Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date

Summer 6-1-2016


Humanitarian design has become a popularized phenomenon in recent years, and it comes in all shapes and sizes. Humanitarian architecture basically means architecture designed for those in need. It is “seeking architectural solutions to humanitarian crises and bringing professional design services to communities in need.” Mostly, Humanitarian crises comes into account due to disasters either natural or human induced disaster. Any community which has been disturbed due to any disaster, having basic unstabilities like physical and social. These issues are further sub-categorized as, lives, properties, psychological, economic and education issues. Darra Adam Khel is a region which has been affected by man-made disaster (terrorism). So, I observed that community and found those issues that has been learned from literature. Physical issues, lives and properties, in numbers of thousands injuries and casualties occur and hundreds of properties were destroyed, as these issues belong to individual entity, so they recover them by themselves. Next is Social issues, subcategorized in psychological, economic and education. All the schools and colleges are damaged by explosions and till now that issue remain same as it was. So, after observation of that community, I conclude that education is a common humanitarian issue of that community, which has been disturbed after terrorism and give a good example of “Humanitarian Architecture”. So, I came to know that all the educational buildings are damaged by heavy explosions which are not in condition for further use. So, the scope of the project is to re-design the Government Degree College Darra Adam Khel.



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