
Matt L. Hall

Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


English/Creative Writing

First Advisor

John Fulton

Second Advisor

Eve Sorum

Third Advisor

Eileen Pollack


This short story collection explores themes of loss, grief, interpersonal relationships, and family dynamics. In Sabrina, the main character struggles with grief surrounding the recent death of his teenage daughter. In Paper Wasps, two brothers meet in an attempt to reconcile their vastly differing life paths. In Bosco, a former self-professed family man tries to come to terms with his recent unease surrounding children. These stories invite the reader to consider the complexities and limitations of their own relationships, and how those relationships help us to navigate the universal experiences of being human.


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Available for download on Wednesday, June 10, 2026
