This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access theses is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this thesis through resources like Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global or through Interlibrary Loan.
Theses from 2024
Consistent Seeds: Assessing Stability and Changes in Fodder at Farmsteads in Northern Iceland, Joseph Aramini
Ashes of Enslavement: A Post-Revolution Analysis of Wood-Charcoal at the Palace of Sans-Souci, Mary Claire Norton
Recipes for Resistance: Examining the Reproduction of Indigeneity Through Foodways at the Seneca Boston-Florence Higginbotham House, Nantucket, MA, Caitriona Mackenzie Parker
Sanctified Spaces: An Analysis of Lived Religion and Ceramic Tableware at the Martin Luther Orphans' Home in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, Alexander Gartland Patterson
By the Bootstraps: Transformations in Class, Mobility, and the Shoe Industry in 19th Century Grafton, Massachusetts, Lauren Schumacher
Theses from 2023
Spirits and Spirituality: Temperance and Racial Uplift in Nineteenth-Century Nantucket, MA, John T. Crawmer
Sisters and Stewards: Women and Community-Building at the African Meeting House on Nantucket, MA, Sean A. Fairweather
Comparisons Across Time: Natural Resource Use at Two New Mexican Colonial Sites, Ivana M. Ivanova
Sartorial Practices and Daily Life: Examining Black Womanhood in Nineteenth-Century Boston, Erica A. Lang
Shellfish Utilization by the Pequots during the Early Seventeenth Century: An Analysis of Seven Shell Middens at the Calluna Hill Site (59-73) in Mystic, Connecticut, Matthew Picarelli-Kombert
Planting the "Yankee" Identity: An Analysis of the Macrobotanical Assemblage at the ca. 1638 Waterman House Site in Marshfield, Massachusetts, Katharine Rieder Reinhart
“Provisioned, Produced, Procured,” and Purchased?: A Macrobotanical Study of Enslaved Individuals’ Economic Engagement in the Shenandoah Valley, Linda A. Seminario
Material Consumption of an 18th-Century Middling Urban Craftsman in Boston, Massachusetts, Lauryn E. Sharp
Theses from 2022
Changing to Stay the Same: Spatial Analyses of Tobacco Pipes from 18th- and 19th-Century Eastern Pequot Households, Stephen P. Anderson
The Function of a Nail: An Archaeological Examination of Three 18th- and 19th-Century Eastern Pequot Reservation Homes in Southeastern Connecticut, Salvatore A. Ciccone
“The Circle Of Your Acquaintance”: Early 19th Century Ceramic Symbolism and Constructions of Black Womanhood at the Boston-Higginbotham House, Nantucket, MA, Lissa J. Herzing
Opening Barrel 13: Reconstructing Provenience of a 19th-Century Excavation on Pimu Catalina Island, California, Through a Shell and Glass Bead Analysis, Melanie S. Lerman
Centers of Community: A Spatial Analysis of the Mid-19th Century Populaton Residing on Beacon Hill, Boston, MA, Justin Malcolm
Changing Tides, The Boston’s North End 1830-1930, Megan E. Sheehan
Beakers, Berkemeiers, and Roemers: Glass Drinking Vessels from the 17th-Century Dutch Settlement of Fort Orange, New Netherland, Kristina Staats Traudt
Theses from 2021
Constructing Spaces, Deconstructing Meaning: An Examination of Architecture and Labor at a 17th-Century New Mexican Ranch, Katherine A. Albert
Archaeology of Disease and Medicinal Practices in 18th-Century Boston, Massachusetts, Kaitlyn N. Ball
Spaces of Time: An Archaeological Perspective on the Deborah Newman Homesite, Gary L. Ellis
More Than Just a School: Medicinal Practices at the Abiel Smith School, Dania D. Jordan
Creating Community: Examining Black Identity and Space in New Guinea, Nantucket, Jared Muehlbauer
“A Permanent Blemish…in the Centre of the Village": Archaeology and Heritage Tourism on Burial Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Justin A. Warrenfeltz
Theses from 2020
Useful Materials: PXRF Analysis of 17th-Century Flat Glass from Plymouth Colony, Grace E. Bello
Small Towns and Mining Camps: An Analysis of Chinese Diasporic Communities in 19th-Century Oregon, Jocelyn Lee
