A Critical and Creative Thinking Curriculum Guide

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Delores B. Gallo


“Thinking critically implies a commitment to philosophical probing of questions, asking us to tell right from wrong, fact from opinion, process from product.” Through the study of tragedy, Shakespeare, JULIUS CAESAR and ROMEO AND JULIET, ninth grade students at Braintree High School will be asked to ponder and to analyze some of life’s most enigmatic, elusive and eternal problems. Why does a good man suffer? How can art communicate with the most profound of human experiences? How can one take pleasure in the tragic experience? Literature deals with life’s most inexplicable moments and most complex ideas. Indubitably Shakespeare tragedy raises questions about the nature of the human experience in a way that is beautiful as well as thought-provoking, imaginative as well as relevant, perplexing as well as perceptive. Indeed, sometimes Shakespeare just recognized the inequities of life and presents these problems. And even though the plays achieve a sense of resolution, the questions Shakespeare unearths still remain for our consideration. As an educator, a lover of literature, a ponderer of life’s great questions, I wish to share my enthusiasm for Shakespeare and for ideas with my students.


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