Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


English/Creative Writing

First Advisor

Jill McDonough

Second Advisor

Shangyang Fang

Third Advisor

Sarah Hamblin


TO FEAR THE HEAT OF THE SUN is a collection of poems that are interested in exploring and sitting with feelings that can be thought of as “ugly”. These feelings include sadness, anger, violence, loneliness, disgust, loss and, TO FEAR THE HEAT OF THE SUN is interested how these feelings manifest themselves in everyday life. The collection is interested in meeting these feelings head on while avoiding being coldhearted or distant and instead they yearn for warmth and belonging despite being engrossed in feelings that are ugly and difficult. The title is taken from a Shakespearian funeral hymn. In it those in mourning sing that in death, the deceased no longer needs to be harmed by life’s struggles, or burned by the heat of sun. These poems have no such solace, and search to find beauty and warmth in life, when the heat of the sun still rages overhead.


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