Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology, Applied

First Advisor

Matt Gregory

Second Advisor

Dann Finn

Third Advisor

Linda Liu


Fascism is without a universal definition. A discipline specific universal definition is one that scholars of fascism agree is key to understanding the phenomenon that is fascism. Objectively, fascism is known and knowable, it is the meaning of the word itself that is conceptually in contention as it is intrinsically in consequence a social relation to itself and to antifascism. The sociology of fascism utilizes the historical and generalized contexts to explain, explore, and expand on the contemporary and emergent forms without a meaning-informed definition. This study deconstructed the known fascisms as it sought to generate a universalized definition through an exploration of emergent contemporary fascism in America. Utilizing a multimethod qualitative process, this study used a dialectical analysis and approached negative social movements that separated colloquial and emergent American Fascism from its European roots through a case study. This showcased how American Fascism is present in the analysis of the negative movements: Patriot Front and the III% Organization. The sociological definition concluded, through the dialectical process, how fascism seeks to redefine social values around norms concerning liberty and freedom to oppress the everyday people. This is expressed too, through the exploration of American Fascism in the deconstruction of Patriot Front and the III% Organization.


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