Date of Completion

Spring 4-25-2018

Document Type

Campus Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Carol Ann Sharicz


This paper chronicles the instructional design process for the development of an Instructional Design Academy, a semester-long program for college faculty that provides hands-on opportunities to practice classroom technological integration with the learning management system Moodle and other academic technology offerings of the college. The program also provides a semester-long mentorship program designed to support the authentic needs of faculty and to build communication around technology on the campus. The identification of the potentially high value of such a program occurred as the result of two needs assessment, the first of which informed and focused the second more acutely upon the cause of faculty’s pronounced reliance on support staff to set up and problem-solve issues with their course pages: a lack of a systematic, formal learning management system (LMS) training for new faculty and course coordinators for at least the past five years. A problem statement was generated and current literature and the needs assessment data were synthesized to develop the instructional plan and materials detailed within this paper. Plans for formative assessment program evaluation are included at the paper’s end.


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