New England Journal of Public Policy | Vol 13 | Iss 1

Volume 13, Issue 1 (1997) Workforce Development: Health Care and Human Services

This special issue of the journal, "Workforce Development: Health Care and Human Services," focuses on a range of problems in the health care and human service fields from a perspective that is, to say the least, frequently neglected in public policy discussion — the perspective of their workforces and the labor organizations that represent them. In many respects, the questions the articles address are a microcosm of the problems that will daunt us in the future, daunt us even more because, in a world of limited choices, denial has a special utility: by allowing us to evoke the unpalatable, it allows us to postpone the inevitable, and in a society that measures the long run in terms of the length of a football season, kicking for safety is invariably preferable to moving the goal posts.

Front Matter

Editor's Note


Editor's Note
Padraig O'Malley



Andrés Torres and James Green


Nursing: A New Day, A New Way
Lin Zhan and Jane Cloutterback


Distance Learning in Retrospect
Kathryn C. Cauble, Judith D. Burnett, and S. Suzanne Roche

Back Matter


Padraig O'Malley
Copy Editor
Geraldine C. Morse
Design Coordinator
Ruth E. Finn