This collection contains open access and campus access dissertations, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access dissertations is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access dissertations is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this dissertation through resources like Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global or through Interlibrary Loan.
Dissertations from 2024
Meeting the Emotional Needs of Hospice Patients: A Mixed-Methods Study, Katherine Frances Carelli
Hypertension Awareness, Treatment and Control in Working Aged American Adults: Analysis of Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011-2020, Carol Civello Connolly
Peritoneal Dialysis Nurses' Knowledge, Values, and Implementation of Clinical Guidelines of Pre-Dialysis Education and Evidence-Based Practice, Sumayah Fatane
A Case for Health Promotion in Social Media: A Mixed Method Systematic Review of Cardiac Heterotaxy YouTube Videos, Kathryn Franklin
Unraveling the Opioid Crisis in Urban Centers: Policy Approaches and Community Strategies to Address Overdose Deaths in Boston, MA, Evans F. Kyei
Second Victim Phenomenon Among Obstetric Nurses in the U.S.: An Interpretive Description, Lynne Frances Lambert
Second Victim Phenomenon Among Obstetric Nurses in the U.S.: An Interpretive Description, Lynne Frances Lambert
Family Engagement on Neuroscience Units with Post-Covid Visiting Policies: A Retrospective Chart Review, Jennifer D. Morgan
Dissertations from 2023
Teaching Social Determinants of Health: The Effect of Simulation Based-Education, Semiha Asli Bozkurt
Examining the Interplay of Online Health Information-Seeking Behaviors, Health Literacy, Self-Efficacy and Health Behaviors Among Marginalized Women, Grace Derboghossian
Influence of Cognitive Performance on Pain Management Among Older Adults with Chronic Pain, Pornthip Suyasith
Dissertations from 2022
The Relationship Between Nursing Quality and Patient Experience in Acute Care Settings, Julie Ann Cronin
Understanding Nurse Practitioners' Contributions in Shaping Healthcare, Barbara Ann Cuccovia
The Relationship Between Cancer Beliefs and Attitudes With Breast and Cervical Cancers Screening Among Minority Women in the U.S. (2014-2019), Ahdab F. Eskandar
Implementing the Caregiver Advise, Record and Enable (Care) Act Law: A Case Study in Massachusetts, Louise E. Ford
Implementation of the Massachusetts Policy on Youth Sport-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries: Perceptions of Key Personnel at Massachusetts Public and Charter Schools, Gretchen Anderson Kilbourne
Cervical Cancer Screening Behavior Among Women in Malawi: With a Specific Focus on the HPV Screening Test, Deogwoon Kim
Resilience of Saudi Critical Care Nurses: The Impact of Job Stress, Peer/Coworker Support, and Organizational Support, Salwa Mohammad Maghrabi
Associations Between Concepts of the Family Management Style Framework, and Measures of Child Adherence to Treatment for Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Heather Harker Ryan
Factors Associated With College Men’s Sexual Behaviors, Sarin Tapalyan
Dissertations from 2021
Health Related Quality of Life Among People Experiencing Homelessness: The Impact of Substance Use, Access to Care and Trauma Informed Care, Kimberlee Flike
Nurses’ Documentation Burden and its Role in Clinician Burnout Syndrome, Emily Jean Gesner
Fatigue Among Pediatric Critical Care Nurses, Sarah A. Smith
Dissertations from 2020
The Relationship Between Palestinian College Women’s Pubertal Education and their Menstrual Experience, Maysa H. Al Usta
Risk Factors Contributing to the Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia among Preterm Infants, Caitlin E. Bradley
Social Networks, Social Influence, and Socio-Structural Factors Associated with Arab Adults’ Tobacco Use in the U.S., Sabreen Darwish
The Role of Clinical Research Nurses in Minority Recruitment to Cancer Clinical Trials, Kristen A. Legor
The Impact of Social Support on the Relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Family Functioning among Women Veterans, Chizoba C. Nwosu
Employed Mothers’ Satisfaction with the Breastfeeding Provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Rebecca A. Penders
Experiences of Self-Reported Bullying in Minority Nurses within Acute Care Hospital Workplace Settings, Ekta Srinivasa
