

A case study involving the establishment of a connectivist massive open online course (cMOOC) at a college of education is presented. cMOOCs are seen to represent an approach to learning that should be of interest to educators preparing their learners (the teachers of tomorrow) for life and work in a knowledge society. In other words, the cMOOC becomes an example of innovation and change, and an object of inquiry into organizational change and leadership. The chapter examines the case of establishing a cMOOC at the college using a methodology for analyzing organizational transformation triggered by the adoption of computing technologies. The organizational voices arising from this case study echoed a disruptive nature of the cMOOC idea as something that might break the boundaries of the institution while the locus of control moves from the official representative inside the institution to the students, websites and people outside. Although the analysis is based on data gathered from stakeholders in a specific higher education institution, it has implications for understanding organizational transformations in light of technological innovation that reach far beyond the specific college of education.


MOOC, development, cMOOC, Open Education, Online Learning



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