Date of Completion


Document Type

Campus Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Carol Ann Sharicz


Head Start grantees often work with data to inform their program planning and justify their funding. The National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations (PMFO) provides in-person data training to grantees and has identified an ability gap in the grantees’ skills particularly in the area of data analysis. Through analysis of previous grantee self-assessments and in-depth interviews with PMFO data trainers, it is evident that grantees are experiencing some discomfort with data and numeracy, also known as mathematical anxiety. It is proposed that an additional training focusing on data analysis to support program planning be developed to support PMFO’s training efforts. Furthermore, due to PMFO’s limited in-person reach, it is recommended that this training be online, asynchronous, and available on demand to all learners. The training would support grantees’ ability to transform data into useful formats and draw conclusions about their program. Due to the length of PMFO’s internal processes for product development, the materials designed, including an outline for script development and design mockups, have been proposed and are pending review of data trainers and PMFO leadership.


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