The Medicare Home Health Program: An Analysis of the Community Admissions Cost Containment Policy, Alan G. Wright
Role of Health Information Technology in the Engagement Process of Older Adults' Cancer Treatment Decision Making, Maryum Zaidi
Oral Self-Care, Periodontal Health, and Glycemic Control Among Adults with Diabetes in the United States, Yuqing Zhang
Dissertations from 2019
Do Race and Ethnicity Influence Turnover Intention in Newly Licensed Registered Nurses?, Mary Susan L. Howlett
Pediatric Critical Care Nurses' Use of an Evidence-based Pressure Injury Prevention Clinical Practice Guideline, Lindyce Ann Kulik
Five Year Follow-Up of a Cohort of Women with Precancerous Lesions of the Cervix in Cameroon, Simon M. Manga
Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women Living with HIV/AIDs in Malawi: A Cross-sectional Study, Jasintha Mtengezo
The Effects of Maternal Education and Healthcare Utilization on Childhood Undernutrition in Post-Conflict Liberia, Jonathan Padua
Measuring Nurses’ Health Policy Participation: WSPPIR Theory and Instrument Development, Ashley W. G. Waddell
Dissertations from 2018
Parental Uncertainty and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Cancer, Ijeoma Julie Eche
Correlates of Breast Cancer Screening in Arab Muslim Women Living in the United States: A Health Policy Study, Fatma Zohra Mataoui
Factors Associated with Alcohol Consumption among Thai Students, Somporn Sitthisongkram
Conscientious Objection by Massachusetts Nurses, Lori Stevens
Dissertations from 2017
Pediatric Nurses’ Knowledge, Values, and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice and Use of Two Patient Safety Goals, Linda Connor
School Nurses' Awareness and Attitudes Towards Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Mixed Methods Study, Hannah E. Fraley
I Want To Know More about the HPV Vaccine': Stories by Korean American College Women, MinJin Kim
Dissertations from 2016
Impact of Dog Visitation on a Hospitalized Child's Mood, Aimee Carew-Lyons
The Effects of Acculturation on Mammography Use of Haitian Immigrant Women, Dany Michaella Hilaire
Dissertations from 2015
Impact Of Parental Stress On Asthma Management Behaviors And Health Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis Of Inner City School-Aged Children, Amanda Constance Green
School Nurse Pain Assessment Practices for Students with Mild to Profound Special Needs, Brenna L. Quinn
Factors Associated with Medical Home Quality and Parent Perceptions of Health Related Quality of Life (Hrqol) in School-Age Children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), Kristine M. Ruggiero
Relationship between Maternal Self-Reported Subjective Experience and Observed Maternal Gaze and Affect at 16, 24, and 43 Weeks Postpartum: The Case for Multiple Measurements, Semira Semino-Asaro
Pain Qualities and their Persistence in the Elder Population, Manu Thakral
Dissertations from 2014
Individual, Disease, and Work-Related Factors Associated with Work Patterns, Presenteeism and Sick Pay Policy of the Colorectal Cancer Survivor after Treatment, Kristin A. Roper
Dissertations from 2013
Racial Disparities in Health-Related Quality of Life Following Lung Cancer Surgery, Hermine Poghosyan
Dissertations from 2012
Nurse Manager Leadership in Unionized Acute Care Hospitals in Massachusetts, Staff Nurse Empowerment and Retention, Joe-Ann Maria Fergus
Influences of Health Insurance and Primary Care on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Black Women in Boston, Gail Barlow Gall
Diffusion of the EGFR Assay: The Underutilization and the Urban/Rural Divide, Julie Ann Lynch
The Associations of the Level of School Wellness Policy Implementation and School Nurse Activities to Weight Status of School Children in Massachusetts, Mary Jane F. O'Brien
Nurses' Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators Affecting the Shaken Baby Syndrome Education Initiative: An Exploratory Study of a Massachusetts Public Policy, Leslie Carol Rideout
Dissertations from 2011
The Relationship between Distance to Care and Readmission for Reintervention Following Lower Extremity Arterial Bypass: An Exploratory Study, Kathleen P. Hickson
Dissertations from 2010
The Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Program: An Exploratory Study, Charles R. Alexandre
Impact of Social Environmental Factors on Re-Hospitalization of Home Healthcare Elderly Patients, Hong Tao