Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Physics, Applied

First Advisor

Olga Goulko

Second Advisor

Maxim Olchanyi

Third Advisor

Jason Green


This research focuses on the simulation of ultracold Fermi gases to investigate spin transport. We focus on the high-temperature weak-coupling regime where particles follow the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. In our simulations, we use a 3-dimensional box setup to initially separate opposite spin species into two halves of the box and then allow the species to diffuse into each other. The opposite spin particles scatter semi-classically as the system relaxes to equilibrium. We vary parameters such as temperature and scattering length for each simulation, and the results from the simulations are used to calculate an equation for the diffusion coefficient. The equation moderately agrees with the theoretical diffusion coefficient within a range of temperatures and scattering lengths.


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