Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Physics, Applied

First Advisor

Chandra Yelleswarapu

Second Advisor

Stephen Arnason

Third Advisor

Jonathan Celli


Black holes are notoriously elusive, they are impossible to observe directly, and cur- rent methods of extracting information from behind their cosmic camouflage are both limited in number and experimentally difficult. The scope of this investigation is to ex- plore a proposed novel radiative mechanism for active similar mass binary black holes, affording new observational methods to investigate frequency inspirals of BH mergers. The explored mechanism is a result of each BH’s accretion of the surrounding plasma, creating voids that orbit throughout the plasma. The significant results described in this thesis include expressions for the frequency, power radiated per unit solid angle, and average power radiated for the quadrupolar radiation of our system.


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