Volume 21, Issue 2 (2007) Special Issue: Climate, Water and Oil
This issue of the New England Journal of Public Policy that deals with issues of climate change, oil, and water and the interconnection of the three with the future of the planet.
Initially our topic was conceived as “Oil & Water” only. We planned to present the proceedings of an Institute for Global Leadership symposium held at Tufts University in 2005. There was then still a debate about global warming, although the Kyoto Treaty was in place. But without the world’s preeminent manufacturer of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the United States (20 percent of the total emissions with 5 percent of the world’s population) as signatory, Kyoto lacks the political muscle to ensure implementation and thus is more often praised for its spirit than for what it has achieved.
But with the publication on February 2, 2007, of the final report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “all has changed, changed utterly.” The report’s findings are “unequivocal,”— the word that six hundred scientists from forty countries used to express their consensus and their certainty: Global warming is manmade, due to greenhouse emissions primarily from burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, and gas — that cause the atmosphere to burn and from deforestation. Unless addressed with urgency and at a global level with the cooperation of the world community, Homo sapiens could face a Toba of a far greater magnitude than the previous one, putting the future of Homo sapiens himself at risk. We are, after all, just a species, and susceptible to the same extinction we have wreaked on others. Perhaps it is fitting, given our disregard for the fate of other species separated from us by miniscule amounts of DNA, that it is our species who may allow other more adaptable species to inherit a vastly different earth.
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Editor's Note
Padraig O'Malley
Climate. Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change
Nicholas Stern
Climate. Renewables: Old Problem, New Answers
Michael Eckhart
Water. Commons or Commodity?: The Future of Water
Marcia Brewster
Water. The Geopolitics of Water
Paul Michael Wihbey and Ilan Berman
Water. New Waters and New Life
Juan Enriquez
Water. Global Water Outlook to 2025: Averting an Impending Crisis
Mark W. Rosegrant, Ximing Cai, and Sarah A. Cline
Water. World Water, A Crisis of Global Governance?
Robert Weiner
Oil. The Geopolitics of Oil and Iraq
Issam al-Chalabi
Oil. Changing Geopolitics of Oil in Asia & the USA
Jay Hein, John Clark, Robert Ebel, Dong Hyung Cha, and Richard Lotspeich
Oil. Seeking Peace in the Niger Delta: Oil, Natural Gas, and Other Vital Resources
Darren Kew and David L. Phillips
Oil. The Geopolitics of Oil and Natural Gas
Alan Larson
Fueling the Superpowers: Russia as a Player in World Energy
Theresa Sabonis-Helf
Fueling the Superpowers: What Role for Iran?
Hossein Askari
Back Matter

- Editor
- Padraig O'Malley
- Managing Editor
- Patricia Peterson