Form, Function, and Context: Lithic Analysis of Flaked Stone Artifacts at a 17th-Century Rural Spanish Estancia (LA 20,000), Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Clint S. Lindsay
“We May Have Profitable Commerce And Trade Together”: An Analysis of 17th-Century Ceramics in Plymouth Colony, Elizabeth G. Tarulis
Small Scale Ironmaking in Viking Age Skagafjörður, North Iceland, Nicholas Zeitlin
Theses from 2019
Comales and Colonialism: An Analysis of Cuisine and Ceramics on a 17th-Century New Mexican Estancia, Adam C. Brinkman
Cultures and Comfort: A Study of Personal Adornment at Avery's Rest, Julianne Danna
Set in Stone: Recontextualizing the Lithic Assemblage of a Seventeenth-Century Storage Cellar in Charlestown, Massachusetts, Anna M. Greco
Exploring the Social and Environmental Conditions of 17th-Century Estancias in New Mexico, Stephanie Hallinan
Eat This in Remembrance: The Zooarchaeology of Secular and Religious Sites in 17th-Century New Mexico, Ana C. Opishinski
Social Movements and Charitable Dress: An Examination of 19th Century Adornment at the Industrial School for Girls in Dorchester, Massachusetts, Madelaine A. Penney
Potters' Norms: Examining the Social Organization of Ceramic Production of Panamanian Majolica and Criolla Wares in Panama la Vieja (1519-1673), Jean-Sebastien Pourcelot
Regional Variation in Grass, Sedge, and Cereal Cultivation During the Viking Age in Skagafjörður, North Iceland, Melissa M. Ritchey
Environments Explored: An In-Depth Analysis of Soil Movement in Northern Iceland, Lauren Welch O'Connor
Theses from 2018
“There are Among the Coloured People of this Place Remains of the Nantucket Indians:” Identity through Ceramics at the Boston-Higginbotham House, Victoria Anne Cacchione
An Analysis of Form and Function of Ceramic Rim Sherds from LA 20,000, A 17th Century Estancia Outside Santa Fe, New Mexico, Caitlin M. Connick
Community Through Consumption: The Role of Food in African American Cultural Formation in the 18th Century Chesapeake, Alexandra Crowder
Palynological Investigations of Agropastoralism and Ecological Change at LA 20,000, New Mexico, Anya Gruber
“The True Spirit of Service": Ceramics and Toys as Tools of Ideology at the Dorchester Industrial School for Girls, Sarah N. Johnson
Corporeal Expressions of Identity at Sylvester Manor, Shelter Island, New York, 1652-1735, Elise Nadia Kline
Understanding Epidemic and Encampment: Yellow Fever and the Soldiers of Smallpox Bay, Bermuda, Leigh Koszarsky
A Century of Ceramics: A Study of Economic Engagement on the Eastern Pequot Reservation in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Kelton M. Sheridan
Military and Economic Power in the Structuring of the Barbados Landscape, Ashby M. Sturgis
Quantifying the Reliability of Ground Penetrating Radar at Archaeological Sites, Joseph Trebilcock
Tools of Teaching: Metal at Magunkaquog, Nadia E. Waski
Theses from 2017
A Diachronic Archaeology of Piscataway Displacement, 1680-1743, Alex J. Flick
Household Activities and Areas: A Reanalysis of the John and Priscilla Alden First Home Site, Caroline Gardiner
Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Tracing Fuel Use and Landscape Change on the Eastern Pequot Reservation 1740-1850, Kalila Herring
Negotiating Space and Maintaining Place: Time, Materiality, and Lived Experience at Stewart Indian School, Jessica R. Hughston
Identity Behind Glass: The Second Gore Place Greenhouse, Sean P. Romo
Smoking as a Form of Persistence in a Christian Nipmuc Community, Jessica Ann Rymer
Systems of Sheep Husbandry at Stóra-Seyla in Northern Iceland, Katherine R. Wagner
Theses from 2016
Fashioning Identity: An Analysis of Consumption and Production Activity at a Nipmuc Farmstead, Allison K. Carlton
Chase Home for Children: Childhood in Progressive New England, Katherine M. Evans
Measured Resistance: A Black Feminist Perspective on the Domestic Reform Movement, Carolyn Horlacher
'Improvement the Order of the Age': Historic Advertising, Consumer Choice, and Identity in 19th Century Roxbury, Massachusetts, Janice A. Nosal
