Document Type
Research Report
Publication Date
The Community Mediation Center Grant Program embodies the state’s commitment to achieving broad state-wide access to community mediation for the resolution of disputes. The Grant Program received $1,090,000 in state funding for its operation during Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, and a total of $848,000 in grants was awarded to 12 community mediation centers based on a performance-based application process. During the first two-thirds of the 2020 fiscal year, administration of the Grant Program and service delivery from participating centers functioned as expected. The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic and attendant restrictions in March 2020 complicated Grant Program administrative responsibilities and depressed the demand for and delivery of center services. Funded centers and Program administrators responded to pandemic-related exigencies by making accommodations that included transitioning to on-line work, and the Grant Program continued to operate.
Recommended Citation
Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration. (2020, December). Massachusetts Community Mediation Center Grant Program: Fiscal Year 2020 Report & Evaluation. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration, University of MA Boston