Date of Award
Document Type
Campus Access Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
English/Creative Writing
First Advisor
Askold Melnyczuk
Second Advisor
John Fulton
Third Advisor
Hugh C. O'Connell
This is a novel excerpt from Ernesto Bodhi, Your Best Isn’t Good Enough. Ernesto Bodhi is a veteran dealing with the aftermath of his nephew’s suicide. Because he suffers from depression, and he has attempted suicide on a couple of occasions, he wonders why he’s still alive while his nephew is not. It’s about family, relationships, war, and what it takes to stay alive after a lifetime of neglect from outside sources and towards his self.
Recommended Citation
Diaz, Jose F., "Ernesto Bodhi, Your Best Isn’t Good Enough" (2019). Graduate Masters Theses. 559.
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