Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



This document presents a summary of findings and recommendations from a predevelopment study of the feasibility of establishing renewable energy power generation on several of the grid-tied Boston Harbor Islands. The scope of the study was to investigate the factors and issues associated with installing a mix of renewables — wind, solar, wave and tidal/current power generating facilities — with a combined output of between one and ten megawatts at sites on or around five of the Boston Harbor Islands. Four of these islands are presently grid-tied: Long Island, Moon Island, Spectacle Island, and Thompson Island. A fifth island, Peddocks Island, in the same region of the harbor as the other four, is included in the study because it is the site of the most significant visitor facility improvements planned for the park in the near future. As part of those plans, a utility connection to the mainland will provide the infrastructure to support those uses, including a grid connection.

This Planning Guide presents information relevant to the development of grid-tied renewable energy facilities on the islands. It is the final product of a two-year predevelopment feasibility study which entailed information gathering, planning, analysis, and extensive and continuous discussions with officials and staff of local, state and federal government, industry representatives, harbor and island interest groups, and citizens of metropolitan Boston.


Prepared with funding from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative Renewable Energy Trust.



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