Volume 11, Issue 2 (1996) Latinos in a Changing Society, Part II
This issue of the New England Journal of Public Policy is devoted to further consideration of the public policy implications of specific topics that are of concern to the Latino community and in need of urgent redress. This must be a priority if the United States is not to find itself hopelessly mired in the ramifications, blithely ignored at the end of the twentieth century, of the complexities the changing ethnic composition of the country will create in the opening decades of the twenty-first century.
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Editor's Note
Padraig O'Malley
Understanding Latino Ethnic Identity Development: A Review of Relevant Issues
Azara Rivera-Santiago
Beyond Affirmative Action: An Inquiry into the Experiences of Latinas in Academia
Martha Montero-Sieburth
The Educational Achievement of U.S. Puerto Ricans
Katharine M. Donato and Roger A. Wojtkiewicz
Family Development in Cultural Context: Implications for Prevention and Early Intervention with Latino Families
Ester R. Shapiro
Puerto Ricans' Access to Health Care
Ralph Rivera
Premature Mortality among U.S. Puerto Ricans, 1989
Annette B. Ramirez de Arellano
The Health Status and Lost Earnings of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Women
Janis Barry Figueroa
Back Matter

- Editor in Chief
- Padraig O'Malley
- Guest Co-editor
- Martha Montero-Sieburth
- Guest Co-editor
- Ralph Rivera
- Managing Editor
- Clyde W. Barrow
- Assistant Managing Editor
- Robert Hackey
- Copy Editor
- Geraldine C. Morse
- Design Coordinator
- Dietmar Winkler