Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Business Administration

First Advisor

Foad Mahdavi Pajouh

Second Advisor

Jeffrey M. Keisler

Third Advisor

Josephine Mazzi Namayanja


Climate change is an existential threat facing humanity, civilization, and the natural world. It poses many multi-layered challenges that call for enhanced data-driven decision support methods to help inform society of ways to address the deep uncertainty and incomplete knowledge on climate change issues. This research primarily aims to apply management, decision, information, and data science theories and techniques to propose, build, and evaluate novel data-driven methodologies to improve understanding of climate-change-related challenges. Given that we pursue this work in the College of Management, each essay applies one or more of the three distinct business analytics approaches (i.e., descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analysis) to aid in developing decision support capabilities. Given the rapid growth in data availability, we evaluate important data characteristics for each analysis, focusing on the data source, granularity, volume, structure, and quality. The final analysis consideration is the methods used on the data output to help coalesce the various model outputs into understandable visualizations, tables, and takeaways. We pursue three distinct business analytics challenges. First, we start with a natural language processing analysis to gain insights into the evolving climate change adaptation discussion in the scientific literature. We then create a stochastic network optimization model with recourse to provide coastal decision-makers with a cost-benefit analysis tool to simultaneously assess risks and costs to protect their community against rising seas. Finally, we create a decision support tool for helping organizations reduce greenhouse gas emissions through strategic sustainable energy purchasing. Although the three essays vary on their specific business analysis approaches, they all have a common theme of applying business analytics techniques to analyze, evaluate, visualize, and understand different facets of the climate change threat.
