
Ballroom C, Campus Center, University of Massachusetts Boston

Start Date

16-6-2015 9:30 AM

End Date

16-6-2015 10:45 AM


This session will focus on assessing and identifying medical conditions that may impact one’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. The session will include information on Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, changes in vision, reaction time, and cognition.


Jun 16th, 9:30 AM Jun 16th, 10:45 AM

Plenary Session I – Medical Track: Identifying Medically At-Risk Drivers

Ballroom C, Campus Center, University of Massachusetts Boston

This session will focus on assessing and identifying medical conditions that may impact one’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. The session will include information on Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, changes in vision, reaction time, and cognition.