Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Publication Date

Spring 2022


Description of the Problem: Nurse turnover and the retention of new nurses is a major problem for hospitals across the United States. Nurse turnover is extremely costly to the healthcare system and can negatively impact clinical care, quality measures and indicators, and patient satisfaction as well as staff satisfaction and morale. Available Knowledge: A PRISMA guided review of the literature examined strategies to mitigate high nurse turnover. The most promising strategy shown to decrease nurse turnover is a comprehensive and structured mentorship program. Aim and Objectives: The specific aim of this performance improvement project is to implement a mentorship program to decrease the current new nurse (licensed < one year) turnover rate by 50% three months post implementation of the intervention on one medical surgical unit at a community hospital in Western Massachusetts. Interventions: The intervention chosen for this project is an evidence- based comprehensive, structured mentorship program for all newly licensed nurses hired for this unit. The mentorship program will begin upon completion of general nursing orientation and continue for three months. The mentors that volunteer to participate in the program will receive training. Evaluation of Intervention: The outcome measures will include nurse turnover rate data from human resources as well as pre and post intervention surveys to measure nurse confidence, staff satisfaction and intent to stay in the job.
