Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Carol Ann Sharicz


Children’s Cancer Charity employs development staff members in field offices across the country. These new hires require a specialized training for their role within the organization. The existing new hire training consists of a sales training and a week-long training held quarterly at the Executive Office. The current training lacks a foundational understanding of the various fundraising programs that exist at CCC and the training on the soft skills required to be successful in a development role. Two training series were designed to meet the needs of development new hires: Fundraising Program Training and Business Skills Training. The program training utilizes microlearnings to provide overviews of each program and the responsibilities required of staff to execute them. The business skills series incorporates soft skills training that utilizes individual pre-work combined with live assessments for the social aspect recommended for mastering interpersonal skills. These trainings would exist in conjunction with the two current new hire trainings.
