NHTSA’s 5-year plan ends with pedestrian safety. We feel that driving is just one mode in community mobility and that a mobility plan for Massachusetts must include the full range of what has been called, the “Family of Transportation Services.” For many people, the reasons that lead to driving cessation are similar to reasons why a person may not be able to negotiate public transit or safely walk to destinations. This track reinforces the need for collaboration and problem solving to ensure that solutions integrate lessons learned from best practice and research to advance our thinking in creating a vision for Massachusetts.

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Mobility Track
Tuesday, June 16th
9:30 AM

Plenary Session I – Mobility Track: The Transition from Driver to Passenger and the Role of Senior-Friendly Transportation Options

Nina Silverstein, (Moderator) University of Massachusetts Boston
Jana Hunkler, Berkshire Community Action Council/BerkshireRides
Helen Kerschner, Community Transportation Association of America
William Henry, Volunteers Insurance Service Association, Inc.
Noah Berger, (Discussant) Federal Transit Administration

Room 3545, Campus Center, University of Massachusetts Boston

9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

11:00 AM

Plenary Session II – Mobility Track: When the Wheels Fall Off

Jean Patel Bushnell, (Moderator) ITN Greater Boston
Lissa Kapust, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
John Paul, AAA Southern New England
Don Blackburn, Consumer

Room 3545, Campus Center, University of Massachusetts Boston

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

2:15 PM

Plenary Session III – Mobility Track: Successful Models for Senior Transportation in Massachusetts

Theadora Fisher, (Moderator) Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Jayne Colino, Newton Senior Services
Tim O’Day, SCM Elderbus
Erica Girgenti, Adams Council on Aging
Janet Seckel-Cerroti, Friendship Works

Room 3545, Campus Center, University of Massachusetts Boston

2:15 PM - 3:15 PM