
Ece Gurler

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Robert Ricketts

Second Advisor

Jeremy Szteiter


Various factors exert influence on an artist’s impetus. If artists can learn about different ways to use these both external and internal factors to facilitate their personal and professional development, their creative process and productivity will be affected positively. According to the research, individuals display three types of orientation during the exploration and development process -and so creative process: The desire to be effective (White, 1959), autonomous (DeCharms, 1968), and related to significant others (Deci & Ryan, 1991). Effective-oriented personalities tend to be motivated by extrinsic rewards or punishment, whereas autonomously oriented people are more intrinsically motivated. However, understanding the artistic motives is more complicated than that: while some artists have a favorable view of a factor, e.g., criticism, another artist could perceive the same environmental aspect as unfavorable and be impacted by it negatively. By considering these orientational and perceptional differences, this paper aims to understand the dynamics of the elements surrounding artists such as reward and evaluation, creative blocks, discrimination, economic factors and assess their influence on artist’s improvement. In the end, actionable takeaways and toolkits for artists, especially for art teachers and students, will be proposed.
