and Collective Participation in Early Educator Professional Development, Anne Douglass, Alice Carter, Frank Smith, and Sherri Killins
Traitor or Pioneer: John Brown Russwurm and the African Colonization Movement, Brian J. Barker
Transformational Leadership and Student Achievement: A Case Study of Catholic Elementary Schools in the Archdiocese of Boston, Chris Flieger
Transitioning From Following to Making Your Own Path Through Critical and Creative Thinking, Cassie Tighe-Hansen
Transnational Brazilian Project, C. Eduardo Siqueira
Tuning Carbon Microstructure for Advancing Electrochemical Energy Storage, John P. Collins
Two Nations: Homeless in a Divided Land (1992), Shaun O’Connell
Ubiquitous and Unfamiliar: Earthenware Pottery Production Techniques and the Bradford Family Pottery of Kingston, MA, Martha L. Sulya
Ultimate Peace, Eben Weitzman and Kylie Millbern
UMass Boston’s Partnerships with the Brazilian Immigrant Center & Dominican Development Center, Eduardo Siqueira, Natalicia Tracy, Rosalyn Negron, and Tim Sieber
Understanding How State Policy Influences Driving Status in Older Adults, Emily A. Gadbois
Understanding the Impact of Violence on Early Language, Danielle Forbes
Universal far-from-equilibrium dynamics of a holographic superconductor, Julian Sonner, Adolfo del Campo, and Wojciech H. Zurek
UN System Scholar: Lorraine Elliott (Vol 2. Issue 4), Global Leadership Dialogues
URBAN.Boston (Urban Research-Based Action Network): Creating meaningful connections between community & academia, Mark Warren
Urban Inspiration Can Come from Unlikely Sources: What Boston Can Learn from Cities in Transition Around the World, Andrew Tarsy
Use of Linguistic Markets to Promote Divisive Forms of Nationalism, Daniel T. McManus
Using Business Intelligence for Operational Decision-Making in Call Centers, Eric Kyper, Michael Douglas, and Roger Blake
Utilizing Ultrametric Properties, Projections and Entropy in Data Mining, Rosanne Vetro
Value of information: Facilitating targeted information acquisition in decision processes, Jeffrey Keisler
Venezuela in the Times of Chavez: A Study on Media, Charisma, and Social Polarization, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
Vocal Synchrony in Psychotherapy, Catherine M. Reich, Jeffrey S. Berman, Rick Dale, and Hiedi Levitt
Wars Remembered (2003), Shaun O’Connell
War, the United Nations, and Peacekeeping, Robert Weiner and Carlos Andres Aguilera Ariza
Wavelength - Vol. 01, No. 01 - October 24, 1979, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 01, No. 02 - December 5, 1979, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 01, No. 03 - February 25, 1980, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 01, No. 04 - April 23, 1980, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 02, No. 01 - September 10, 1980, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 02, No. 02 - November 25, 1980, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 02, No. 03 - March 27, 1981, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 02, No. 04 - May 5, 1981, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 03, No. 01 - September 1981, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 03, No. 02 - November 1981, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 03, No. 03 - February 1982, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 03, No. 04 - Spring 1982, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 04, No. 01 - November 1982, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 04, No. 02 - February 1983, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 04, No. 03 - Spring 1983, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 05, No. 01 - Fall 1983, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wavelength - Vol. 05, No. 02 - Spring 1984, University of Massachusetts Boston
"We are a Democracy": Progressive-era Democratic Teaching in High School English Classrooms, 1912-1941, Nicholas J. Fitzgerald
We Know More Than We Are, At First, Prepared To Acknowledge: Journeying to Develop Critical Thinking, Peter John Taylor
Welcome, Winston E. Langley
Welcome, Pleun Bouricius
We Want to Create Our Own History: Youth Power and Leadership in the Boston Youth Justice Movement 2005-2008, Mark Warren, Perri Leviss, and Sandeep Jani
What Academic Grades Mean to Seventh Grade Students, Margo Joan Moore
What's old is new again, and what's the value of open, Apostolos Koutropoulos
Wildlife Advocate: John Scanlon (Vol 2. Issue 3), Global Leadership Dialogues
Wisdom and psychotherapy: Studying expert therapists' clinical wisdom to explicate common processes, Heidi Levitt and Elizabeth Piazza-Bonnin
Working Conditions of Brazilian Housecleaners in Massachusetts: A Joint Research Project of the UMass Boston-Brazilian Immigrant Center Partnership, Tim Sieber, Natalicia Tracy, and Eduardo Siqueira
Working with Data in Archival Settings, Joanne M. Riley
WORKSHOP — Creating Food Demonstration Programs at Your Historic Site, Kayla Pittman, Claire Carlson, and Debra Friedman
WORKSHOP — You Don't Know Beans... 'til You Ask Someone: Oral History & Community, Carolyn M. Goldstein, Laura Orleans, and Millie Rahn
Wrap-Up and Call to Action, The Honorable Alice Bonner, The Honorable Stephanie Pollack, Lillian Glickman, and Ira A. Jackson
Your Former Employer’s 401(k) Plan, Jeanne Medeiros JD