Submissions from 2025
Monima Or, The Beggar Girl: A Novel, Founded on Fact., Betsy Klima, Len von Morzé, and Richard S. Pressman
Submissions from 2016
Unhealed Cultural Memories: Styron’s Nat Turner, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 2015
Revised Emblems of Erin in Novels by John McGahern and Colum McCann, Shaun O’Connell
South African Solidarity with Palestinians: Motivations, Strategies, and Impact, Rajini Srikanth
Submissions from 2014
Community University Project for Literacy (CUPL), Carol Chandler-Rourke
The Academic and Cultural Adaptation of Chinese International Students at UMass Boston: The Struggles and Progress from the Perspectives of Students and Professors, PingPing Chen, Theodora Chocos, and Lorena Fuentes
Between the Novel and the News: The Emergence of American Women's Writing, Sari Edelstein
Building Civic Participation of Undergraduates: UMass Boston’s Civic Engagement Scholars Initiative (CESI), Rajini Srikanth; Aminah Pilgrim; Office of Faculty Development, University of Massachusetts Boston; and Office of Community Partnerships, University of Massachusetts Boston
Submissions from 2013
Community University Project for Literacy (CUPL), Carol Chandler-Rourke
American Blood: The Ends of the Family in American Literature, 1850-1900, Holly Jackson
Terrain Vague: Interstices at the Edge of the Pale, Manuela Mariani and Patrick Barron
Home and Away: Imagining Ireland Imagining America, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 2012
Community University Project for Literacy (CUPL), Carol Chandler-Rourke
Why Mars?, Robert Crossley
Mars and the Literary Imagination, Robert Crossley and David Sherman
Submissions from 2011
Cinematic Space in Rome’s Disabitato: Between Metropolis and Terrain Vague in the Films of Fellini, Antonioni, and Pasolini, Patrick Barron
Submissions from 2009
Race, Politics, and Public Housekeeping: Contending Forces in Pauline Hopkins’s Boston, Betsy Klima
Submissions from 2007
"The actual universe as geography," Charles Olson's explorations of Dogtown in the Maximus Poems, Patrick Barron
Climate. A Period of Consequence: Environmental Literature of 2006, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 2006
Boston and New York: The City Upon a Hill and Gotham, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 2005
Important Places, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 2004
Between Lama dei Peligni and Colledimacine: A Regional Geography (of Boundaries) of the Majella Massif and Aventino Valley, Abruzzo, Italy, Patrick Barron
Submissions from 2003
Tip O’Neill: Irish-American Representative Man, Shaun O'Connell
Wars Remembered, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 1993
Good-bye to All That: The Rise and Demise of Irish America, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 1992
New York Revisited, Shaun O'Connell
Two Nations: The Homeless in a Divided Land, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 1991
Representative Men, Shaun O'Connell
Touched by Fire: Readings in Time of War, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 1990
The Vision Thing, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 1989
Thinking of England, Shaun O'Connell
Vantage Points: Prose Parables of the Republic, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 1988
Recommended Readings, 1988, Shaun O'Connell
The Big One: Literature Discovers AIDS, Shaun O'Connell
Accounts of an Illness: Extracts, Ron Schreiber
Submissions from 1987
In Search of Lost Cultures: Books 1987, Shaun O'Connell
Remembering Who We Were: Boston Books, 1986, Shaun O'Connell
Submissions from 1986
Book Reviews: Divided Houses, Shaun O'Connell
Imagining Boston: The City as Image and Experience, Shaun O'Connell