Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Carol Ann Sharicz


A supervisor’s ability to make proper hires and coach existing employees is related to the creation of a pipeline of future supervisors. As corporations grow, so does its personnel. As the personnel grows, so does the need for more leaders that can appropriately manage personnel without human resource intervention. This paper discusses the need for an internally designed program created to help existing supervisors build a bench of future company leaders. Background information of the company is discussed along with the importance of staff development in achieving its mission. A literature review was performed to determine the benefits of an internally designed program. An internal employee survey was also conducted to determine if there is a need. It is determined that an internally designed program for leadership is beneficial if designed properly. It is also determined that existing employees feel that they would benefit from such a program. The impact that Covid-19 had on the research and analysis is included. The paper concludes with sample materials for the program and includes an online classroom outline. Evaluation for the program at all levels is proposed. The appendices contain samples of the training materials proposed for the Team Building & Coaching program.
