Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



Topsfield, Massachusetts, older adults, aging


Demography, Population, and Ecology | Gerontology | Public Administration


The Town of Topsfield’s older population grew substantially during the last decade. Increases are expected to continue as the number of seniors increase moving forward, as well as the share of the Topsfield population they represent. In response to these demographic changes, a study was undertaken to generate and organize information on the older residents of Topsfield and the community organizations supporting their well-being. Special focus was placed on needs of older residents along with the capacity of the Topsfield COA to meet those needs. Methods used included description of existing data, key informant interviews, and focus groups aimed at identifying concerns related to aging in Topsfield, with an emphasis on services and amenities that facilitate aging in place. Assessment methods were designed to identify areas of concern with respect to aging in Topsfield, and to provide a context for planning to address future aging-related needs of the Town’s population.


Commissioned by the Town of Topsfield Council on Aging

Community Engaged/Serving

Part of the UMass Boston Community-Engaged Teaching, Research, and Service Series.



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