The Martha's Vineyard Experience: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Diet and the Local Ecology, Richie Roy
Ceramic Consumption in a Boston Immigrant Tenement, Andrew J. Webster
Theses from 2015
Native Interactions and Economic Exchange: A Re-Evaluation of Plymouth Colony Collections, Kellie J. Bowers
Environmental Dimensions of Colonial Settlement: A Palynological Investigation of La Cienega, New Mexico, Kyle W. Edwards
Deep Coring, Viking Age Accumulation Rates and Household Wealth in Skagafjörður, Northern Iceland, Eric D. Johnson
Living the History: The Role of Archaeology in the Interpretation of the Wampanoag Homesite at Plimoth Plantation, Meredith P. Luze
Connecting Networks of History and Heritage at America's Oldest Seaport, Kimberly Montoni
Ubiquitous and Unfamiliar: Earthenware Pottery Production Techniques and the Bradford Family Pottery of Kingston, MA, Martha L. Sulya
Theses from 2014
Orchard House and the Making of Little Women, Allison Conner
Disturbed But Not Destroyed: New Perspectives on Urban Archaeology and Class in 19th century Lowell, Massachusetts, Katelyn M. Coughlan
Altered Lives, Altered Environments: Creating Home at Manzanar Relocation Center, 1942-1945, Laura W. Ng
Final Rest at the Hilltop Sanctuary: The Community of Mount Gilead AME Church, Meagan M. Ratini
Seeing Red: Characterizing Historic Bricks at Sylvester Manor, Long Island, NY 1652-1735, Martin John Schmidheiny
From Horse to Electric Power at the Metropolitan Railroad Company Site: Archaeology and the Narrative of Technological Change, Miles Shugar
Changing Environments and Economies: A Comprehensive Zooarchaeological Study of the Eastern Pequot, Courtney Williams
Theses from 2013
Cultural Continuity in a Nipmuc Landscape, Joseph Bagley
Understanding Slave Subsistence in the Context of Changing Agricultural Practices: Paleoethnobotany at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, Samantha J. Henderson
Architectural Debris and Construction Sequencing at an 18th-Century Rural Native American Household in Connecticut, Timothy D. Hollis
"On Long Run Under the Blue Hills": An Archaeology of Tenancy on the Pennsylvania Frontier, Thomas J. Kutys
Spatial Analysis and Subsurface Survey at a 19th-Century Eastern Pequot Site in Connecticut, Starla C. Lane
"Put That In Your Pipe and Smoke It": An Exploratory Study of Native American Ceramic Tobacco Pipes at the James Fort Site in Virginia Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence, Michael S. Ligman
The Huguenot Home: Consumption Practices and Identity in Early 18th-Century New York City, Theodor M. Maghrak
Residence, not Confinement: Daily Life at the Westport Town Farm, Westport, Massachusetts, Joshua Loyal Stewart
Whitehall: Newport's History in a House, Katherine Malone Tarascio
Indigenous Cuisine: An Archaeological and Linguistic Study of Colonial Zapotec Foodways On The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Michelle R. Zulauf
Theses from 2012
Comparing Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Techniques in 18th-Century Yard Spaces, Christiane Marie Carducci
Subsistence in the Shrinking Forest: Native and Euro-American Practice in 19th-Century Connecticut, William A. Farley
Bound in Stone: A Landscape and Architectural Analysis of the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation Reservation, Connecticut, Sarah LeAnn Hasho
Household Spaces: 18th- and 19th-Century Spatial Practices on the Eastern Pequot Reservation, Anna Katharine Hayden
Growing Up a Washington: Childhood in 18th-Century Virginia, Heidi Elizabeth Krofft
Sheep and Wool in Nineteenth-Century Falmouth, MA: Examining the Collapse of a Cape Cod Industry, Leo Patrick Ledwell
Firearms Curation in Late Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth Century Maritime Contexts: A Comparative Study, Edward John Rodley
Bones in the Landfill: A Zooarchaeological Study from Faneuil Hall, Linda M. Santoro