Date of Completion


Document Type

Campus Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Carol Ann Sharicz


In the decades since 1974 when the ban on the importation of wild parrots was implemented, the domestic breeding of these birds has taken over. The long lifespans of these birds have resulted in many outliving their owners. In captivity parrots are living longer due to advances made in avian medicine and diet. Longevity combined with the cost and the physical and emotional needs of these birds has created a population of unwanted birds. Each year the number of parrots in need of a home has only increased. Rescues and sanctuaries numbered in the single digits in the 1990s. With the number of rescues and sanctuaries increasing each year (Hoppes & Gray, 2010) the need for volunteers and staff grows with them. The author created training on identifications of the Psitticiformes order, the history of avian rescue and its importance, rules for working with the birds and staff of The Rescue, and instruction on the analysis of prospective adopters to identify qualified and experienced homes. A free-standing module for parrot owners deciding whether to surrender their bird was also created. Whether an experienced parrot owner or a first-time volunteer with no prior bird knowledge this course is designed for both.


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