Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Peter Taylor

Second Advisor

Nina Greenwald


Students with disabilities face numerous obstacles. This is especially true while in the process of postsecondary transitioning, moving from secondary (K-12) to Post-secondary schooling (College, University or Community College). The transitioning process poses obstacles to all students however students with disabilities confront additional obstacles unique to having a disability. Federal law mandates public secondary schools design transition plans, a written plan detailing students transition from secondary to postsecondary school. Secondary schools must also create opportunities for students to develop both academic and life skills critical to successfully take the postsecondary leap and remain successful at the postsecondary level. The need for effective and efficient transition planning has become critical for these students in an era of revised public higher education admissions standards and more stringent K-12 learning standards. This climate has placed increasing demands on the educators responsible for facilitating the transitioning process; rendering the development and writing of transition plans outdated, incomplete and ineffective. This problem with transition plans has led me to consider an alternative approach the subject of this synthesis. To help facilitate a solution I have designed a proposal that remains in progress for the development of a web-based application that I call, The Transition Portal with the following objectives: Organize the transition planning process allowing schools to monitor those students of highest risk; Provide educators the means to actively write transition plans that represent the goals and interests of the student over an extended period of time; Give transition plans the ability to travel with the student throughout their educational careers allowing critical information to be transferred and revised by educators that work with a particular student from middle school on through to post-secondary institutions. Such a process will allow for the process to develop along with the student's own development. The flexibility associated with web-based application creates a platform that will assist in the coordination of services with external agencies. Many external agencies currently assist schools in the distribution of critical services ensuring that those students most in need and most at risk receive critical support during an important phase in their lives. The overall goal of this project is to help improve student and teacher productivity and empowerment. The proposal for the implementation of The Transition Portal is intended for use with students who might otherwise be left to fall through the cracks.
