New England Journal of Public Policy | Vol 30 | Iss 1

Volume 30, Issue 1 (2018) Wealth, Power, and the Public Interest: Building Equity Culture and Civic Stewardship | Select writings by Marcy Murninghan

America faces a reckoning, a crucible of what Reinhold Niebuhr observed more than eighty years ago. Our democratic principles and traditions are imperiled by the power of financial oligarchs and unfettered money flows, which have contributed to massive inequality that, in turn, has given rise to political unrest and a sense of cultural unmooring. The articles presented here are both descriptive and normative, setting forth a complex social problem with seemingly bottomless proportions and then offering a design or set of remedial actions to alleviate them. Drawing on my professional experience going back to the mid-1970s, I wrote these pieces to generate new knowledge, new capabilities, and new vistas that open opportunities for growth and well-being—all the while knowing that no problems ever can be solved permanently and that sometimes solutions in one era become new problems in another.

Woven throughout are issues related to racism, gender disparities, wealth and income gaps, criminal justice reform, the double-edged sword of digital technologies, and how best to create a culture of equity and civic stewardship that moves us forward.

Excerpt from Marcy Murninghan's introduction to: "Wealth, Power, and the Public Interest: Building Equity Culture and Civic Stewardship."

Front Matter

Editor's Note


Editor’s Note
Padraig O’Malley



Marcy Murninghan


Padraig O'Malley
Managing Editor
Nancy Riordan
Copy Editor
Debby Smith