Document Type
Research Report
Publication Date
The city of Watertown, Massachusetts is home to 33,849 residents, of whom 3,382 are Latino, according to the 2012-2016 American Community Survey. The city is majority non-Latino white (77%), though Latinos make up the second largest ethno-racial group (10%). This share of Latinos is slightly lower than the statewide population, which is 11%. Asians, make up 8% of the city’s population. Watertown is geographically located in the metropolitan Boston area, which has a similar 10.8% share of its population Latino.
Community Engaged/Serving
Part of the UMass Boston Community-Engaged Teaching, Research, and Service Series. //
Recommended Citation
Granberry, Phillip and Mattos, Trevor, "Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Watertown" (2018). Gastón Institute Publications. 237.
Included in
Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Latina/o Studies Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons