Trotter Review: A Publication of the William Monroe Trotter Institute | Vol 14 | Iss 1

Volume 14, Issue 1 (2002) Race, Ethnicity and Public Education

We are pleased to share with our readers this issue of the Trotter Review. The events of September 11, 2001, will forever reshape our world as we know it. In addition to the far-reaching effects of this tragedy, it has revealed our general lack of knowledge about Islam and places in the world where religion and faith shape governmental and civic engagement. In crisis often comes opportunity. This opportunity to learn more about other religions and cultural pluralism is positive. It underscores the continuing importance of education and learning in today's world. So I think it particularly appropriate that this issue of the Trotter Review focuses on "Race, Ethnicity and Public Education."

Issue in memory of Dr. Harold Willard Horton, Sr., June 20, 1933 - August 4, 2001.

Front Matter



Philip Hart


Why Makik Can "Do" Math: Race and Status in Integrated Classrooms
Jacqueline Leonard and Scott Jackson Dantley


Tammy Hart

Back Matter


Philip S. Hart
Associate Editor
Regina Rodriguez-Mitchell
Managing Editor
Anne Gathuo
Editorial Consultant
Stephanie Athey