2015 Older Driver Safety Summit, Conference Program and Tracks | Older Driver Safety Summit: Planning a Safe and Mobile Future for Massachusetts

Massachusetts Older Driver Safety Summit

Click here to view the Older Driver Safety Summit Conference Schedule.

We invite you to participate in the Massachusetts Older Driver Safety Summit! An increasingly important public policy topic since older driver related crashes account for more than 12% of all fatalities and more than 20% of all crash-related hospital stays in Massachusetts.

Hosted by the Gerontology Institute and the McCormack Graduate School of Policy & Global Studies (http://www.umb.edu/academics/mgs) at the University of Massachusetts Boston on Tuesday June 16, 2015; 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., we invite you to join with key thought leaders as we review reseach, practice, and innovations in order to develop a comprehensive blueprint to reduce crashes involving older drivers across the Commonwealth. The conference is organized around four content areas (infrastructure, medical, mobility options, and policy) and spotlights promising innovations.

Unlike many conferences that seek simply to inform, this summit is a call to action, and will address a variety of issues surrounding older driver mobility; including infrastructure improvements, vehicle design innovations, education for older road users and the public, transportation options for older adults, insurance and liability concerns, medically impaired drivers, and the host of issues surrounding a loss of mobility.

Our hope is that this summit will inspire people to act, working together across disciplines to make positive and forward-thinking change in the Commonwealth and beyond. The World Health Organization notes that transportation is a key element of Age-Friendly Communities. Contact Beth Dugan (beth.dugan@umb.edu) to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Planning Agencies and Organizations: AAA Southern New England, EOPSS Highway Safety Division, Executive Office of Health and Human Service/Human Service Transportation Office, Federal Highway Administration, Independent Transportation Network, Massachusetts Councils on Aging, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Massachusetts Medical Society, MassDOT Highway Division, MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, University of Massachusetts Boston Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst Traffic Safety Research Program (UMassSafe).

This location is accessible to people with disabilities. For disability-related accommodations, including dietary accommodations, please contact Michele Ellicks at MassDOT/RMV Division at (857) 368-9457; TTDD: (877) RMV-TTDD; or email: michele.ellicks@state.ma.us with your needs two weeks prior to the event.