Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Business Administration

First Advisor

Josephine Namayanja

Second Advisor

Atreya Chakraborty

Third Advisor

Lucia Silva Gao


This thesis explores the complex changes which are reshaping the landscape of American agriculture. Focusing on the impact of corporate mergers, genetically modified (GM) seeds, natural disasters, and the digital divide, this thesis examines the dynamics influencing the nation's agricultural sustainability and food security. By analyzing the consequences of consolidation in the seed industry and the dominance of GM seeds, together with the vulnerabilities of GM crops to natural disasters and the widening digital divide, this thesis provides insight on the challenges faced by farmers, policymakers, and communities. Quantitative analyses were blended with qualitative narratives, drawing from diverse datasets and academic sources. Correlation analyses were conducted to discern the relationship between corporate mergers and crucial agricultural indicators, including the diminishing number and size of farms over time. A detailed exploration of GM seed types was undertaken, aligning them with market prevalence and scrutinizing their implications for genetic diversity and food security. The impact of natural disasters on GM crop prices was also assessed, highlighting the vulnerabilities of bioengineered crops in the face of climate-induced challenges. Concurrently, the digital divide's influence on rural communities was investigated, examining technology access disparities and their far-reaching implications for small-scale farming. The findings explain correlations between corporate mergers and reductions in farm numbers and sizes, revealing a direct impact on the fabric of American agriculture. GM seed dominance, notably in crops like corn, vegetables, and soybeans, raise concerns about genetic diversity and its ramifications for long-term food security. Natural disasters have evidentially impacted GM crop prices, underlining the vulnerabilities of engineered crops, despite their claimed resilience. Moreover, the impacts of the digital divide on rural American communities reveal unequal technology access, exacerbating existing disparities and posing observed threats to small-scale agriculture in rural America. The findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive interventions in American agriculture. Corporate mergers, while seemingly promoting efficiency, have led to a reduction in farm numbers and sizes, creating economic pressures and limiting agricultural diversity. The dominance of GM seeds, particularly in key crops, raises fundamental questions about genetic uniformity and the long-term sustainability of the food supply. Natural disasters, intensified by climate change, present immediate challenges to GM crops, revealing their limitations in the face of evolving environmental conditions. Simultaneously, the digital divide threatens to worsen existing disparities, hindering rural communities' ability to adapt and innovate. The findings emphasize the pressing need for holistic strategies that prioritize agricultural diversity, invest in climate-resilient technologies, and bridge the digital divide. Policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers must collaborate to foster sustainable agricultural practices, enhance technology access, and promote economic equity. By addressing these challenges head-on, the United States can pave the way for a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future for its agricultural sector and rural communities. This thesis serves as a roadmap for informed decision-making, guiding efforts towards a more secure and sustainable food future for the nation.


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