Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Domenic Screnci


Small business owners are continuously faced with challenges to grow their business. These challenges are not only related to market conditions, some of them are associated with the business owner's lack of knowledge or skills; thus, many of them seek mentoring opportunities. This project explores the knowledge gap between the mentor and mentee, with a focus on financial literacy and how it impacts mentoring outcomes. A needs assessment was done to assess this performance problem through interviewing project SME’s, surveying stakeholders, and literature review. Based on the findings, a self-paced micro eLearning was proposed with an instructional goal of the need for small business owners to be able to apply proper business financial management practices to their business while demonstrating adequate levels of financial literacy when working with a mentor on their business development and growth. The ADDIE instructional design module was followed to complete this project. The assessment, design, and development phases were completed, while a pilot program for implementation and an evaluation plan using the Kirkpatrick training evaluation levels were proposed. The project includes background information, needs assessment findings, learning objectives, instructional strategies and material, and accessibility considerations. The development of the project used the WordPress platform, H5P application, and is highly dependent on text, video, and images to deliver the new content. The appendices contain samples of the training material developed under the name “Pre-mentoring Training: Financial Literacy for Small Business Owners”.
