Trotter Review: A Publication of the William Monroe Trotter Institute | Vol 6 | Iss 1

Volume 6, Issue 1 (1992) Trotter Institute Review

This issue of the Trotter Institute Review is devoted to a two-part proposition. The first is that institutions, agencies, businesses, and schools must begin to reflect the increasingly diverse ethnic and racial characteristics of American society. America is in the midst of a demographic revolution. It is unfortunate that some educators have chosen to ignore the social, economic, and intellectual implications of this change and that others have even become angry and attacked efforts to create an appreciation of multiculturalism.

This unfortunate resistance to the implications of America's unfolding demography leads to the second proposition reflected in this issue of the Trotter Institute Review. That is, institutions of higher education have a unique professional and moral responsibility to help lead the nation to its next stage of social and economic development. This leadership will not be forthcoming if the issue of diversity is ignored. America will not develop if the contributions of people of color continue to be dismissed. We can no longer delay the building of a multiracial, multicultural society — as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "We are faced with the fact that tomorrow is here today."

The articles in this issue of the Trotter Institute Review present information about tomorrow while offering suggestions for what can be done today to produce a stronger, healthier, and more democratic American society.

Front Matter



James Jennings


James Jennings
Associate Editor
Harold Horton
Production Editor
Leslie Bowen
Production Staff
Sue Baker and Eva Hendricks