
Volume 25, Issue 1 (2013)

This issue of the journal publishes the proceedings of the two “Youth at Risk” seminars the Family Impact Institute conducted at the Massachusetts State House in April 2012 and March 2013, for state policy makers, including legislators, legislative aides, the governor’s staff, and agency representatives. What makes these seminars unique is that they focus researchers’ attention on what policy makers want and not on what researchers think they should want.

Among the hardest hit by the recession were the poor, whose numbers swelled when tens of thousands of the new jobless and their families joined them. Many of these families, who were previously among the middle class, had lost their homes. And among these families, children and young people were most vulnerable to the deleterious impact of economic free fall, the most difficult to protect, and, for those who were employable, the hardest to find economic opportunities for. The articles in this series address the overall well-being of youth, youth unemployment, online sexual predators, transracial adoption of children in foster care, food insecurity among children, and homeless children and their families. At first glance, these subjects may not all seem to be related, but the authors skillfully weave the findings of their research in these areas to pinpoint the interrelationships.

Front Matter

Editor's Note


Editor's Note
Padraig O’Malley



Trends in Youth Victimization and Well-Being, and Implications for Youth Policy
Lisa M. Jones, David Finkelhor, Rashmi Nair, and Michelle Collett


Transracial Foster Care and Adoption: Issues and Realities
Fern L. Johnson, Stacie Mickelson, and Mariana Lopez Davila


Online Predators: Myth versus Reality
Janis Wolak, Lindsey Evans, Stephanie Nguyen, and Denise A. Hines


Global and Local Youth Unemployment: Dislocation and Pathways
Ramon Borges-Mendez, Lillian Denhardt, and Michelle Collett


Children and Homelessness in Massachusetts
Donna Haig Friedman, Katherine Calano, Marija Bingulac, Christine Miller, and Alisa Zeliger


Food Insecurity among Children in Massachusetts
Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, Deborah A. Frank, Maya Pilgrim, Maria Buitrago, Anna Voremberg, Harris Rollinger, and Denise A. Hines


Appointment at Bu Dop
Brian Wright O'Connor


Padraig O'Malley
Managing Editor
Nancy Riordan
Copy Editor
Debby Smith